Evualtion Presentation

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By Jordan Davies

So in what way
does your media
product use, and
develop or
challenge forms
and conventions in
real media
Mise en Scene, like all horror
film, they use the location to
their advantage, we tried to link
our choice with “ Blair Witch
Project “ trying to use locations
in the woods to create a
atmosphere of horror. And not
using an artificial setting gives
the film a more naturalistic view.

We have chosen an unusual time setting for a

horror film you normally think horror = Night
time, yet we chose day time, so by this we can
use the naturalistic lighting to give the film a
better look, as if its more real, its no artificial
lighting its the sun.

In many film, soaps, when a character is

seen as vulnerable they use extreme close
ups to show the scared expressions, the
audience can link in through his
vulnerability .
Again Natural
lighting, natural
Scene 5 In Depth During this scene we
use of are using allot of rapid
surroundings to cuts of extreme close
create an ups of Estubuns face,
atmosphere. All by doing this we form
horror films use the atmosphere of “
location to there he is not alone, scary
advantage. atmosphere, like most
films in the horror
genre they use rapid
cuts to build up
elements of horror.

This scene we are using non diajectic sounds, again in most horror
film the use of suspense building music to create an atmosphere
towards the audience. We are using one pitch getting sharper and
sharper as the scene gets more intense. By doing this the audience
are already expecting something to happen but they don't know
when. This keeps them glued to the scene.

Here are “ Out of Signal’s “ two characters we have Peter and Estabun. In many films there aims
are for the audience to be able to link, connect with the character through many reasons, there
lives, personality, appearance, yet this would happen in a film, this is a 5 minute short film so
we have to get the audience to link in somehow, we decided emotion, scared, alone, vulnerable.
The dialogue used in the film, the audience cant really understand anything about the character,
yet through watching the film you gain the emotional understanding of them, scared, alone. The
audience are predicting there emotions. Through the scenes of the murder and the chase
emotion is used to create e a link.
Both character are established at the beginning of the film. But we don’t learn anything about
them throughout the film, we don't know who they are, what they do, therefore the audience
cannot connect with them.
Ancillary Tasks - - - Poster Design
In the
There is text background we
here. have woods,
symbolizing the
Black and white mono tone throughout location of the
the film poster, black and white film, misted
considered dark, dead colours. Linking background
in with the plot of the film. makes the
image more
The tile bold and mysterious and
red linking in with scary like the
the film itself, the film.
font links
perfectly into
how the films
genre is based Text on the
on and what it image is
stands for limited, its
short text with
One large a big meaning.
image in the Yet the big bits
front which are production
stands out the mentioning.
most. Its an
intimidation Title is a horror font, which links
image which in with the genre of the film. Its
Blood Splats used to co notates the short and bold easy to remember
symbolize death in our film genre of and stand out.
Ancillary Tasks ---- The review Article.
Like most film
Bold title like posters they have
all article’s to still shots of the film
catch the eye in progress which is
and state what what I intended to
it is about. include in mine.

Like the ones I

researched they
used one set
font all the way
through to
make it look
Review pages I
always have a
rating of some
kind, so I chose
to copy this and
add our
YouTube rating.

Include small images

linking to the article itself.
How effective is the
combination of your
ancillary texts and your
media product.
The Article Review
• From researching into magazine articles of various different genre’s from film to music. I
gained a view on how a article page should look once it has finished. Yet some of the reviews
I researched inspired me more than others. The basis of the reviews I read were about the
film itself, the directors, the actors, I chose a different aspect and chose the production of the
film. Most of the reviews I read were double page or more. Due to the amount of points they
had to get across. Like all double page spread they have a big images which overlaps from the
1st page to the 2nd page I took this on and applied my image. The images I used were perfect
for my article because we took production shots throughout our film just encase something
like this came up. So now we can use our images to our advantage. By doing that it makes it
look professional and can show the audience production going on. Like all reviews they have
minimal images and allot of text I took this on board and added 3 smaller images on
production. To then be annotated with detailed text like in all magazines.

How Would The ones I research were over a 4 page spread to make more points
You Chan
This? ge and more effective to the reader, I feel mine is really cramped and lacks
detail. So I would take on aboard a four page spread to make it more
effective and cleared of how I want it to come cross to the audience
Also the images I feel are too bland to bold possibly some light editing to
them to make them more appealing. Also in little black spaces on in the
images some light blood splats to be more creative. Yet in comparison to
last years I am very happy with it and I feel it looks very professional.
The Poster review.
• I researched into allot of different aspect of films from the genre horror. Many of them had a huge
symbolizing image, of maybe a character, a location or something that resembles to the plot in the
film. Such as in Cabin Fever there's a image in the middle of the cabin, the location of the film, yet
with our poster we decided to base it with characters involved in the film, and plot line parts. Such
as the murder of Estabun. The posters I researched in horror have minimal text, just short lines in
which stand out the most. The lines of text of the poster are in a font which links into the film genre
such as bloody fonts and creepy fonts links in with the genre horror. Yet our font in a distorted title
which links into our film name ‘out of signal’ . Like all title on film they are rather short and stands
out more. So we will be doing that with our poster. Ours is situated in the middle like most posters.
The backgrounds of the poster are dark colours such as red, black, white, grey connoting death,
scared and horror. The images are plan yet with the location behind blurred into the film, such as “
uninvited “ and “ cabin fever “ the woods are blended in. yet on our poster we are thought we
would put woods at the top like the “ Blair witch project but we thought characters linked in with
the film would be different. Yet the background itself is grey and white colour. Yet our images itself
are black and white and heavy contrasted and shadowed to make them stand out more with a
glowing affect and a outer shadow of blood to make them stand out more to the target audience,
these images are iconic screenshots from our film these screenshots will be accompanied by blood
splats to connatate death in our film. Such images as the murder, chase scene and just before
Estabun die’s. The poster itself looks like this….
How Woul
d You Cha
This? nge I am very pleased with the poster outcome. Yet only small details I would go back
and change, possibly a lil blood splats blurred into the main characters, the font
at the top of the actors and directors bits, in a more horror linking font, yet I tried
to make it as professional as I could and I think we have achieved this.
For my article. I like how I chose to stick with the colour
theme’s which I feel link into our film, the yellow and
black font meaning the “ don't cross tape “ black and
red to symbolize horror. I tried to link as much of the
conventions from my research into this so that it gave it
a more professional look. And from looking at this I
think I have accomplished this. The image’s used are
perfect for what the article is trying to out across, great
production shots to show our progress with brief
descriptions linking to the images, I feel that is a really
professional thing to do. I love the title to, I edited it abit
more than my group with a blended in blood effect,
which I think has made the article stand out more. The
images I like how I have positioned them with the red
border to make the stand out and I like how some
Or my poster. I like how I used colour to present our overlap the bigger image. I am pleased with my article
genre horror. With the poster I tried to link as many and I tried to make it look as professional as I could.
conventions from my research to make it look
professional, The images I have used are screenshots
from the film, they have been edited to stand out more
due to the poor quality they came out with. I used
embossed blood splats to make it stand out more, to
connatate death in our film, With the images in black
and white this gave me a chance enhance them with a
bloody looking shadow t make them stand out and add
colour to the poster. We also added the directors and
actors bit at the top of the poster like all poster to
make them look professional I really like how the
poster has turned out, its turned out better than we
planned and we think its very professional look on our
What Have You
Learned from your
audience feedback?
The Audience Feedback.
• After handing out our questionnaires were able to discover what our target audience really thought about
our film. They were all generally positive towards our film however many of them said that at the end the
car is going to slow. As the majority said this we will assess this issue to see if we can change our ending to
make it more fluent and believable. However they said the ending was unexpected and sudden and
generally created a few laughs as he is run over.

Everyone who took our questionnaire said they liked the film. the film scored an average of 8.4 on the first
question, a result we are very happy with and to get this response from the audience was also excellent.
However a weak point in the film you could say was the acting, scoring an average of 6.2 and this is an
issue because as our film is a thriller/horror film I think that facial expression and how the character reacts
creates allot of suspense. Allot of people liked the chase, in which the killer chases Peter down through the
woods. They liked the rapid cutting which helped the scene have fast paced action and along with the
sound effects also builds up allot of tension and leaves the viewer thinking about what is going to happen.
The strongest point of film was scored in the editing department with every score bar one scoring 10,
comments also said that because the editing was so good the film seemed to run fluently and helps
brandish out those few mistakes we made during the acting and other various things. We as a group also
decided that this was our strongest point and the quick cuts mixed with the dramatic music and sound
effects we were able to build up even more suspense and this is very important for our genre of our film
otherwise it would be dull and boring to watch. the music and sound effects also scored highly as
comments said that it fitted perfectly with our film.

From our audience feedback we gained a good insight into what can be improved on our film such as the
ending and acting, however there are many strongpoint's which we are pleased with.
So how did you use
new technologies in
the constructions
and research,
planning and
evaluation stages?
Technologies Of
Film Poster
To make Mine and Matthews film poster, we used the latest adobe
Photoshop, as an a level art student I know how to use various
parts of the programme. Yet we chose to experiment to see what
results come out the best. With images to put on, we decided to
lasso them out of the original to then cut them onto a a4 size
paper, once this was done we used the greyscale tool, to then
increase the brightness and contrast to make them stand out, we
though this wasn't enough so we used the threshold tool to give it
a more stencilled approach, once that had been done we looked
into detail we added an inner and outer glow to the images. To
then finish with a blood blurred shadow.
Once all images had been layered on, it was time for the title, we
already saved the title as a JPEG, and we tried to Put it straight
on and it didn't give the look we wanted, so we used the magic
wand to select key bits of the title once all we wanted was
selected we layered it as a brush tool and out it on, we put it on
twice overlapping to give it a shaky affect to link in with the title 2
Out Of Signal “ after that we still thought our poster was missing
So we looked on Google blood splats found ones we liked and
copied them across. We tried to lasso was to difficult so we
retuned to the magic tool and selected the blood splats bit by bit
and then layered in on our poster. To make the blood 3 d we
embossed it and added an inner glow to bring it off the page.
Once all of that was done we went on Microsoft word to add the
Texts to the top of the poster, and that the production on our
The Technologies Of Article
Last year I struggled using publisher and therefore
didn't come out with a good article, yet this year I
chose to stick to the stuff I know and created a
double page spread on Microsoft word to then print
out on a3. Ill start with the title. I used a website I
know that can do cool stuff to pictures its called,
www.lunapic.com by using this I uploaded the jpeg
of the title, and using the saved images of the blood
splats they have tool which allows you to blend to
images together I thought this would look great if
blood was splattered on the title and there's the
outcome. I think this adds great affect to the article.
The headings of the article was also made on
Lunapic. Lunapic offers you a wide range of fonts
yet I had to choose one that links to out film. So I
chose crime scene due to the news report at the
beginning and made all the titles on there. After this
step it was time to out images on the article. We
took production shots of our film and selected the
best ones. These shots are great as they link into
what my article is about, the production of the film. I
chose to add a thin red border around them and
overlap them into other stuff, I chose red to
connatate blood and horror genre. I chose the
colour scheme of black red and yellow because they
all symbolize the genre horror and connatate death
blood horror. To make the text I just chose text box’s
to add the texts into. And that the production of my
Technologies In Other Area’s
Blogger, This is what we all used to document the
progress on our work. This year I have felt more
confident using this site. And now know how to use
Scribd more effientailly. I know how to link video’s
from YouTube on my page. I have used more
features online that I did last year to make my blog
page more professional. Here’s the link to my page.


YouTube, we learnt how to upload video’s.

Not only just YouTube, from this we link into
other technologies like Digg it and stumble
upon, used these websites to improve our
audience views. By learning how to use other
sites aided the success of our video on
YouTube. Here a link to our channel. Feel
free to watch the bloopers.

From TheMedicMedia,
and Me The end.

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