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Nursing care of women with the disorders of the

reproductive system
• “gyne” or “gynaikos” – woman or female
• “logia” – study

• Study of the diseases of women

Gynecology of Infancy and Childhood

• Developmental defects
• Anomalies and diseases of the reproductive
organs in females from infants to elderly
• Preventive and therapeutic aspects
– Preventive aspects is not only desirable but more
of necessity
Developmental Considerations
• Infants/Children
– Anatomic consideration (size, shape, structure)
– Immature reproductive organs – special
– Possible emotional effect (Parental reaction plays
a role)
– Patience, reassurance, avoid things that will cause
pain (Personal competencies)
Developmental Considerations
• Geriatric Patients
– Menopause – stress
– Physical changes
• Atrophy of reproductive tract
• Vulva loses contour and tumescence
• Labia shrinks
• Vaginal mucosa becomes thinner and
• Uterus gets thinner and firm
• Ovaries – firm, small and atrophic
• Breast loose fullness and reveals
Developmental Considerations
– Subjective changes/symptoms
• Menopausal Dyspareunia
– Thinning of the vaginal mucosa, dec. function of mucus
secreting cervix and Bartholin’s glands (homologous to
bulbourethral glands in males = secretion of mucus)
• Hot flushes
– vasomotor phenomena limited to the upper part of the
thorax, head, and neck. Followed by redness and perspiration.
– Controlled with the use of estrogen, sedatives or both.
Nursing Management
• History taking
– Marital, sexual, obstetrical, surgical,
presenting illness
• Provision of privacy
– Curtains, lock room
• Prevention of infection
– Asepsis, use of sterile instruments in
• Physical preparation –positioning
and draping
Nursing Management
• Psychological preparation
• Association of organs with femininity
• Difficulty in accepting manipulation of these organs
• Be sensitive to feelings of patient, better preparation
• Confidentiality – only to health care team
• Encourage pt. to answer completely and as frank as
possible to questions of doctors
• Prepare for possible questions that she will be asked
Nursing Management
• Give patient the chance to think through her answers,
less pressure, more accurate info
• Explain procedures, tests to the patient
• Personal competencies of the nurse will help in making
the patient at ease
• Ventilation sessions – provide opportunity for the nurse
to correct misconceptions
• Privacy

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