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SEMESTER 1 2009 / 2010
Hazelynn Rimbar 139400

Teaching Dyslexic

Kevin L. Huitt
December 1999
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The purpose of this article is to

provide an overview of problems
faced by dyslexic students
(patients) and how educators /
teachers can modify their
instruction to accumulate these
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defining dyslexic &

identifying its causes

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Dyslexic is a language learning disorder

that results in deficits in reading, speaking
and writing
The main problem of a dyslexic child is the
connection between seeing words and
producing or remembering the sounds they
it is hard for them to learn to read through
conventional methods as they do not have
the ability to focus on different parts of
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words to produceHazelynn
the sounds.

Dyslexia is a condition which require specific

methodologies of education to tackle
Researchers blame the slow development of
the inferior temporal cortical areas which
may lead to difficulties forming memory
represent of object.
genetic may also be a cause as it is evident
that dyslexia has a significant genetic
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identifying dyslexic

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Dyslexic students have deficiencies in the

phonological property of the childs brain,
so, identifying dyslexic students occur most
often during processes of reading.
It is vital to notice why a child is struggling
with reading. Identifying should be done,
suitably in their early stages of schooling
which is between ages 6 and 8.
dyslexic students also have difficulty with
sequencing, although not al would suffer
this particular disability. They find Maths,
especially spatial Maths like Geometry and
Algebra very hard.
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These students have talents beyond

their classroom.
They are very bright and can easily
solve difficult and complex
problems when presented to them
from this, educators can discover if
their students are dyslexic.
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Working with dyslexic


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It states that in the early stages of the

students schooling, testing and recognition
of the disability must be done.
Discovering the problem early can help the
child improve and not be left behind by
other normal children.
Researchers have come up with techniques
using phonological methods to help
dyslexic students read. These studies are
designed for early intervention and are
meant to stop the major problems of
dyslexia before they begin to develop
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Applications in the High

School Classroom

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1) Dyslexic Training Program - Oakland, Black,

Stanford,Nussbaum, and Balise (1998)



basis of their program was to provide students with

instruction that improves three qualities of reading:
a highly structured phonetic-instruction training
program with heavy emphasis on the alphabetical
drill and repetition to compensate for short-term
verbal memory deficits,
and multi-sensory methods to promote nonlanguage mental representations.
Also prevalent in this program is the use of
computer assisted Hazelynn



Reading and writing should be made handin-hand.

He emphasizes that it is necessary to put
two components together so that students
will be familiar with the way words go
together, how they sound when they are
put into a sentence and how the spellings
of the words act and react to each other.
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When entering a school, it is crucial that

the dyslexic child be assigned to a teacher
at a one-on-one basis.
This provides the best learning
environment for the student.
To help augment any skills that they have.
Evaluating what will be the least
restrictive environment for the student/
Teacher can go slowly to make sure
student is familiarized with language.
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Huitt believes that all students should

memorize Latin root words.
Almost every English language that a
student will read, write or hear or speak
has its basis in a root word.
Because of their phonological deficits,
dyslexic students will greatly benefit from
learning the root words.
Even if they cannot pronounce the word
correctly, students will be able to translate
the word and provide meaning for it.
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Vocabulary development


For literature, Huitt proposes that a text which

has and open ending or one which ends abruptly
be chosen.
This is to enable class debates on the subject
and generate list of discussions.
Since dyslexic students are auditory learners,
debates and class discussions help them absorb
ideas and information
they learn what they need to write down as
notes for later use.
Teachers should also take the opportunity to ad
important input and highlight important facts
while this takes place.
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After discussion, teacher then ask

students to generate outline.
Next, Students begin to work on the
rough draft of an essay.
Goals to be achieved in the paper
should be given.
It would be more appropriate if
vocabulary words be provided, so that
students can implement them in their
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After that, the students will start a rewriting

process starting by self-evaluation.
In self-evaluation, students are given a
worksheet with questions to ask if the
student is clear about the presentation of
their argument.
Here, grammar and spelling are not as
important as finding out if the students
message was able to get across.
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After first review, students are directed into

small groups to read his/ her individual essay
out loud. This helps dyslexic students get
around their poor spelling and handwriting.
Discussions within the group will make
students make the paper better.
After this revision, students write their final
Dyslexic students are horrible speller. So
spellings should be overlooked.
Students should be graded on the production
process rather on just the final product.
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Dyslexic students will never be able to read

at what is considered the normal reading
rate. We, as teachers, cannot make the
expectations for them so high that they will
no longer be able to reach them.
Techniques for teaching dyslexic learners
are perhaps some of the hardest to learn
and implement.
It takes time and effort.
When the trial and error process fails, we
cannot give up on a child or decide that
there is no pointHazelynn
for continuing.
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We must always be looking for new

methods to get the point across. It just
takes a little more time and effort to help
the dyslexic student reach his or her goals.
Dyslexic students are some of the brightest
and creative children in the classroom
today. We cannot afford to let them down
by not working at our best capacity to help
them succeed in an academic environment.
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