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Dynamic Perspective

used to ensure model congruence and

maximizing school effectiveness on
multiple criteria.
Cheng (1990), explain a school pursues
multiple goals because it has multiple
environmental constraints and
It develops different priorities for goals to
be pursued and effectiveness criteria to be

The important and priority of goals and

criteria vary with time and across
circumstances as shown in Figure 1.3.

Unbalanced pressure on a school may be

inevitable at any given instant.
For example, when specific goals are
strongly emphasized (academic
achievement), and more resources and
efforts are allocated to them, the school
will experience higher pressure from
effectiveness of achieving other goalsschool organizational & development or
staff personal growth & satisfaction.

Through unbalanced situation, school

can show adaptability and flexibility
to set up a new priority for goals to
be pursued in the long run.
It pursues dynamic equilibrium
among the multiple and conflicting

A school becomes effective if it can

pass along a spiral path to maximize
the effectiveness on multiple criteria
(ABCDE) in a time frame (t1 to t2) in
a multi-criteria space.
The average achievement in the
multiple criteria in the time interval
t3-t4 is bigger than in the early time
interval t1-t2.

In short period, the multiple goals to

be pursued conflict because of the
limited resources. Therefore,
maximizing effectiveness on some
criteria may offset effectiveness in

In a long period, the achievement of some

goals may reinforce or at least not offset
the effectiveness for achieving the others if
a school can carry out the dynamic process
of maximizing the effectiveness on all
criteria through appropriate development
For example, the literature of staff
development, the increase in teacher
personal growth and professional
development may result in later
enhancement of educational quality in

According to Quinn (1988) and Quinn and

Cameron (1983), at different stages of its
organizational life cycle (entrepreneurial,
collectivity, formalization & elaboration of
structure stages), a successful school may
pursue different sets of goals or values
and therefore try to maximize
effectiveness on different criteria.
The shift of effectiveness criteria due
to the internal demands in the transition
of the school life cycle stages as well as
its response to the pressures from the
external environment.

In long term, school effectiveness can be

conceptualized as the extend to which a
school can adapt to the internal and
external constraints and achieve the
multiple goals of its multiple
Conceptualization is based on a dynamic
long term consideration and multiple
In short term, a school may be effective
on some criteria but ineffective on others,
and it may be effective at certain period
but not at another.

8 models of school effectiveness

a) goal
- the important & priorities of goals of some
powerful constituencies to be satisfied in
dynamic process in a given period.
b) resources - input
- acquisition of resources measures the
school effectiveness.
c) process
- interactions among internal constituencies
& interation process to school

d) satisfaction
- impact of powerful constituencies on the
dynamic process of maximizing effectiveness
multiple criteria.
- measuring the relative achievement of
goals in terms of constituencies
e) legitimacy
- environmental constraints to the schools
in terms of legitimacy with the
external public.
- measures schools effectiveness in dealing
legitimate activities through marketing
& public

f) ineffectiveness
- provides a baseline for a school to
identify the
obvious unbalanced
situation in the process of achieving
multiple goals.
g) organizational learning
- in the dynamic process, the
constituencies and
the dynamic adaptation to
unbalanced situation are critical for long
term effectiveness.

h) management
- emphasis a holistic perspective of the
dynamic process of struggling for school
emphasis respectively on the different
aspects of the dynamic process of a school
struggling for survival & effectiveness.
From the dynamic perspective, model
congruence should taken in a long term
consideration if it cannot be achieve in a
given short period.

Alternative Perspective of
Traditional theories of leadership
Organizational goals & tasks are
static, define & recognize, and
Leader focus on the process of
influencing his or her followers to
complete these given tasks by
motivate them.

Transformational leadership
Bass (1985), a transformational leader is
one who motivates peoples to do more
than they are originally expected to do by
any one of the following ways:
- raising their level of awareness &
consciousness about the importance &
value of designated outcomes, & ways of
reaching them.
- getting them to transcend their own
self-interest for the sake of the team,
organization, or large polity.

- altering their need level on

Maslows (1943) hierarchy or
expanding their portfolio of needs
and wants from low level, such as
physiological or safety needs, to high
level, for example, esteem or selfactualization needs.

Leadership is not only a process to
influence the behaviour of followers or
constituencies but also their attitudes,
values and belief; not only individual
members but also the whole
organization; not only the goal
achievement but also goal development
and organizational culture building.

Multi-dimensions of
A five-dimension model
Proposed by Sergiovanni (1984).
Explain how the principals leadership is
related to excellent school performance.
1.Human leadership
- school leader is supportive, fosters
participation, enhances staff
commitment & satisfaction, & encourage
positive interpersonal relationswhip.

2. Structure leadership
- school leader thinks clearly &
logically, develops clear goals &
policies, holds people accountable for
result, & provides suitable technical
support to plan, organize, coordinate
& implement policies in school.

3. Political leadership
- school leader is persuasive &
effective at building alliances &
supports & resolves conflicts among
school constituencies.
4. Cultural leadership
- school leader is inspirational &
charismatic, & builds a school culture
which transforms the mission, values
& norms of individuals or groups

5. Educational leadership
- school leader encourage
professional development & teaching
improvement, diagnoses educational
problems & gives professional
opinions & guidance to school
instructional matters.

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