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An organizations culture is shaped as the

organization faces external and internal challenges

and learns how to deal with them. When the
organizations way of doing business provides a
successful adaptation to environmental challenges
and ensures success, those values are retained. These
values and ways of doing business are taught to new
members asthe way to do business.

The factors that are most important in the

creation of an organizations culture include
founders values.
industry demands.


Founders Values
A companys culture, particularly
during its early years, is inevitably tied
to the personality, background, and
values of its founder or founders, as
well as their vision for the future of the

It is shaped in the early days of a

companys history. When entrepreneurs
establish their own businesses, the way
they want to do business determines
the organizations rules, the structure
set-up in the company, and the people
they hire to work with them

Industry Demands

despite some differences,

many companies in the
insurance and banking
industries are stable and rule

Founder values become part of the

corporate culture to the degree they
help the company be successful

Industry characteristics and

demands act as a force to
create similarities among
organizational cultures.

many companies in the hightech industry have innovative

cultures, and companies in
the nonprofit industry tend to
be people oriented



As a company matures, its cultural values are

refined and strengthened. The early values of a
companys culture exert influence over its future
values. It is possible to think of organizational
culture as an organism that protects itself from
external forces

Organizational culture determines what types of

people are hired by an organization

Methodology that are followed to sustain the

organisation culture are

Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA)

New Employee On boarding.

Reward Systems


New Employee On boarding.

individuals are attracted to

organizations whose members are
similar to themselves in terms of
personality, values, interests, and
other attributes

organizations are more likely to

select those who possess
knowledge, skills, and abilities
similar to the ones their existing
members possess,

Companies use different

techniques to weed out candidates
who do not fit with corporate

Attrition refers to the natural

process in which the candidates
who do not fit in will leave the
company. Research indicates that
person-organization misfit is one
of the important reasons for
employee turnover

Another way in which an

organizations values, norms, and
behavioural patterns are
transmitted to employees is
throughon boarding

On boarding refers to the

process through which new
employees learn the attitudes,
knowledge, skills, and behaviours
required to function effectively
within an organization


Reward Systems

Leaders are instrumental in

creating and changing an
organizations culture, There is a
direct correspondence between a
leaders style and an
organizations culture

In an organization in which highlevel managers make the effort to

involve others in decision making
and seek opinions of others, a
team-oriented culture is more
likely to evolve
By acting as role models, leaders
send signals to the organization
about the norms and values that
are expected to guide the actions
of organizational members.
Leaders also shape culture by
their reactions to the actions of
others around them

the company culture is shaped by

the type of reward systems used

in the organization, and the kinds
of behaviours and outcomes it
chooses to reward and punish.

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