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How to connect MDB to Oracle AQ

based on the OTN docum entation:
First, create a schem a in a database:
connect / as sy sdba;
create user jmsuser identified by jmsuser;
Grant it required priviledges:
grant connect, resource to jmsuser;
Grant aq_user_role TO jmsuser ;
Grant ex ecute ON sy s.dbm s_aqadm TO jmsuser;
Grant ex ecute ON sy s.dbm s_aq TO jmsuser;
Grant ex ecute ON sy s.dbm s_aqin TO jmsuser;
Grant ex ecute ON sy s.dbm s_aqjms TO jm suser;
Next reconnect as jmsuser:
connect jmsuser / jm suser;
Create queue table and queue:
dbm s_aqadm.create_queue_table(
queue_table=>my QueueTable,
queue_payload_type=>'$_ jms_message',
dbm s_aqadm.create_queue(
queue_table=>'myQueueTable' );
Start the queue:
dbms_aqadm .start_queue(queue_ name=>'userQueue');
Start the Weblogic server and create a datasource pointing to the new queue (based on OTN
Select the Oracle Thin Driver.
Select the driver type based on the type of transactions required for AQ JMS:
o Select a non-XA based JDBC driver for use w ith AQ JMS in local transactions.
o Select a XA based JDBC driver for use with AQ JMS in either in global
transactions or in local transactions.
When configuring a data source for non-XA drivers, do not select the Supports Global
Transactions option. This release does not support non-XA JDBC driver data sources
with any of the global transaction options such as LLR, JTS, and Emulate Two-Phase
Commit. If the global transaction option is selected, the server instance logs a warning
message. Global transactions are suppor ted with XA-based JDBC dr ivers.
Configure the database user nam e and password in the data sour ce connection pool
configuration. Identity-based connection pools are not supported.
Create a JMS Sy stem Module
Create a JMS Foreign Serv er
In y our JMS Foreign Server configuration:
Specify oracle.jms.AQjmsInitialContextFactory as the JNDI Initial Context
Specify the datasource JNDI property which is the JNDI location of a locally bound WLS data source:
Click on Connection Factories tab and define a connection factory:
You have to provide only Name, Local JNDI Name and Remote JNDI Name attributes. Depending on the
connection factory ty pe (JMS interface) you want to choose you must provide one of the predefined
Remote JNDI Names:
Remote JNDI names for AQ JMS Connection Factories:
Remote JNDI Name JMS Interface
QueueConnectionFactory javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
TopicConnectionFactory javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
ConnectionFactory jav ax .jms.ConnectionFactory
XAQueueConnectionFactory javax.jms.XAQueueConnectionFactory
XATopicConnectionFactory s.XATopicConnectionFactory
XAConnectionFactor y jav ax .jm s.XAConnectionFactory

Next define a destination, for example:

Again, for Remote JNDI Name you need to use special notation as in table below:
AQ JMS Prefix Value of the JMS Interface
AQ JMS Prefix Value JMS Interface
Queues/<aq_queue_name> Javax.jms.Queue
Topics/<aq_queue_name> javax.jms.Topic
Where <aq_queue_name> is the name of AQ queue in the database
Sav e and activ ate changes
Next build your MDB. Open JDeveloper, choose New Application with Java EE Web Application
Accept all default settings on next couple of screens and finally click Finish
Right-click on the Model project, choose New and then Business Tier -> EJB -> Message-Driven Bean
Enter a bean name and previously defined JNDI nam e of the destination as a mapped name:
Accept all defaults untill y ou reach Finish
JDev eloper will generate a MDB class for you:
Add the name attribute to the MessageDriven annotation as follows:
@MessageDriven(name = "AQMDBTest", mappedNam e = "/jms/aq/userQueue")
Implement the onMessage method, for example:
public void onMessage(Message m essage) {
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
try {
Sy stem.out.println("AQMDBTest: text message "+((TextMessage)message).getText()+"
} catch (JMSException e) {
} else {
System.out.println("AQMDBTest: generic message "+message.toString()+" of type
"+m essage.getClass().getName()+" processed");
Open weblogic-ejb-jar.xm l and add the following configuration:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
<weblogic-ejb-jar xm lns:xsi=""
x si:schemaLocation=""
x mlns=" /ns/w eblogic/weblogic-ejb-jar">
<max -beans-in-free-pool>1</max-beans-in-free-pool>
<destination-jndi-nam e>/jms/aq/userQueue</destination-jndi-name>
<connection-factory-jndi-name>/jm s/aq/jmsCF</connection-factory-jndi-name>
Pay attention to use the same name in ejb-name element as in annotation in the bean class ! This
configures the connection-factory-jndi-name and points it to the connection factory defined in AQ
Foreing Server. If you want to choose XA datasource and XAQueueConnectionFactory you need to
define ONLY ONE bean in the pool, in other case you will get an error:
oracle.jms.AQjm sEx ception: Internal error: Cannot obtain XAConnection
weblogic.comm on.resourcepool.ResourceLimitException: No resources currently available in pool
JMSUserDS to allocate to applications, please increase the size of the pool and retry..
Deploy the application to Weblogic server.
Next use SQL/Plus to log in to the database (using jmsuser user) and try to enqueue some messages to
the queue:
create or replace
payload IN VARCHAR2 )
enqueue_options DBMS_AQ.enqueue_options_t;
m essage_properties DBMS_AQ.message_properties_t;
m essage_handle RAW (16);
user_ prop_ar ray$_jms_userproparray;
header$_jm s_header;
MESSAGE$_jms_ message;
:=$_agent ('', NULL, 0);
AGENT.protocol := 0;
user_ prop_ar ray :=$_jms_userproparray ();
:=$_jms_header (AGENT, '', 'aq1', '', '', '', user_prop_array);
:=$_jms_m essage.construct (0);
MESSAGE.set_ text (pay load);
MESSAGE.set_ user id ('Userid_if_ reqd');
MESSAGE.set_ string_property ('JMS_OracleDeliveryMode', 2);
--(header, length(message_text), m essage_text, null);
DBMS_AQ.enqueue (queue_name => 'userQueue', enqueue_ options => enqueue_options,
message_properties => message_properties, payload => MESSAGE, msgid => message_handle ); COMMIT;
PAYLOAD := 'Hello from AQ !';
Open the <serv er_name>.out file in the <domain_home>/servers/<server_name>/logs directory and
look for the text:
AQMDBTest: tex t message Hello from AQ ! processed
This indicates that y our MDB is working !

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