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Rapid Prototyping

compiled by Michelle Griffith - Sandia National
adapted by John Lamancusa - Penn State

RP Sequence

CAD solid model

.STL file
Slicing the file
Final build file
Fabrication of part
Post processing

CAD Solid Model

Solid model or closed surface model required

.STL File
Software generates a tessellated object
File consists of the X, Y, Z coordinates of the
three vertices of each surface triangle, with
an index to describe the orientation of the
surface normal
Support generation to hold overhung surfaces
during build

solid ascii
facet normal 0.000000e+000 -1.018113e-001 -9.948037e-001
outer loop
vertex 6.413766e+000 9.540946e+000 4.174942e-001
vertex 6.663766e+000 9.540946e+000 4.174942e-001
vertex 6.413766e+000 9.467294e+000 4.250320e-001
facet normal 1.587419e-015 -1.018113e-001 -9.948037e-001
outer loop
vertex 6.413766e+000 9.467294e+000 4.250320e-001
vertex 6.663766e+000 9.540946e+000 4.174942e-001
vertex 6.663766e+000 9.467294e+000 4.250320e-001

Slicing the File

Series of closely spaced horizontal planes
are mathematically passed through the .stl
Generate a .sli file : a series of closely
spaced 2D cross-sections of the 3D object
Typical Z thickness 0.006 (0.150 mm)
Other Parameters chosen
=fn(RP technology)

Final Build File


Part sliced
Supports sliced
RP technology parameters set
layer thickness, scan speed,...

Send file to RP machine

Fabrication of Part

Models built on stereolithography apparatus.

Part and supports shown attached to platform.

Removal of part from platform
Removal of supports from part
Cleaning of part (wiping, rinsing, ... )
Finishing part (curing, sanding, polishing, )

Rapid Prototyping Technologies

Several technologies
Stereolithography (SL)
Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
Solid Ground Curing (SGC)
3D Printing
Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS)

Stereolithography (SLA)

Stereolithography (SLA)

3D Systems, Valencia, CA
patent 1986, beginning of RP
photopolymerization using UV laser
epoxies, acrylates (brittle)
excellent accuracy < 50 mm
relatively slow
$179,000 (103 in3) to $799,000 (203 in3)

SLA Video

Laminated Object Manufacturing


Laminated Object Manufacturing

Helisys, Torrance, CA (out of business in
2000, serviced by a successor organization,
Cubic Technologies)
patent 1988
cross-sectional cutouts fused together
paper, plastic (new)
accuracy 0.005

Selective Laser Sintering

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

DTM, Austin, TX, now 3D systems
patent 1989, Carl Deckards masters thesis
fusing polymeric powders with CO2 laser
accuracy 160 mm
no supports
polycarbonate, nylon, wax, glass-filled nylon,
powder coated metals or ceramics
can be end-use parts

SLS Video

Fused Deposition Modeling

Fused Deposition Modeling


Stratasys, Eden Prarie, MN

patent 1992
robotically guided fiber extrusion
accuracy 0.005
casting and machinable waxes, polyolefin,
water soluble or wax supports

FDM material

Solid Ground Curing

Solid Ground Curing (SGC)

Devleoped by Cubital Ltd. of Israel

High capital and operational cost
Large heavy equipment
Good dimensional accuaracy

SGC (from Efunda)

Instead of using a laser to expose and harden photopolymer element by element

within a layer as is done in stereolithography, SGC uses a mask to expose the
entire object layer at once with a burst of intense UV light. The method of
generating the masks is based on electrophotography (xerography).
This is a two cycle process having a mask generation cycle and a layer fabrication
cycle. It takes about 2 minutes to complete all operations to make a layer:
1. First the object under construction (A) is given a coating of photopolymer resin
as it passes the resin applicator station (B) on its way to the exposure cell (C).
2. A mask is generated by electrostatically transferring toner in the required object
cross sectional image pattern to a glass plate (D) An electron gun writes a charge
pattern on the plate which is developed with toner. The glass plate then moves to
the exposure cell where it is positioned above the object under construction.
3. A shutter is opened allowing the exposure light to pass through the mask and
quickly cure the photopolymer layer in the required pattern. Because the light is
so intense the layer is fully cured and no secondary curing operation is necessary
as is the case with stereolithography.

4. The mask and object under fabrication then part company. The glass mask is
cleaned of toner and discharged. A new mask is electrophotographically generated
on the plate to repeat the cycle.
5. The object moves to the aerodynamic wiper (E) where any resin that wasn't
hardened is vacuumed off and discarded.
6. It then passes under a wax applicator (F) where the voids created by the removal
of the unhardened resin are filled with wax. The wax is hardened by moving the
object to the cooling station (G) where a cold plate is pressed against it.
7. The final step involves running the object under the milling head (H). Both the
wax and photopolymer are milled to a uniform thickness and the cycle is repeated
until the object is completely formed within a wax matrix.
Secondary operations are required to remove the wax. It can either be melted away
or dissolved using a dish-washing-like machine. The object is then sanded or
otherwise finished as is done in stereolithography. The wax matrix makes it
unnecessary to generate extra support structures for overhangs or undercuts. This,
and the large volume capacity of the system, also makes it easy to nest many
different objects within the build volume for high throughput.

3D Printing


3D Printing
ZCorpSanders Prototype Inc., NH
ink jet technology
dual heads deposit part material
(thermoplastic) and support material (wax)
build layers as thin as .0005
very fast and cheap process

Laser Engineered Net Shaping TM

Laser Engineered Net Shaping TM

In development (Sandia Labs, Optomec)

Fully Dense Metal parts with good
metallurgical properties
Laser melts metal powder
Powder delivered coaxially with laser
Inert gas protects weld pool
Near net shape with some finish machining

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