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In-depth Genre Case Study


Narrative Tropes
The classic narrative structure of the Psychological Horror genre has to have a

protagonist character within the film. They are based upon conflict and
dilemmas the main characters endure.
For example
Characterization Tropes
(Compare characters and characters and casting) and
(Contrast characters as device).
Title Tropes
(Summing up an entire complex narrative, a colourful cast of characters and an
inventive concept with a few words can be quite an art. What you choose will bear
the burden of being the work's representative and designation.)
No Antagonist
(If one or more sentient beings get in the way of the protagonists, however wellintentioned they are and however justified their actions, it's not an example.)


Setting- the main stereotypical settings for a psychological horror would be

Deserted/isolated areas
Technical Codes- would include a variety of camera angles, movements as well as sounds and editing
High/low camera angles
Jump cuts
Diegetic ambient sounds
Non diegetic abnormal sounds
Clothing/ Props- that symbolise the plotline and can create tension and suspense between the
characters and scenes
Well used
Collar unbuttoned
Dark coloured
Low-key lighting
Religious symbols.

Genre/stylistic conventions
Psychological Horrors may involve replacing physical threats with psychological

ones thorough exploration of the mind of the involved protagonists replacing

overt displays of horror by more subtle, creepy details, and so on. Often overlaps
with Surreal Horror.
Often works hand in hand with
Nothing Is Scarier
(This is a Horror trope where fear is not induced by some traumatic visual
element or by a physical threat, but by the sole lack of event.)
Mind Screw
(The Mind Screw is something that relies so heavily on symbolism or
surrealism/absurdism, or failed so extremely in an attempt at regular old
coherency, that the immediate response afterwards is "What the heck was
that?!?!" )
Due to the nature of this form of horror, it is usually Nightmare Fuel.

Example of short / feature films

The Shining 1980
The Exorcist 1973
The Others 2001
Black Swan 2010
Americano Psycho 2000
Shutter Island 2010
The Blair Witch Project 1999

Character Types
The Protagonist usually the female role, most morally

standing and the smartest. Almost always survives for a

The Sex Appeal promiscuous woman, usually the first to be
killed and first to expose their body.
The Irritating Character partnered with the sex appeal and
often the first to go. Due to their behaviour the viewers are
happy for them to be killed.
The Unlikely Hero generally the audience suspects to be the
antagonist due to their actions and appearance.
The Antagonist the bad guy and usually revealed at the end.
Usually killed off or wounded for the next sequel.

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