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Hazard identification

and control

What is the hazard?

Physical hazards: Clutter, fluid spills

What is the hazard?

Mechanical hazards

What is the hazard?

Chemical hazards: dusts, corrode

What is the hazard?

Environmental hazards: poor lighting,
surrounding environment

Map the hazard according

to a hierarchy of control
- Chemical hazards

Engineering control
- Mechanical hazards


- Physical hazards


After completing the

hierarchy of control, what
is the level of risk?
Medium risk level
- Physical hazards(4),
Environmental hazards(5)

High risk level

- Chemical hazards(9),
Mechanical hazards(9)

After completing the

hierarchy of control, what
is the level of risk?
Physical hazards


After completing the

hierarchy of control, what
is the level of risk?
Chemical hazards


Why are the current control

Electrical hazards result from using the

wrong size or type of wire. It is like employee

have identified electricity as a potential
hazard in workplace, the risk is the likelihood
that a worker might be electrocuted because
of exposure to electrical wires that are
inadequately insulated. Therefore, employee
must control such hazards to create a safe
work environment.
(Queensland government 2014)

What immediate action

needs to be taken to assess
and manage the risk?
High risk level
- Short term action may
be required to lower
the risk level and then
medium and long term
plans to control the
risk to as low as
reasonably practicable
using the Hierarchy of

Medium risk level

- Action required
within a reasonable
timeframe (2-4
weeks) to eliminate
or minimise the risk
using the Hierarchy
of Controls

What immediate action

needs to be taken to assess
and manage the risk?
1. look for the hazards
2. determine who might be harmed and

3. decide on control measures

4. put controls in place
5. review the controls
(Queensland Government 2014)

Develop a
procedure/control to
identify and reduce future
Personal hygiene practices and facilities

Developing and implementing standard operating


Training and education of employees about the operating

procedures as well as other necessary workplace
training (including WHMIS).

Establishing and maintaining good housekeeping


Keeping equipment well maintained.

Preparing and training for emergency response for
incidents such as spills, fire or employee injury.

Is expert advice required to

develop these new
Allocate and record actions
Record identified hazards on the Hazard
Log( including a review date

Forward the Workplace Inspection Checklist to

the facility manager

Sign the sheet once tasks have been completed

Record long term actions on the OHS Action
Plan and amend the OHS Plan

Monitor the Workplace Inspection Checklist to

ensure that all actions have been implemented

How would you implement

the new controls?
Creating an OHS Plan
- goals, timelines, budget/resources,
a timetable for review and

Record Keeping
Designing Training
Evaluation and assessment of training

How would you monitor the

effectiveness of the control?
A systematic evaluation and review schedule will

also identify potential new hazards as well as check.

- Commencing a new activity
- Purchasing new or used equipment, hiring
equipment, or using new substances and processes
- Planning for the impact of new OHS legislation
- Responding to incident / hazard reports
- Responding to issues raised by HSRs or others
- When new information becomes available regarding
the nature of the hazard, or if new or more effective
control methods become available or practicable.

procedure 2010)

Canadian centre for occupational Health and safety 2006 , Hazard
control, viewed 31 Oct 2014,
OHS Procedure 2010 , Hazard Identification Risk Assessment &
Control Evaluation (HIRACE) Procedure.doc
Queensland government 2014, workplace health and safety risk
management, viewed 31 Oct 2014,
The Guide: implementing occupational health and safety in residential
aged care 2000, hazard inspection, viewed 1 Nov 2014,

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