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Marketing Research

Scientific Method and Research

Scientific Method
• Marketing is more an art than science
• Use of research makes marketing a
• Research might be substituted for
scientific method
• Also, Methods make some research more
scientific than others
• Traits that characterize scientific methods
– Validity and Reliability
Scientific methods in Physical
Science and Marketing
• Initially developed and used in physical
• Validity is more in physical science
• Marketing research can also have good
validity but validity questions can be subtle
• For reliability, physical science is more
scientific than marketing
• Control on conditions
Distinctions between Scientific and
Non Scientific Methods
• Objectivity of the investigator
• Accuracy of Measurement
• Continuing and Exhaustive nature of
Difficulties in applying Scientific
Methods in Marketing
• Investigator involved in use of result
• Imprecise Measuring devices
• Influence of Measurement Process on
• Time pressure for results
• Difficulties in using experiments to test
• Great complexities of subject
Marketing Research Process
• Specifying Research Objective
• Preparing the list of the needed information
• Designing the data collection project
• Selecting a sample type
• Determining sample size
• Organizing and carrying out the fieldwork
• Analyzing the collected data and reporting the
1. Specifying Research Objectives
• Define purpose
• Objective(s)

Problems in achieving scientific method:

• Uncleared objectives

Minimizing Potential Sources of Errors:

• Put objectives in written
• Healthy discussion b/w manager and researcher
• Once approved by both, freeze it.
2. Preparing the list of the needed
• Information need to fulfill objectives
• Depends upon objectives and situation

Problems in achieving scientific method:

• Busy schedule of Managers
• Communication gap b/w managers and researchers

Minimizing Potential Sources of Errors:

• Proper participation of manager and researcher
• Can anticipate the possible findings and respond
3. Designing the data collection
• Availability of the required information
• Go for secondary sources
• Collect data from the field

Problems in achieving scientific method:

• Use of inappropriate research design
• Respondents’ selection
• Wrong questions
• Deciding wrong scale

Minimizing Potential Sources of Errors:

• Select proper research design (exploratory or conclusive)
• Who should be interviewed and how
• Selecting proper sample size
• Incorporation of experiments
• Designing of data collection form
4. Selecting a Sample Type
• Generally marketers target large population
• Can be of two general categories
– Probability and non probability

Problems in achieving scientific method:

• Selection of proper sample

Minimizing Potential Sources of Errors:

• Properly defined groups, stores and other units of
• Decide carefully the sample types
5. Determining Sample size
• How large a sample to select
• Sample size can vary according to problem,
budget, accuracy etc.

Problems in achieving scientific method:

• Problem in selecting insufficient sample size

Minimizing Potential Sources of Errors:

• Can use the theory of sampling statistics
• Degree of accuracy
6. Organizing and carry out Field
• Selecting, training controlling and evaluating field force
• Focus on methods used

Problems in achieving scientific method:

• Check the validity of the work done
• Fieldworkers may not follow the instructions

Minimizing Potential Sources of Errors:

• Follow good practices in selection and training
• Use of standardize procedures to minimize errors
• Control on field workers
7. Analyzing the collected data and
reporting the findings
• Designing of collected data
• Tabulation and analysis and processing of
• Reporting, the end product
• Reporting will vary on nature of research
and audience
7. contd..
Problems in achieving scientific method:
• Careless in editing and coding
• Not correctly designing tables for data collected
• Poor reporting
Minimizing Potential Sources of Errors:
• Do tabulation and analysis carefully
• Use of proper techniques of analysis
• Present clearly and specifically

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