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CS 4813 Artificial Intelligence

Shahzad Rafiq
Dept. of Computer Science,
MAJU, Islamabad

03/20/10 1
Course Objectives
• Introduction to the basic principles, techniques,
and applications of Artificial Intelligence.
• Knowledge representation,
– logic, inferencing, problem solving, search algorithms,
game theory,
– perception, learning, planning, and agent design.

• Futuristic
– expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, robotics,
natural language processing, and computer vision.

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Major Contents
• Logic
– Propositional Calculus, Predicate Calculus
• Neural Networks
– Perceptrons, Back Propagation, Self Organization
• Fuzzy Logic
• Evolutionary Algorithms
– Genetic Algorithm
• Agent Based Approaches

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Reference Book
• Textbook: Russell S. and Norvig P.,
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach,
2nd Ed, Prentice Hall 2003.

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Assessment Criteria
• Quizzes 10%
• Assignments & Project 30%
• Presentation 10%
• Mid Terms 30%
• End Term 20%

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Artificial Intelligence?


03/20/10 6
What is Artificial Intelligence?
• What is AI?
• What is intelligence?
• What features/abilities do humans (animals?
animate objects?) have that you think are
indicative or characteristic of intelligence?

• abstract concepts, mathematics, language,

problem solving, memory, logical reasoning,
emotions, morality, ability to learn/adapt, etc…
03/20/10 7
Alternate Definitions (Russell + Norvig)
Like humans Not necessarily like humans

Systems that think like Systems that think rationally


Systems that act like Systems that act rationally



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Human intelligence
• Shall AI imitate (copy) humans or not?
• Advantage
– Humans are easy acknowledged exemplar of
• The Turing Test:
– A human interrogator: Communicates with a hidden
subject that is either a computer system or a human.
If the human interrogator cannot reliably decide
whether on not the subject is a computer, the
computer is said to have passed the Turing test.

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An application of the Turing Test

See Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas Hopper, and John
Langford. CAPTCHA: Using Hard AI Problems for Security. In

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Human intelligence
• Question: Is any System passing a turning
test is intelligent?

03/20/10 11
Computer vs Brain (2003)
Computer Human Brain
Computational Units 1 CPU, 108 gates 1011 neurons

Storage Units 1010 bits RAM 1011 neurons

1011 bits disk 1014 synapses

Cycle time 10-9 sec 10-3 sec

Bandwidth 1010 bits/ sec 1014 bits/ sec

Memory updates/ sec 109 1014

In general there are various reasons why trying to mimic humans might
03/20/10 12
not be the best approach to AI.
Imitate Human Intelligence or not?
• Lack of Knowledge - brain performance of
higher level processes
• Little information- for scientific
understanding of these processes
– Neuroscience has been very influential in
some areas of AI e.g.
• robotic sensing, vision processing, etc.

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• Alternative approach

• Precise mathematical notion- do the right thing

in any particular circumstance

– A precise mechanism for analyzing and

understanding the properties of this ideal behavior we
are trying to achieve.

– A precise benchmark against which we can measure

the behavior the systems we build.
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• Origin of Mathematical characterizations of rationality
such as
– logic (laws of thought) and
– economics (utility theory how best to act under uncertainty,
– game theory how self-interested agents interact

• But “No Silver Bullet“ solution exists

• We can study them and give exact characterizations of

their properties, good and bad.

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Computational Intelligence
• AI tries to understand and model intelligence as
a computational process.

• Thus we try to construct systems whose

computation achieves or approximates the
desired notion of rationality.

• Hence AI is part of Computer Science.

– Other areas interested in the study of intelligence e.g.,
– cognitive science: focuses on human intelligence.
related, but their central focus tends to be different

03/20/10 16
Alternate Definitions (Russell + Norvig)

Like humans Not necessarily like humans

Systems that think like Systems that think rationally

Systems that act like Systems that act rationally


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• Focus on acting rationally
– which has implications for thinking/reasoning
• Useful to think of intelligent systems as being agents,
– with their own goals
– or that act on behalf of someone (a “user”)

• An agent is an entity that exists in an environment and

that acts on that environment based on its perceptions of
the environment

• An intelligent agent acts to further its own interests (or

those of a user).
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perceives acts


• This diagram oversimplifies the internal

structure of the agent.
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prior knowledge user

Knowledge Agent Goals

• Require more flexible interaction with the environment, the
ability to modify one’s goals, knowledge that be applied
flexibly to different situations.
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Degrees of Intelligence
• Dream: Building an intelligent system as capable
as humans (Humanoids)

• Systems have been built which exhibit various

degrees of intelligence e.g.

• Development of useful formalisms and algorithms

for construction of “intelligent” systems.
– forms the foundation of our attempt to understand
intelligence as a computational process.

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A U.S. Marine Corps technician
prepares to use a telerobot to detonate
ASIMO, a humanoid robot a buried improvised explosive device
manufactured by Honda near Camp Fallujah, Iraq

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Artificial Intelligence

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Applied Areas


Expert Reasoning,
Systems Learning

o Disciplines
03/20/10 which form the core of AI- inner circle 24
o Fields which draw from these disciplines- outer circle.
Applied Areas
• Game Playing
– Deep Blue Chess program
beat world champion Gary
• Speech Recognition
– PEGASUS spoken language
interface to American Airlines'
EASY SABRE reservation
system, which allows users to
obtain flight information and
make reservations over the
03/20/10 25
Applied Areas
• Mathematical Theorem Proving
– Use of inference methods to prove new theorems.
• Natural Language Understanding
– AltaVista automated translation of web pages.
– Translation of Catepillar Truck manuals into 20
• (Note: One early system translated the English sentence "The
spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" into the Russian equivalent
of "The vodka is good but the meat is rotten.")

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Computer Vision
• Face recognition programs in use by banks,
government, etc.
• The ALVINN system autonomously drove a van
from Washington, D.C. to San Diego (all but 52 of
2,849 miles), averaging 63 mph day and night,
and in all weather conditions.
• Handwriting recognition, electronics and
manufacturing inspection, photo-interpretation,
baggage inspection, reverse engineering to
automatically construct a 3D geometric model.

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Expert Systems
• Application-specific systems that rely on
obtaining the knowledge of human experts in an
area and programming that knowledge into a

• DENDRAL, mass spectrometer interpreter

• MYCIN, modeling medical expert

• Microsoft Office Assistant:- customized help to

individual user
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Financial Decision Making
• Credit card companies, mortgage companies and
banks AI systems detect fraud
• expedite financial transactions like credit checks.
• profiles of customer usage patterns
• use profiles to detect unusual patterns take
appropriate action.

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Scheduling and Planning
• Automatic scheduling for manufacturing.
• American Airlines rerouting contingency
• European space agency planning and
scheduling of spacecraft assembly,
integration and verification

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Intelligent Robotics
• Robot Toys
– Aibo, I-Cybie, LEGO etc
• Robot Security
– Cye robot
• Robot Home Help
– Lawn mower, Vacuum cleaner etc

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Future: Autonomic Computing:
Concept CHOP

The Vision of Autonomic Computing, Jeffrey O.Kephart, David M.Chess, IBM Thomas J.Watson
03/20/10 32
Research, Retrieved on December 08, 2010,
AI Challenges
• Translating telephone
• Accident-avoiding car
• Home help robot
• Smart clothes
• Intelligent agents that monitor and manage
information by filtering, digesting, abstracting
• Tutors
• Self-organizing systems, e.g., that learn to
assemble something by observing a human do
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• Objectives of AI:
– Studies the design of systems that
{think, act} like {humans, rationally}.
• AI successful applications:
– decision making, expert systems, natural language
understanding, image processing.

• See Chapter 1 of Russell & Norvig.

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