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Template Presentation for

Regional Toolkit
| at is c ?

‡ Cooperative effort between U.S. EPA, NPS, state

and local air agencies to collect, quality assure,
and transfer real-
real-time and forecast air quality
information to t e public

‡ Utilizes t e c  

c Ý

c Ý a national
reporting program t at links air quality levels to
cautionary ealt messages

‡ Fast and easy access for t e media to deliver

understandable air quality information t at will
elp t e public make good ealt - based
decisions about t eir daily activities
| y Air Quality?


Based on air quality

data from 2002,  




-- EPA 2002 Status   Ú Ú

and Trends Report   


| at¶s Available Now?




???     ?
Mow is it being used?
On Air



 and in Print

So | at¶s Next?

Expanded Air Quality Index



Expanded AQI Forecasting

|  Millions of people
|  Year--round monitoring & forecasting
air quality
|   Available for cities across t e U.S.
 Launc ed Nationally October 1
 T e same familiar 5- 5-color system




| y: Particle Pollution

‡ Microscopic particles in t e air

‡ Also called particulate matter,
PM, fine particles or aze
‡ Creates atmosp eric aze
‡ Comes from ve icle ex aust,
fires, industrial and agricultural
‡ Can be breat ed deep into t e
lungs and causes significant
ealt t reats
T e doctor says particle

‡ Aggravates lung disease including ast ma

‡ Aggravates eart disease including congestive
eart failure
‡ Resulting in:
± More premature deat s
± More admissions to ospitals
± More trips to emergency rooms
± More visits to doctors¶ offices
± More sc ool and work absences
± More symptom days
So | o¶s at Risk?

‡ People wit eart or lung disease

(including ast ma)
± Conditions make t em vulnerable
‡ Older adults
± Greater prevalence of eart and lung
‡ C ildren
± More likely to be active
± Breat e more air per pound
± Bodies still developing
| at can you s ow?
| at do you say?
c    ! "  # $ !% " #$ $  &   # % " #$# $  '!  
$#( %

Green ± Air quality is good Enjoy activities

Yellow People who are unusually Air quality is a concern for @  ' ' '#  $) 
sensitive to air pollution people who are unusually $# '$: Plan
sensitive to air pollution strenuous activities when air
quality is better

Orange People with heart or lung Air quality is unhealthy for  $) & ': Cut
disease (including asthma), people in sensitive groups back or reschedule
older adults, and children strenuous activities

Red Everyone, especially people Air quality is unhealthy for )  : Cut back or
with heart or lung disease everyone reschedule strenuous
(including asthma), older activities
adults, and children  $) &': Avoid
strenuous activities

Purple Everyone, especially people Air quality is very unhealthy for )  : Significantly cut
with heart or lung disease everyone back on physical activities
(including asthma), older  $) &': Avoid #
adults, and children physical activities
One more time

‡ Particles are a significant ealt problem

‡ Affect different groups of people
‡ A year
year--round problem
‡ Bot indoors and outdoors
‡ Day and nig t
‡ You   make a difference!
Get t e Tools You Need


‡ At
At--a-glance messages
‡ Mealt messages and tips
‡ |eb updates to materials you can use
to talk about air quality
‡ National and regional real
real--time maps
and grap ics

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