Indonesian Management, Style and Characteristic

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Indonesian Management,

Style and Characteristic

Karissha Fritzi Della / FT 1

Leadership Style


Indonesian leadership characteristics were

examined in three studies, using mixed
Characteristics of Indonesian leadership
are focus on group discussions with
Indonesian managers and staff.

2. Indonesian leadership has two component

such as;
a) Involves a more local modernization
dimension that ranges from (traditional)
benevolent paternalism to (modern)
transformational leadership.
b) More universal person- versus teamoriented leadership dimension

Indonesian Management
Cross cultural management in countries like Indonesia
must be done with high awareness of the strict protocols
and rituals in Indonesian culture.
Inter-cultural sensitivity the key to successful
business management.
Management in an ethnically diverse region such as
Indonesia can be tricky.
Concept of Bapakism is approach to management in
Bapak means father
Bapakism refers to Indonesian to feel respect to
The manager assumes the superior role and pushes
the subordinates towards a mutual goal.

To better manage the employees in such a multicultural work environment, a manager must
ensure that individual interests are not neglected
in a bid to fulfill group goals.
The manager must understand that everyone is
different, and the delegation of tasks should be
done after careful examination of employees
This will reduce under-performance and prevent
anyone from feeling inadequate.

Failure and under-performance can cause long

term loss of confidence in an employee.
In Indonesia, the consensus forming approach in
team decision making can be time consuming.
Managers are thus entrusted with the additional
responsibility to encourage their team
subordinates to participate and have a role in
decision making.
Patience and an unbiased approach are a must
for any manager to maintain harmony in their

Being a Manager in Indonesia

To ensure successful cross cultural

management in Indonesia, you need be
aware of the strict protocols and rituals
that exist.
When managing in Indonesia, it is
important to keep in mind that each
person has a very distinct role within the
organization, and maintaining that role
helps to keep order.

The Role of a Manager

In Indonesia, as in other hierarchical

societies, managers may take a
somewhat paternalistic attitude to their
employees. They may demonstrate a
concern for employees that goes beyond
the workplace. This may include
involvement in their family, housing,
health, and other practical life issues.

Approach to Change

Indonesias intercultural adaptability

and readiness for change is developing
all the time. Indonesia is seen to have
a medium tolerance for change and
risk. It is important for innovations to
have a track record or history noting
the benefits if they are to be accepted
and implemented.

Failure in Indonesia causes a long-term

loss of confidence by the individual as
well as by others. Because of this
attitude, intercultural sensitivity is
going to be required, especially when
conducting group meetings and
discussing contributions made my
participating individuals.

Decision Making
The culture in Indonesia is very relationship

and group-oriented, so a strong emphasis is

placed on maintaining harmony and proper
lines of authority in the workplace. The
manager makes decisions and accepts
responsibility for work performed by
subordinates. The middle manager may
consult with subordinates before reaching a
decision, although it is more likely that he will
confer with trusted advisors or relatives.

To ensure successful cross cultural

management, you will need to bear in mind

the importance of people in the office
maintaining the proper behavior relative to
their position. For instance, it would be
inappropriate for a manager to make copies or
move a piece of furniture because these are
tasks that lower level people do. To engage in
behavior beneath you would lower your
esteem in the office.

Boss or Team Player?

If you are working in Indonesia, it is important
to remember that honor and reputation play an
important role. The risk becomes amplified in a
team or collaborative setting. When meeting
together and moderating ideas, intercultural
sensitivity is necessary. It is important to qualify
ideas that are raised in a gentle manner,
protecting the reputation of those bringing up
ideas, so no one is shamed.

Communication and
Negotiation Styles

Cross cultural management will be more

effective if you understand the importance
of personal relationships. They are crucial to
conducting business and are based on
respect and trust. It takes time to develop a
comfortable working relationship and you
will need patience and perseverance.

Indonesians are non-confrontational. It is

rare for them to overtly disagree, although
this is beginning to change in the
managerial ranks. Decisions are reached by
the person with the most authority but
reaching that decision can be a slow


Concept of Bapakism on management in Indonesia

make people in many cultures in Indonesia can respect
one to another. This concept works when subordinates
could feel respect to their manager and could work
together as a team and towards their goal. In order to
use this concept, managers also must know that every
people have different ability. When their employees
have loss of confidence and their performance didnt
maximum, managers must learn to motivate them.
Managers also can appreciate their employees good
work. Between managers and employees also have
being open. On discussion or meeting, they should
share their opinion or critics to avoid

Indonesian management style is

different with western management
style. Indonesian focus on group
discussion between managers and
employees. They discuss problem
together and shared opinion until find a
solution or achieve their goal. Different
with western management style, which
is appreciate individual work. That
means if you work hard, you will
achieve the best result.


has own concept or style

of management. This concept is
adjusted with culture and
characteristic of Indonesian people.
Characteristic of Indonesian
management is focus on group
discussion to achieve a goal


We should ready to be a manager because

manager has big responsibility to their
company. Manager is people who make the
decision that important to their company.
They also must give a good example to
their subordinates so that they can respect
their manager and do their duties in a
properly manner. Manager who also give
motivation and advice to their subordinates
for increase their performance.

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