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If you became a
where would you
give your money?

Grantmaking matters

Top 300 UK Foundations give 3.6bn annually

Government grants to charities = 15.6bn
Estimated in excess of 165,000 registered
charities in the UK

How can we make sense of this?

Round Table - Manuscript Illust. from Lancelot of the Lake, Walter Map, 1470

Funders spend a lot of time in traditional donor collaboratives

Can open data help surface common issues and target resources?

Funders gather and publish (some) data through annual reports

...but it isn't open, it isn't standardised, and it isnt well used

Could better use be made of the data gathered?

Imagine if it was as easy as this

coastal communities?

Can open data build a fuller, up to date picture?

We funded the first step

This is just the beginning

About the team

We know it is possible

What can we learn from others?

We know there is diverse demand...




Its already happening ...

Supporting 20+ publishers sharing millions in grants

People are already using the data

Helping grant
seekers find funding
Helping funders
connect their work
Helping researchers
to understand trends
Example of prototype
illustrative only

360Giving Labs : Products, prototypes & research

360Giving is open data infrastructure

A new CEO
Resourced tech team
Demand: Labs
Supply: Publishing

Relevance is everything; your ideas matter


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