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Alpha Epsilon Pi
Chapter of
Phi Theta Kappa
The International Honor Society of the Two Year College
About Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa's mission is two-fold:

1) recognize and encourage the academic
achievement of two-year college students and
2) provide opportunities for individual growth
and development through participation in
honors, leadership, service and fellowship
About Phi Theta Kappa
 History
 1910- Originated with six charter members under the
name of Kappa Phi Omicron at Stephens College (all
women) in Columbia, Missouri, in 1910
 1918- Expanded to all junior colleges for women in
Missouri and new Honorary Society was formed
named Phi Theta Kappa
 1924- Expanded to co-ed colleges
 1926- Expanded beyond the borders of Missouri
 1929- American Association of Community Colleges
recognized Phi Theta Kappa as the official honor
society for two-year colleges
 1991- First international chapter chartered
About Phi Theta Kappa

 Largest honor society in higher education

 Four Divisions
 29 Regions
 Over 1200 chapters
 Over 2,000,000 members
 Over 100,000 members inducted each year
About Alpha Epsilon Pi
 Chartered 9/4/1979
 Bylaws accepted 12/3/2002
 Division I, Middle States Region (PA, NJ, MD, DE)
 234 Members Inducted in 2009
 History of Excellence
 2 International Officers in past 4 years
 3 Regional Officers in past 5 years
 International Chapter Awards
 2009- Distinguished Chapter Award (Top 25)
 2010- ??? Cross your fingers!
 Regional Chapter Awards
 2009- Award of Achievement
 2010- Award of Excellence (highest)
Leadership Positions
 International
 President
 Vice Presidents of each Division (4)
 Middle States Regional
 President
 State Presidents (3)
 Vice President of Service
 Alpha Epsilon Pi
 President
 Vice President
 VP of Scholarship
 VP of Leadership
 VP of Service
 VP of Fellowship
 VP of Membership
All Executive Office Duties
(Chapter level)
 Check personal and “PTK” emails at least twice a
 Check mailbox at least once a week
 Attend the two induction ceremonies
 Attend one meeting a month
 Responsible for event sign in sheets at all events
 Research for Projects
 Journal using HIA planning model
 Assist in writing the Hallmark Award Entries in
 Adhere to the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution
All Executive Office Duties
(Chapter level)
 Have access to Lion's Den
 Indicate Office Hours each Semester
 Keep office clean and organized
 All outgoing officers must make themselves
available to train new officers
 Must attend at least two new member
orientations per semester
 Participate in all online discussions/meetings
 Act as mentor for incoming members
 Answer phone, retrieve phone messages, return
phone calls, make sure officer are given messages
Skills needed for this position - Multi-tasker, Phone
skills, PC literate, Outgoing personality, Reliable
 Organize Hallmark Award entries

 Organize Student Award entries for the End of the

Year Banquet
 Write the Student Activities End of the Year Report

 Coordinate and organize the Induction Ceremony

 Write member eligibility letter

 Coordinate goal writing session, officer training

sessions, and planning meetings

 Coordinate and run the New Member Orientations
 Coordinate all member meetings
 Create agenda for monthly meetings
 Maintain Phi Theta Kappa Group pages, MySpace
page, and Facebook pages
 Reserve rooms, dates, and equipment for each event
 Arrange office hours
 Create and maintain semester calendar
 Send weekly news e-mail
 Delegate tasks to officers and members
 Run new officer elections
 Supervise officers and volunteers in their assigned
 Assist all members and officers on an as needed basis
Vice President
Skills needed for this position - Multi-tasker, Phone skills, PC
literate, Outgoing personality, Reliable
 Assist President in their duties

 Assume the duties of the chapter president in his or her absence

 Keep track of all events of the year with a short description of

each event
 Keep track of all HIA journaling done by officers

 Keep track of feedback from event attendees and survey results

 Coordinate surveys to improve chapter efficiency

 Designate volunteer hours for all events

 Assist with Hallmark Award entries

VP of Scholarship
Skills needed for this position - Phone skills, PC literate, Outgoing
personality, Reliability, Research
 Promote and attend every satellite seminar

 Procure guest speakers for each satellite seminar

 Ensure a room is reserved and set up correctly for each satellite seminar

 Advertise current Phi Theta Kappa and University Scholarships on

campus, website and email

 Send announcements of deadlines and requirements for University and

PTK Scholarships
 Advertise scholarships offered by our chapter

 Advertise scholarship related benefits of becoming a member

 Work with the RVCC Honors Program to coordinate Phi Theta Kappa

and Honors Program activities

 Advertise Phi Theta Kappa in Honors Classes at the beginning of each

 Oversea Research for all projects
VP of Leadership
Skills needed for this position - Phone skills, PC
literate, Outgoing personality, Reliability
 Coordinate, advertise, and attend every

Leadership Seminar
 Ensure own course schedule does not conflict with

seminar schedule
 Find, promote, and direct leadership opportunities

 Organize leadership retreats

 Prepare the Leadership portion for Hallmark

VP of Service
Skills needed for this position - Phone skills, PC
literate, Outgoing personality, Reliability
 Oversee all service activities

 Encourage volunteerism and community service from

members, officers, and the community

 Prepare the Service portion for all Hallmark Award

 Designate volunteer hours for service projects

 Maintain contact with local non profit organizations

 Coordinate the College Project

 Prepare the Service portion for Hallmark entries

VP of Fellowship
Skills needed for this position - Phone skills, PC literate, Outgoing
personality, Reliability

 Create and maintain flyers for all events

 Maintain the Blog
 Maintain relations with outside chapters and regional team
 Promote upcoming events by means of Facebook & Twitter, If necessary,
contact newspapers, cable television stations, radio stations, and relevant
 Take photographs at all chapter events
 Ensure photos on chapter web pages are current
 Send out all promotional flyers and information packets for events
 Keep in contact Public Relations at RVCC
 Send out Thank you letters
 Assist with Hallmark Award entries
VP of Membership
Skills needed for this position - Phone skills, PC literate, Reliability, Multi-tasker
 Process member applications, ensuring all are complete

 Be available week before inductions to update Student Activities with inductee list

for Program
 Coordinate mentoring program

 Keep member point record updated

 Increase and promote all membership activity via phone-a-thons or other

membership promotions
 Coordinate member recognitions and star levels

 Strive to increase membership each semester

 Record non-Phi Theta Kappa volunteer hours and send to advisor for approval

 Promote Phi Theta Kappa to RVCC students

 Promote Phi Theta Kappa to local high school students

 Recruit Phi Theta Kappa members and Officers

 Take minutes at each chapter meeting and forward them to SGA

 Assist with Hallmark Award entries

Annual Events & Projects
 General Meetings and Office Hours
 Leadership Seminars
 Honors Satellite Seminars
 Phi Theta Kappa Week
 Orientations
 Inductions
 Mentor meetings
 Relay for Life (Spring only)
 Working with SGA and attendance at SGA
 End of Year Student Awards Banquet
 Hallmark Award Writing
Annual Events & Projects

 Honors In Action (HIA)

 College Project
 And more…
 Scholarships
 Transcript/Resume
 Recommendation Letters
 Development & Growth
 Volunteer experience through Community Service
 Significant Leadership Experience
 Public Speaking Skills
 Network- build professional relationships
 Friendships
 Paid Travel
 6/10-6/12 Officer Academy/Honors Institute
(MANDATORY)- Eastern University, St. Davids, PA
 Feb 2011 Middle States Regional Convention
 6/14-6/19 International Honors Institute- Orange, CA
One officer attends- advisors to decide- usually President
 4/7/11-4/9/11 International Convention - Seattle, WA
 Leadership Conferences
 Possible Business Writing Seminar
 Automatically Five Star Member
Next Step…
 Fill out officer application and submit it today
 Submit photograph and short bio to by Saturday,
March 27th
 Candidate information will be posted on the blog by Sunday,
March 28th
 Be present and give short speech at general
meetings on Thursday, April 1st at 7:30pm and
Tuesday, April 6th at Noon
If elected, it is recommended that you attend a
Student Leadership Briefing at Mercer County
Community College on April 17th, 9am-2pm.
Good Luck!!!

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