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History of Oil and Gas

The petroleum industry includes the
global processes of exploration, Drilling,
extraction, refining, transporting (often
by oil tankers and pipelines), and
marketing petroleum products,
The largest volume products of the
industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol).

History of crude oil

Oil accounts for a large percentage of the
worlds energy consumption, ranging
from as low of 32% for Europe and Asia,
up to a high of 53% for the Middle East.

The earliest known oil wells were drilled

inChinain 347 [AD]. These wells had depths of
up to about 240 metres (790ft) and were drilled
usingbitsattached tobamboopoles.

First oil well drill

Oil well drilling technology has evolved

from the ancient spring pole to
percussion cable-tools to the modern
rotary rigs that can drill miles into the

What is Petroleum
The word petroleum comes from the
Latinpetra, meaning rock, and oleum,
meaning oil.
A thick, flammable, yellow-to-black mixture of
gaseous, liquid, and solid hydrocarbons that
occurs naturally beneath the earth's surface,
can be separated into fractions including
natural gas, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, fuel
and lubricating oils, paraffin wax, and asphalt
and is used as raw material for a wide variety
of derivative products,

Petroleum is formed by hydrocarbons
(a hydrocarbon is a compound made up
of carbon and hydrogen)
Petroleum in its natural form when first
collected is usually named crude oil,
The term crude oil refers to oil in its
"crude" or unrefined state;

Origion of crude oil

The organic theory became the accepted
theory about the turn of the century as the
oil and gas industry began to fully develop
and geologists were exploring for new
Simply stated, the organic theory holds that
the carbon and hydrogen necessary for the
formation of oil and gas were derived from
early marine life forms living on the Earth
during the geologic past

Origin of crude oil

As these early life forms died, their
remains were captured by the processes
of erosion and sedimentation

Origion of Crude oil

Successive layers of organic-rich mud
and silt covered preceding layers of
organic rich sediments and over time
created layers on the sea floor rich in the
fossil remains of previous life

Origin of crude oil

Thermal maturation processes (decay,
heat, pressure) slowly converted the
organic matter into oil and gas.

Chemistry of Crude Oil

Petroleum is a mixture of a very large
number of differenthydrocarbons; the
most commonly found moleculeare
(naphthenic),aromatic hydrocarbons, or
more complicated chemicals

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