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Types of CRM can be broadly understood into 2 different ways :



• Analytical
 Operational : Supports traditional transactional processing for
day-to-day front-office operations or systems that deal directly
with the customers.
 Also known as “front-office” CRM
 Involves the areas where direct customer contact occurs.
 Two types of touch points: inbound and outbound contact :
 Eg: Face to face touch points

Database driven touch points

Mass media
Process by which company maximizes the process of
gathering and understanding customer information from all
touch points .It is an effort to increase the customer loyalty and
to retain them over their life time
Collaborative : Collaborative CRM is an approach to customer
relationship management in which the various departments of a
company, such as sales, technical support, and marketing, share any
information they collect from interactions with customers. Since the
primary aim is to build a long term and profitable relationship with
the chosen customers ,it is necessary that all concerned parts of the
organization work in a collaborative with aligned purpose ,
objective and strategy to achieve the out come `

Eg; customer feedback gathered from a technical support session could

inform marketing staff about products and services that might be of
interest to the customer. The purpose of collaboration is to improve
the quality of customer service, and, as a result, increase customer
satisfaction and loyalty. `
 Analytical :Also known as “back-office” or “strategic”
CRM,involves “understanding” the customer activities that
occurred in the front office.

 Analytical CRM relies heavily on data warehousing

technologies and business intelligence to glean(bring together )
insights into customer behavior

 These systems quickly aggregate, analyze, and disseminate

customer information throughout an organization.
 Why CRM Fails?
1. Data ignored
2. Politics Rule
3. The Organization and business users can't work

 Top 3 Reasons Recommendations

1. Have a data quality strategy.: Devote
one-half of the total timeline of the CRM
project to data elements.
2 .Formulate CRM strategies at the
enterprise level: Appoint a senior
manager to be responsible for cross departmental CRM
3. Establish cross-discipline teams early in
the process, requiring the organization and business users to
work together. Ensure that both sides sign off on all steps of the CRM process
 CRM future trends include:

 CRM applications will change from employee-only tools

to tools used by suppliers, partners, and even customers

 CRM will continue to be a major strategic focus for


 CRM applications will continue to adapt wireless

capabilities supporting mobile sales and mobile

 CRM suites will incorporate PRM and SRM modules

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