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Error Analysis

Erica Centurion

Errors and mistakes

An error : is a faulty utterance
produced by language learners as a
result of incomplete knowledge.
A mistake : is a faulty utterance
produced by language learners caused
by lack of attention, fatigue or

Error analysis
The process of studying and analyzing
the errors which are made by second
language learners.
It studies the types and causes of
It is an alternative to contrastive

How errors are seen by

behaviorists and

Errors are signs of learning failure.


Errors are signs of language


Error analysis is important


Errors are helpful for learners to

They are useful for teachers to
observe the learners progress.
They are valuable for researchers to
find out what strategies learners use
and how language is acquired.

Stages of error analysis

Recognition or identification of
First step.

. E.g
George and his child was watching T.V- 1
.Linda goed to school yesterday- 2
.she has taken a translation exam last week- 3


Stages of error analysis


Describing and classifying errors.

. E.g
George and his child was watching T.V- 1
.Linda goed to school yesterday- 2
she has taken a translation exam last- 3

Stages of error analysis

explanation :

Why errors occurred ?

.Linda goed to school yesterday- 2
.The students are clevers- 3
. It is car -4

Interlingual and
intralingual errors
Interlingual errors:
Errors caused by transferring rules
from mother tongue.
Intralingual errors:
Errors caused by second language
processing in its own terms.

Sources of errors
According to Jack Richards, therere five factors
explaining learners' types of errors:


Mother tongue interference.

Ignorance of rule restriction.
Incomplete application of rules.
False concept hypothesized.

Mother tongue
Differences of languages
structures. Arabic English.
They are beautifuls.
They students.

. Overgeneralization
Simplification strategy.
Learned rule applied to all.
E.g. learning to pluralize (-s)

Two pens
Two mouses Three mans- Two foots.

Ignorance of rule
The learner lack the knowledge of
the rule.
E.g. I will let him to drive.
I will make her to leave.
She can translates very well.

Incomplete application of
Learners apply one of the two connected
In forming negatives and interrogatives
for instance:
She speaks English pretty well. (positive)
She does not speaks English pretty well.(negative)

Do she speak English pretty well?


False concept
. hypothesized
Learners wrongly assume something.
No rules ignored or overgeneralized.
E.g. Assuming that Verb be am is
are , indicate present tense.
I am speak French.
You are dress elegantly.

Thank you

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