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Bi Tp 2

Nhm 10
Nguyn L Thnh Tn
on Hunh Nht V 41204595
V Hu Ton

Bi 6.1
In natural sampling, an analog signal g(t) is
multiplied by a periodic train of rectangular pulses
c(t), each of unit area. Given that the pulse
repetition frequency of this periodic train is fs and
the duration of each rectangular pulse is T(with
fsT << 1), do the following:
a. Find the spectrum of the signal s(t) that results
from the use ofnatural sampling; you may assume
that time t= 0 corresponds to the midpoint of a
rectangular pulse in c(t).
b. Show that the original signal g(t) may be
recovered exactly from its naturally sampled
version, provided that the conditions embodied in
the sampling theorem are satisfied.

Bi 6.1

g (t ) G ( f )
c(t ) C ( f ) f s

sin c(nf T ) ( f nf )

s (t ) g (t )c(t )
S ( f ) G( f ) * C ( f ) f s

sin c(nf T ) G( f nf )

Bi 6.1
Tn hiu vo g(t), l tn hiu thc,nn c bng
thng gii hn l W
Khi , p dng nh l Nyquist, TH c th khi
phc th tn s ly mu fs 2W

Bi 6.9
A speech signal has a total duration of 10 s. It is sampled at the
rate of 8 kHz and then encoded. The signal-to-(quantization)
noise ratio is required to be 40 dB. Calculate the minimum
storage capacity needed to accommodate thisdigitized speech

Bi 6.9
3 2R
Gi R l s bit m ha, khi SNR
: q .2

SNRq ( dB ) 1.8 6 R 40 (dB)

40 1.8
Chn R=7
C 1s, H thng x l c 8x103 mu trong
10s s c 8x103 x10 mu
b nh yu cu ti thiu l

7 10 8 103 56 104 (byte) =546.8 (Mb)

1Mb=1024 byte

Bi 6.10
Consider a uniform quantizer characterized by the
input-output relation illustrated in Figure 6.9a.
Assume that a Gaussian-distributed random
variablewith zero mean and unit variance is
applied to this quantizer input.
a. What is the probability that the amplitude of
the input lies outside the range 4 to +4?
b. Using the result of part a, show that the output
SNR of the quantizer is given by (SNR)O= 6R-7.2

Bi 6.10
: N (0,1)
a. gi tn hiu l w, khiw
xc sut tn hiu c ln bin ln hn 4 l:
p (| w | 4) 2 p(w 4) 2 Q(4) 6.33 10

Bi 6.10
b. Chng minh t s tn hiu trn can nhiu (lng
t) l 6R-7,2 d

1 12 12 2 R 3 2 R
SNRO 2 2 .2 .2


2V p

SNRO ( dB )

2.4 8

10.log 20 R.log 2 6 R 7, 2

Bi 6.11
A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed
by a 7-bit binary encoder. The bit rate of the
system is equal to 50 x106 bits/s.
a. What is the maximum message bandwidth for
which the system operates satisfactorily?
b. Determine the output signal-to-(quantization)
noise when a full-load sinusoidal modulating wave
of frequency 1 MHz is applied to the input.

Bi 6.11
a. gi bng thng ca tn hiu l W
Khi tc bitf:b 2 wR


fb 50 106

3.57 106 ( Hz )
2 7

Bi 6.11
b. t s tn hiu trn nhiu (p dng cng thc
6.35, pg 302)

10 log(SNR)O 1.8 6 R


SNR 1.8 6 7 43.8

Bi 6.13
A) A sinusoidal signal with an amplitude of 3.25 V is applied
to a uniform quantizer of the midtread type whose output takes
on the values 0, 1, 2, 3 V. Sketch the waveform of the
resulting quantizer output for one complete cycle of the input.
B) Repeat this evaluation for the case when the quantizer is of
the midrise type whose output takes on the values 0.5, 1.5,
2.5, 3.5 V.

Bi 6.13
a. midtread

Bi 6.13

Bi 6.13
b. midrise

Bi 6.13

Bi 6.35
Given the data stream 1110010100, sketch the
transmitted sequence of pulses for each of the
following line codes
NRZ code:

Bi 6.35

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