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Damage Stability

Absence of hull damage

Stability is calculated still in the usual way by using added
mass and making allowance for free surface liquid.
Without hull damage, the ships arrangement is still not
revised and the principles of every spaces is still in that
The calculation will be normal without hull damage on the

Bilging and Flooding

Freesurfacemoments for rectangular compartment that is
flooded by saltwater is approximated by multiplying the
length by the cube of breadth and the density of salt water
divided by 12.
Free Surface Moment = Length x Breadth^3 x 1.025


Loss of bouyancy
When compartment is holed the ship will sink deeper in
water until intact colume displaces waater equivalent to
the mass od the ship and its contents.
Loss of buoyance of a holed compartment is the mass of
water entered the compartment up to the original
waterline after the appearance of hole.
It is computed by the volume of compartment multiplied
by the permeability of the compartment.

1. SF = 45 lb/ft3
Density: 3
2. SF = 47 lb/ft3
Density: 1.5
2. SF = 46.5 lb/ft3 Density: 2.7

Loss of bouyancy
If the lost buoyancy is greater than the reserve buoyancy,
that means that the ship is already sinking.
The draft will be until the top of the upper deck.
The reserve buoyancy cant support the lost buoyancy due
to hole/s in compartment/s.

Movement of points and

The center of buoyancy moves to the centre of immersed portion of the

ship because of the flooding and bilging.

The sinkage is of ship considered flooding and bilging that is caused by
the holes and damages in the hull of the ship.
The center of buoyancy is depending on the immersed part of the
Height of centre of buoyancy above the keel increases by about half the
increase in draught due to flooding.
According to the stability, The centre of Gravity and displacement is
remained unchanged.

Due to the separation of centre of gravity and centre of

buoyancy of the upright ship, the heeling arm is produced
that cause the ship heeled in a side on which the centre of
buoyancy is concentrated.

The are of the intact waterplane is reduced by the area of the flooded spaces
at the level of the flooded waterline multiplied by the permeability of the
Reduction of WPA leads to a reduction in the 2 nd moment of area BM=I/V ,
wherein BM of a ship is generally less when bilged that when intact.
According to the stability notes of damage stability, the compartment flooded
is not anymore considered a part of the ship if the hole is in the waterline or
the water is going in and out.
Flooded space is entirely below waterline there is no reduction in intact
waterplane. The space is only considered to be loading additional weights on
the ship and still be considered part of the ship.

Calculate the increase in mean

Draft = Volume of lost buoyancy/ area of intact

1. Compartment 15x20x10
2. Compartment 20x25x15

TPC = 50
TPC = 70

GM changes due to chang in KB

and BM
Gm decreases because:

Large loss of intact WPA

intact buoyancy below flooded space
Flooded surface has a high permeability
GM increases because:
Bilging of empty double bottom tanks
Deep tanks that are wholly below the waterline

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