Orkut Vs Facebook by Jagan

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Orkut vs Facebook
What Is Social Networking?
Social Networking
• Social Networking can be defined as any group
of people that share interest or activities
through a online website
• Share Friends
Example : Although you are
in the United States,
you could develop an
online friendship
with someone in Denmark.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus et

magna. Fusce sed sem sed magna suscipit egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus et
magna. Fusce sed sem sed magna suscipit egestas.
• Launched 22 January 2004
• Slogan Who do you know?
• Commercial? Yes
• Most popular website in Brazil than any other
• Available in 47 languages.
• Global Ranking –No.5
• Orkut Buyukkokten(the creator of Orkut) .
Do U Know?????????
1)This person has 13 assistants to monitor his
scrapbook & 8 assistants to monitor his friends-list.
He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about
85,000 scraps a day.
2) Brazilians use the Internet like crazy. Two-thirds of
Brazilian net users use Orkut.
3)Half of Google's revenue now comes from outside
the U.S
Why Brazilians???
• Easy to pronounce in portuguese.
• Yakult or “iogurte” (yogurt). Yakult is the Brazilian
version of the popular Japanese Yakult yogurt drink.
• Orkut’s color scheme is the same as the Brazilian
World Cup team’s away jerseys .
• Most Brazilians are sick of advertising. Outdoor
billboards, political radio infomercials, ads painted on
walls, cars driving around with loud speakers on top,
clapping their hands at the gate outside of the house –
referred to as Poluicao Visual.
Sticky Site
• Mark zuckerberg   founded facebook.
• His website's membership was initially limited to
harvard students, it later expanded further to include
any university student, then high school students,
and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over.
• The website currently has more than 300 million
active users worldwide.
• Facebook has met with some controversy.It has been
blocked in china.
• Annual revenue of 300 million usd.
• February 2004.
• Facebook received its first
investment of USD 500,000 in
june 2004 from paypal co-
founder peter thiel.
•  Followed by $12.7 million
in venture capital from accel
partners, and then
$27.5 million more
from greylock partners.
• A leaked cash flow statement
showed that during the
2005 fiscal year, facebook had
a net loss of $3.63 million.
Curious facts
• Within 4 years of launching Facebook, became the number 1
social networking site.
• The study showed that there were over 70 million daily active
users to the site.
•  Facebook decline the offer of both GOOGLE AND YAHOO.
• Eleventh Richest Man in the World Invests In Facebook
• Li Ka-shing this Chinese business tycoon. November 30, 2007
invested $60 million dollars.
• In March 2008, Facebook had over 500 full-time employees of
the company is now worth a easy $15 billion.
• orkut is in just 1% of the world market, especially in
india, while facebook n myspace are grabbing about
11.5 % of world market
• When you say "Online Social Networking"(OSN) So,
what makes people choose one over the other?
•  Geographic Location:  They move to or even decide
to tryout 'global' Facebook profile.
• Privacy: We believe Orkut offers more privacy
options than the 'Complete' and 'Open' OSN
• Other Applications: In this completely
stressful daily schedules, most people also
want some entertainment along with the OSN.
Playing short and interesting games is one of
the major time-pass people expect (as most
people into this OSN are youth). In this
quarter, Facebook definitely wins with total
majority against Orkut (of course, Orkut also
has applications, but i dont think not that
popular as in FB).
How They are Making Money??
• Orkut Buyukkokten( the creator of Orkut) gets
$12 when a person registers to this website.
• He also gets $10 when you add somebody as a
• He gets $8 when your friend’s friend adds you
as a friend & gets $6 if anybody adds you as a
friend in the resulting chain.
• He gets $5 when you scrap somebody & $4
when somebody scraps you.
• Orkut brought death for
Young Adnan, who was
kidnapped and then
murdered by his friends,
was a frequent Orkut visitor
and met them on the site.
This is not first of such
incidents; one may
remember the case of
Kaushumbi who was also
murdered by the guy she
met on orkut.
• Remember that once you post
information online, you can’t take it
back. Even if you delete the information
from a site, older versions exist on other
people’s computers.

“Think Twice act wise”



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