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Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

- Helen Keller
Synergy doesnt just happen its a process. You have to get there.

What is synergy?
Where can synergy be found in nature?
We see things differently
Where can synergy be found in humans?
Whats your profile?
Which fruit are you?
Which fruit is best?
What are roadblocks to synergy?

The most basic meaning of synergy is when TWO or more people worked
together in order to create a solution that is much better than what either
person could have done by themselves. IT IS NOT YOUR WAY OR MY WAY IT
IS THE HIGH WAY. Synergy is the reward of working together as means to
properly achieving a high goal. Synergy works when you think Win- Win and
when you seek first to understand.




Tolerating differences




Thinking your are

always right

Finding new and

better ways


Synergy in geese: Scientists have learned so much about the flying V

1) By flying in the V the flock can fly 71% farther than a geese alone.
2) As the lead goose gets tired he will switch with other goose to switch
as the leader.
3) The geese in the back honk to encourage those in front.
4) When a goose is wounded a pair of geese will break away in order to
help the hurt goose.
5)Giant sequoia trees have interconnecting roots so that no tree will fall
down in a storm.
6) Rhinos and birds synergize when the birds eat the insects off the
rhino, when this happens the birds get fed and the rhino gets clean.

Synergy is common in humans. An example would be a good

football team. A football team needs every player on its team
other wise the team would be extremely horrible like the
Also a great band needs every single member to be effective.
Its not just the drums, or the guitar, or the saxophone, or the
vocalists it is the sum total of all their works that makes up
the sound.

Synergy is also prevalent in:

Building. If one 2X4 can support 607 pounds, then two 2X4s should be able to
support 1,214 pounds Right? Actually two 2X4s can hold 1,821. If you nail two 2X4s
together they can hold 4,878 pounds. When you nail three 2X4s together they can
support 8,481 pounds.
Music. Musicians know when they play a C and G note perfectly in tune, it produces a
third note, or an E.
Government. William Patersons New Jersey Plan would give equal representation in
government to all states. James Madison wanted proportional representation. However
after a few weeks of debate they came to the conclusion of have the Senate have equal
rep. While the House of Representatives would be based on state population

There are three main profiles. They include Shunners, Tolerators, and Celebrators.
Shunners: People that are scared of differences. Things like like different skin colors,
different religions, or even different clothes make them uncomfortable. They believe
their way is the best the only right way.
Tolerators: They believe that everyone has the right to be different. Their motto is dont
bother me and I wont bother you.
Celebrators value difference. They believe that difference spark creativity and
opportunity. They believe differences lead to advantages.

What Do You See?

What was the point of this exercise?

The point of displaying the optical illusions was to

show that many of you saw things differently. This
shows that everyone sees everything differently
and therefore Synergy will take place everywhere.
Also it proves that everyone can be right and if we
communicate we can help each other synergize.
Once you catch on the idea that everyone views the
world differently, and that everyone is can be right,
it will increase your understanding and respect for
differing viewpoints.


1. Define the problem or opportunity
2. Their way (Seek first to understand than to be understood.)
3. My way (Seek to be understood by properly sharing your ideas.)
4. Brainstorm (Create new options and ideas.)
5. High Way (find the best solution.)
Key things to remember: It is important to keep in mind the feelings of
other people. Make sure you express your feelings exactly. When
you brainstorm let your mind flow, throw out your wildest ideas.
Never criticize. Nothing kills creativity like criticism. Piggyback
build off of good ideas. After brainstorming for a while the best
answer is bound to show up.

The main roadblocks are cliques, Ignorance and Racism/Prejudice.

Cliques: Its a group of people that are close and tight-knit. People of a clique
are generally very similar to each other by means of the habits, clothing, and
actions. There is nothing wrong about being part of a clique but it causes
people in the group to have a superiority complex and others outside the
group to feel like second class citizens.
Racism is when you have preconceived judgment or opinion. Another way of
stating it is an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a
group, a race, or their supposed characteristics.
Ignorance means that your clueless. You dont know how people feel, what
they believe, or what they have been through.
Ignorance, Cliques, and prejudice prevent you from learning about others and
yourself. Until you remove these roadblocks, synergy is impossible.

Dad: I dont care how you feel. Youre going on this vacation whether
you like it or not. We've had this planned for months, and its important
that we spend some time together as a family.
You: But I dont want to go. I want to be with my friends. Ill miss out
on everything.
Mom: I dont want you staying here by yourself. Id worry the whole
time and it would ruin my vacation. We want you with us.
Define the Problem or Opportunity
In this, we have a problem. Its this:
My parents want me to vacation with the family, but I would
rather stay home and go out with my friends.


This vacation is very important to my dad. He wants to have a family
bonding time. He feels it wont be the same without me. Mom feels that
they would worry so much about me being home alone that they
wouldn't enjoy the vacation.
Mom and Dad, I want to stay home and be with my friends. They are
very important to me. We have a lot of things planned, and I dont want
to miss out on any of the fun. Bedsides, I go crazy when I have to drive
in a crowded car all day with my little brother and sister.


Get Creative:Throw out your wildest ideas. Let it flow.
Avoid Criticism: Nothing kills the flow of creativity like criticism.
Piggyback:Keep building upon the best ideas. One great idea leads to the
next, which leads to another.
We all agreed that I could stay home during the first half of the week and
then bus out with a friend to join the family for the second half. They
even offered to pay the bus for my friend and me if I would paint the
fence. Its not hard work, so I will still have time to hang out with my
friends. Theyre happy and so am I.

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