Principled Simplicity

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Live, Live with Prosperity


Founder & Leader :

Mr. Anandapadmanabhan was a born leader and was a

living example for today's youth. He aspired and worked
hard to change the life of today's youth, to make them
more educated, prosperous, so that they become worthy
citizens of tomorrow's India.

He silently but meticulously taught among school

children, that simplicity is the best virtue to excel in life.
Though the God of death has being so cruel in taking
away the life of our dear Anandapadmanabhan, he lives
forever in our minds inspiring us to lead a life with

I dedicate this book with tears and fond remembrance, to


Title: Live, Live with Prosperity

Principled simplicity

Author: M.B. Nirmal

Founder & Leader: ExNoRa
Management Trainer : Seventh Intelligence

Published by:
Seventh Intelligence Publications
20, Giriappa Salai, T. Nagar, Chennai 600017
Tel: 91- 44- 2815 33 77/ 2475 95 77/ 98400
34 900.

Original Tamil book titled, ",

- " , of the
same author Mr. M.B. Nirmal translated in
English by 'REACH' J.Chandrasekaran

Forgetting gratitude is forbidden

I owe my heartfelt thanks to those who

helped in the original Tamil version:
Mrs. Lavanya Senthilkumar, who designed
this book, which is sure to create history, in
the e-publishing format.

'Navalar', Poet, 'Anagai' Mr. N. Sivan @

Sivalingam, who is our ExNoRa Senator. He
did proof reading and editing.

Mr. Shagul, of MOFA Enterprises, who

computerized and digitized the Tamil edition.

Mr. N.P. Manohar and Mr. P.G. Ramnath of

Classic Printers, who brought out the printed

I dedicate

I do not believe in the proverb, "to make or destroy, it is the woman's will". I
respect womanhood. I believe in another proverb whole heartedly, which says,
"Wife is the gift by the Almighty".

There is a turning point in every man's life. His appearance, life style, thinking,
dress code - all go for a change during his marriage, or soon after his marriage.
The changes are of different types.

A good wife reforms bad thugs. Good simpleton turning to bad habits after
marriage is also common. There are instances, where one could not withstand
the lavish life style of a spendthrift wife, making him earn money in unethical

I remember an instance, when a bank officer, went to the jail to distribute

sweets to the prisoners. He was shocked to see his dear friend, a Government
official in higher position, among them! When asked about how he came here, he
said that he resorted to earn ill-gotten money to buy silk saris for his wife!
I, the author of this book, was simple ever since I grew up. After marriage,
simplicity took strong roots in my family. My wife, a Postgraduate practicing
medico, also practiced simplicity. At present, she is the Deputy Director of
Madras Medical College. Nevertheless, she ever made her position or fame
affect her path of simplicity. She naturally possesses simplicity as a jewel and
her nature astonishes me!

Most of the days she travels by public transport. She also buys the vegetables
and groceries required on her way back home. She cleans the home, sweeps the
floor without engaging any servants. She travels by II sleeper class only while
traveling by train. She checks the price of any commodity before she buys and
settles with the one with the lowest price tag. She never 'makes herself' up!
Extravagance is never in her vocabulary. She also gets along with others with
simplicity and straight forwardness.

I dedicate this book to my wife who is the simplest and modest woman in my
life. I am sure this book will bring happiness to countless people who will enjoy
reading this book and absorb the contents to enrich themselves and their life.

With love and gratitude.

M. B. Nirmal

Live, Live in Prosperity

Principled simplicity

Simplicity as goal
ExNoRa M.B. Nirmal

Read this book once. Your live will

change forever and rise higher!

Money that controls the world

Even though there are many problems in the world, that varies
from person to person, country to country, the most common
problem every one has is, "MONEY" or the need for money.
Money controls the world. Industries run, business persons
compete with each other, fights for positions and going for a job
- all are to generate money. Business is done for money. Some
families strain relationship for dowry issues, ending up in want of
money. Man robs to get money. Before the pyre's fire puts off,
the heirs fight each other for want of a share in the wealth of the
deceased soul, again for money.

Money will plough down to the core of the earth

Men and money
What does money yield?
For the poor, next to oxygen, money matters. Money gets them food, cloth and
shelter. Money wipes away their sorrow.
For middle class folk, just to maintain their 'middle class' status, they need money! If
they have more money, they can buy a bigger house with more amenities. Can buy
car; go abroad; pay 'capitation' fees for higher studies; even though prohibitive, can
discreetly give dowry for a safe marriage for their daughters. Let them earn well, but
they should also learn to control their expenses and desires. Otherwise, they will
loose control over the swirl of greed and desire and will put them in a crisis.

For the rich: Rich too worry about money. How to safe guard the hard-earned
money? How to earn further ? On seeing some one richer, they yearn to beat them,
by adding few more crores to their kitty . These are few worries they carry. This
constant worry of making more and more money builds stress, which gives them
immense pain, and invites all diseases. These 'rich' diseases carry those filthy rich
people towards the ICU of a rich hospital. Then they eventually loose the body worth
crores for want of money or the thought of money.
Is there any connection between money and happiness?
If some is to read what I said earlier, they will surely conclude that money is
everything. But great souls, saints, philosophers, patriots, freedom fighters, social
workers, nature lovers - all are in unison by thinking otherwise!

"There is NO CONNECTION between money and merry. And absolutely no connection

between money and mental peace," is what they say.
Is this true? Here are two true illustrations:
True incidents:

The poor rich man!

I went to a rich man's house. His house is in Chennai main city

which covers some acres together! There must be at least 15
rooms within his bungalow. Not less than five cars were lined in
his portico. A large door at the reception, on opening carries a
huge surprise . A big swimming pool awaits you, with a
springboard on its bank. You can dive into the water and come
out by the rising steps.

Small trolleys carry food for guests. The food is driven to the
guests' place, in these cars. They are converted to dining
tables, in a moment! A big tennis court, grand wooden carvings,
smooth silk carpets and many such jaw-dropping artifacts
decorate the bungalow. This book would is not enough if I have
to comment on everything I saw that day.

The owner of the bungalow knows me well. When I went there,

he was sitting in a sorrowful mood. I was with him for half an
hour. By then, two doctors had already checked him and left.
One was a cardiologist and the other a diabetes specialist.

I remembered many say that this man can do anything with the
money he possesses! What happened now? I slowly went near
him and enquired, "I always get surprised by the wealth you
have possessed, but now today, I feel very sorry for you.
What's really your problem?"

He replied, " I wish I lessen my burden by sharing my problems

with some one else.' Having said that, he talked with me for
about ten minutes.

I could summarize that as follows:

A week before, the income tax sleuths have raided his house, dug the
unaccounted money, and have raised an enquiry on him.
He recently came to know that one of his business partners had been
swindling huge sums of money for a long period, unnoticed!
On seeing his lavish life style, his factory workers have started asking
for a raise.

His son-in-law's tantrum had reached a crescendo. He had first received

a Honda car on persistent requests, and now he wants a Benz car,
He also came to know that both his sons have illicit affairs.
As he always thinks of his business, he has developed no attachment or
relationship with his wife.

All these things put together had made this man bed ridden and a
pressure driven wreck.

I suggested, Sir, why don't you do some meditation, go for a cool

swimming? These would relax your mind, body and soul! He retorted
back, I wish I remove all the water and jump into the dry pool and
commit suicide instead!"

I am known for giving solace to many parched souls but I could not
muster any reply for this man! I just bid bye and returned back, without
uttering a word more. The surprise element is that, when this man had
a smaller unit, he was happier as I saw him but as the unit grew in
size, so grew his worries, along!

The rich poor man!

The same day evening, I had another experience altogether. The dhobi
Dhanakoti, who lives near the slum next to my house, was sleeping
peacefully. On hearing my vehicle's sound, he woke up, came running
to open the gate of my house, to allow the vehicle in. I just enquired,
Hows life man?" He gleefully replied, All in our family went to
Muniandi Villas for sumptuous Biriyani, saw a MGR movie and are back
home. Our day today went off happily!"

Dhanakoti, his wife Mookayi, their children, all wash the clothes of
their customer's outside their hut. They work hard throughout the day.
They enjoy working hard. Their hard work had made their arms
muscular and strong. Morning 8 to 2 noon they wash the clothes. Then
they dry the clothes, have food, take some rest and after five in the
evening they start pressing the clothes and give the pressed ones to
the clients' houses and come back with the collected money. While on
work, the tape recorder in their hut belts out cinema songs
continuously. After 7 pm, they all squat before the black & white
television and see all the programme non-stop. They laugh, clap hands
and get so involved with the comedy scenes they see and are
immersed into the scenes themselves! Every weekend they visit the
Mari Amman temple. Being dhobis themselves, they always sport wellwashed, white linen. They always live happily.

Measure of happiness

If at all we try to measure

some fictional 'happiness
readometer", the mercury in
it, would cross all barriers
and burst itself out! If we
use the same meter on the
rich man, I referred earlier,
the mercury would never
rise to any level, and would
stay put as if it is frozen

The vision of truth

On seeing two different families the same day, a great truth dawned
upon me. Comparing these two families, I concluded that money and
happiness have no connection. Money and Mental peace have no
connection. Moreover, to top this all, I felt strongly, Money and mental
solace have no relationship at all!" These two instances made me do a
thorough research. The result is what you see, this book. If one
understands this book and its essence, the reader can get peace of
mind, and happiness, forever. Money do gives comfort. However, it is
only 90% a physical aberration. The mind never gets solace from


Let more of money be there. If you can earn more

money the righteous way, please go ahead. Earn as
much as possible. Any earning member should follow
a strict methodology. That is why I have this book
before you. Not to stop you earning money. Let's
come to that important methodology one has to
follow, after earning hoards of money.

What can give you mental solace?

There are many answers for the above question. But what
stands out is just one reply, 'simplicity'. The more simple
you live, the more happiness and mental solace, you
achieve. This is hundred percent true. Even if you earn
more money and possess more wealth, just desist and be
simple. Earning money is not a crime. Nevertheless,
forgetting simplicity is a huge mistake! When money
beckons a man, we see that simplicity tends to leave him.

Great men are simple. Simple men turn great.

The most renowned men in the world are all simple. List out the beacons who lead
a great, yet simple life. They may be from different class, kind, clan and
nationality. However, the common thread, which runs through all such names and
personalities, is 'simplicity'. Here is a sample list:

The great Gowthama was not famous as a Prince, but he became world famous,
after he became 'Buddha', leading a simple life, renouncing the charm of being a

Same way, Jesus, Mohammed the prophet, Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates,
Mother Teresa, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Arutperum
jyothi Ramalinga Adigal, Guru Nanak, Mahaveer, Leo Tolstoy, Bernard Shaw,
Albert Einstein, Poet Subramania Bharathi, 'Iron Man' Sardar Vallabhai Patel,
Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, Thiruvalluvar, Tamil poetess Avvaiyaar,
Rabindranath Tagore, Gopala Krishna Gokhale, Bala Gangadhara Tilak, Ramana,
Arabindo, Raghavendra Swami, Swaminarayan, Dr. Ambedkar, C.Rajaji, Karma
warrior Kamaraj, Kakkanji, Lalbahadur Sastri, Annadurai, the saint who ploughs
through your mind, 'Live prosperously' Mahan. Vethathiri Maharishi, and so on.
If I again start listing such great souls of this soil, this book will be over
flowing. Most of them listed here came from affluent background, but adorned
simplicity. They never lived a pompous and rich life.

Gandhiji was from an affluent family and a Barrister from London. The
world hails him for not for his Barrister Law degree, but for his simple life
style, for living one among the masses, like a common person. He
traveled the length and breadth of our country; saw the plight of many
poor peasants wearing almost nothing except their loincloth. He too shed
away lavish clothing and wore just a dhoti and a small towel on his frail
shoulders. Even Winston Churchill ridiculed Gandhiji as, "Half naked fakir'
from India. However, it was not the well-dressed suit attired Churchill,
who won, but this so-called half naked man of India, Gandhiji!

A small girl told her mother, " Ma, leave me for serving the Church. Let
me become a nun! Her mother refused saying, You are still a small girl.
Become 18 and then you can decide on your life path." After years, the
girl, now a grown up woman, went to her mother again and retorted, "Ma,
leave me now. I am 18. Let me become a nun." The mother with tears
rolling down her eyes, allowed her daughter to join the monastery. What
is shocking is the fact that, after this incidence, the mother and daughter
never met again!

The young nun, who reached the shores of Calcutta, saw the poor and
downtrodden dying in the streets with no shelter, but for the sky as their
roof. Many were dying due to hunger, in footpaths. She sheds tears for
them. She goes to her seniors in the Church, asking them permission to
serve the mankind instead of serving the Lord.

She is an Albanian by birth, and white skinned. Will the locals accept her?
She immediately sheds away her nun robes and gowns, but wears simpler
sari, the Indian attire. Do you know which sari she chose to wear? The one
that is being worn by the sweepers of Calcutta, which just cost her
Rs.2.00. She is none other than the famous Mother of deprived, down
trodden and the beacon of hope of destitute, the founder of Missionaries
of Charity, Mother Teresa. Is there any other better example of a Great
person leading a simpler life, yet becoming famous?

The then Chief Minister of Tripura, Mr. Nirupan Chakraborthy was a

bachelor. After his tenure, he went to live in a small rented room, leaving
away the posh Government Bungalow. Do you want to know what he
carried along when he vacated the Government accommodation? A simple
trunk containing three sets of dresses!

The then Chief Minister of Kerala Namboodiripad, donated all his

ancestral property to his party, before entering politics.

The other Kerala Chief Minister Achyutha Menon was seen shopping like a
commoner, the next day his tenure ended. Even minister A. K. Anthony is
known for his simplicity even by his political oppositions.
A member of the parliament, holding various ministerial posts in the
erstwhile Madras state Shri. Kakkan was travelling by public bus. During
his last years, he could not even afford a private hospital and stayed in
the general ward of a Government Hospital.

Mr. Kamarajar, the 'King maker', who was known for his ability to select
the Prime ministerial candidate of India, was then the chief minister of
Tamilnadu. He did not own a small piece of land in this country, where we
know that politicians who hold even the smallest of smaller posts, having
Swiss accounts to save discreetly their ill-gotten money. Mr. Kamaraj did
not even have a savings account in his name. Perarignar Anna, also an
erstwhile Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu is known for his great literary
works, which were written by him squatting on plain floor. Rajaji was also
known for his simplistic life style.

Guljarilal Nanda, who was a minister for long period in the Central
Ministry, struggled in his late years unable to pay his room rent. He used
to stitch his torn cloth to wear them again.

Is there anyone greater than these Great men I mentioned? Did the
society boycott these men because they were simple? Even after their
death, they are remembered forever, as an epitome of simplicity. So,
shall we all agree that simplicity is not to be ridiculed but to be hailed?

The recent incumbent president, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is a living

example for this generation. Similar to him, is also the current Prime
Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. Both of them lead a very simple

Advertisement Stunt and Show

The politicians today, and even the Religious Heads










competing with the skylines. Some of these even

fall off and injure the common public who walk






encourage their so-called 'supporters' and acclaim

many 'titles' to themselves as prefixes and suffices
to their names. They celebrate their birthday with
pomp and extravagance.

Raise that comes with simplicity

The Great men we discussed earlier never did

advertise themselves. There was neither internet nor
websites during their days. No televisions or cell
phones. In fact, there wasnt that many publications
or newspapers like what we read today. In spite of
such short falls, they were famous. The whole world
was familiar with these names. What gave them fame
is their simple life style, their philosophy, their work
and the path they lead. They not only preached
simplicity but also lead by example.

Live, live happily

There is a simple way to lead a happy
life. That is to lead a simple life and
to proclaim that simplicity will be the
only motto to lead that life.

Principled simplicity is the only way to lead a happy life

What is principled simplicity? What are the obstacles we face while observing
principled simplicity? What is the real way to live a cherished and peaceful life?
If one understands the objective of principled simplicity and give shape to it, there
cannot be a person better than you to lead the happier life. Again, what is this
principled simplicity?
Before understanding this concept, it is important to understand that you will face a
lot of obstacles while taking every effort to practice principled simplicity. In short, it is
this 'society' which stops you practicing principled simplicity. We never see things in our
own perspective. We always tend to handle any issue through the society's eye. What
does the society think? "What will happen if 'x' thinks so, 'y' may blame me, how do I
get fame and attention of the society or what will happen if the society shuns me for
my deed .." and so on

Therefore, by constantly thinking what the society thinks, we loose our own thinking,
let our concerns to dilute and thought process to fade. We tend to bend ourselves to
the thinking of the society and thus become a victim of borrowed opinion, resulting in
tension and restlessness.
We blame the society and conduct ourselves, even though we do not like it. In fact, we
tend to become spendthrifts blaming the society, only to suffer and bear the brunt.

Neighbour Syndrome

Ninety percent of the population suffers from what is called as

'Neighbour syndrome'. Do you remember the famous Tamil
cinema song, "Aduthaathu Ambujatha paartheyla? (
?) This explicitly explains how the singer
envies her neighbour.

The very concern of what would be our neighbours opinion

makes us do things incorrectly. And the funniest part is here?
Just to grab the attention of our neighbour, to attract him or to
overcome him in terms of others' attention, we tend to do
things differently than what is really ours.

The truth is that no neighbour has time to think of us, fathom or

criticize us, leave alone adulating or finding fault with. So, first
and foremost, we should come out of the lifeterm we impose on
ourselves called as the 'neighbourhood syndrome'. Instead of
living our fullest life for ourselves, we start living for the sake of
entering our neighbour's heart or mind. In this context,
neighbour means, the surroundings and the society too.

The social uneasiness

How is our neighbour or the society responsible for us

shedding the simple life and falling prey for a pompous life?
Here are the reasons:

Will the society think that we have become paupers, having

lost all our wealth and property, if we lead a simple life?
Will they call us a 'miser'?
Will they declare us as mad?

Such unwarranted thoughts engulf us, and we resort to get

into a pompous life. Even if some one thinks like that, should
we really worry about it? Shouldnt we decide how we live or
is it the neighbour or the society, which should decide our
destiny? Those who ridicule us, will they take care of us in
hard times? Will they come forward to pay off our loans? Will
they partake in our sorrows and pains? Will they share our
burden now or ever?
It is not bad to be poor in wealth, but it is certainly bad to
be poor in intellect.

Prisoner of others' thoughts

Both the neighbours indulge in wealth accumulation and are under

stress, thinking that the other man would always think of us, the
man next door! Both think that the other man is watching his
movements closely, avoid face-to-face contact, do not talk with
each other and spend their lives without fear, which is not worth
undergoing. We loose ourselves, our self-esteem, are trapped and
fail to come out openly with a clear thought and mind. We spend
beyond our capacity to make the other man appreciate and feel
envious about us. One day, we will be burying ourselves in deep
depth of debt. It happens the same way in the other man's life too.
This unaccounted life game becomes a threat to us; others feel
hatred towards us and in fact avoid us. In front of our face, they
hail us but behind our backs, they shun us. Some evil-minded
enemies go to the extent of giving a complaint against us to the

The movie, which detailed simplicity in an eloquent way

The director with a sharp brain who has made many movies to evoke the
intelligence of the society, by mixing both comedy and realism is none
other than the Tamil Director K.Balachander. He not only made
commercial movies, but also ensured that they carried social messages.

Extravagance and its suffering were well documented in the Tamil movie
'Bama Vijayam'. The evils of being spending beyond ones limits is well
explained interlaced with comedy, by showing how three middle class
women fall prey to the glamour world and pretend to be rich, eventually
suffering themselves due to their own plight. None can forget the song,
'Varavu ettanaa, selavu patthaNaa' ( , ). A famous
adage goes like this in Tamil, 'swell, suiting to the size of the finger',
which implicitly means spend suiting to your income'. In the beginning
chapters, I had explained very clearly how money is not important for

My parents were money-minting machines!

The true son makes his father proud

By becoming a front-runner, in all claims...

is the meaning of a couplet of Poet Valluvar who also says in the same breadth the
duty of a father towards his son, in another one:

Father does his true duty by making himself

a role model to his son

An industrialist father and a leading medico mother both work tirelessly and
accumulate enormous wealth to their children, but they never spared time to spend
with their children. They always worried about the future but forgot the present
time. Out of the enormous interest they showed in making money not even an iota
was showered on the children. The children themselves had to seek appointment of
their father through his personal secretary!

The children yearned for parental love and affection. Soon, both the sons got
addicted to drugs and this went on undetected by their parents. The parents became
money-minting machines but had no love. When drug addiction became too severe,
the eldest son lost his life. The other son was saved miraculously by highest and most
expensive medical care! We come across many such instances in our daily lives.
There are women weeping for the plight of a child in the television serial, forgetting
about their own kin!

The adage 'father' is equally important as that of being named as an 'industrialist'.

Both have different work and different role to play. One complete man does both
jobs correctly. If he fails in his dual role, life will fail him!

The true incident mentioned above shows that he parents failed to understand the
minds of the children, in spite of them being clever enough to accumulate so much
wealth. Love and affection are also precious little things, which are essential in life.

Principled simplicity - a definition

Another saying goes like this: As a cat burnt itself with

hot tongs trying to imitate the tiger stripes'. We should
lead a life within our earning capacity and should not fall
a prey to the pomp and show outside. On the contrary,
we should observe how poor folk who earn less live
comfortably than we do.

'I wept for a pair of shoes and stopped when I saw a

lame man walk by' - is another proverb. This is what is
aiming for simplicity. Decide from today, to lead a simple

Aim for natural happiness.

The reason for you to lead a simple life is

not that you do not have money, but
because you have decided to live so. You
are not broken. You are not a miser or
insane. You observe simplicity as you have
that as one of the aims in life. Simplicity is
the path to happiness.

'Badge' - a symbol

A simple designer badge can demonstrate principled simplicity. This is

how it looks:

Principled simplicity

This can be made in engraved letters either in metal or plastics and can
be worn close to your heart on your shirt pocket. This can be any
language denoting the initials of principled simplicity. You can wear a
simple dhoti, or wear sandal slippers, but yet by seeing this badge on
your shirt people will look upon you, not tease or ridicule you. They will
understand that the simple life you have chosen is by choice and not by
force or situation. Principled simplicity is not a banned word! Those who
see you with this badge will not think bad about you, but will look upon
you as a role model. Your value will raise amongst them. Your style will

No 'badge' needed

In fact, real masters with an aim of leading a simple

life and who lead as an example, do not really need
any badge. Their dress, their simple attire and their
simple deeds are suffice to promote the idea and
the person.

Badge needed

But let's think the other way. In case you are a simple
man wearing this badge. Anyone new to this concept,
will surely approach you out of curiosity. You can then
start explaining the concept, the virtues of simplicity.
So the message spreads fast. So please wear such
badge whenever you go out. Spread simplicity, its
virtues, advantages and all the goodness it brings
along with it. Keep spreading the message. Do this

Hypnotizing and Subliminal Advertisements

Many advertisements come in television which attracts us,

changes us, make us mad, which conquer us, make us addicted.








advertisements are produced in such a way, that they go deep

and get embedded into our minds. The characters, their dress,
their style, conversation, dialogue delivery, background score,
all keep aside your judgmental mind and start imposing the
advertiser's ideas forcibly into your brain. What next? You
become like a keyed toy, go and buy the said commodity or
expensive thing without ever wanting it really. This is called
'subliminal'. Those who see advertisements daily and also follow
them strictly are sure to become paupers and to the streets!

Just do a 'small survey' immediately

Walk around your home with a paper and pen. Just jot down all
the needy things based on their use to you. Do not leave
anything in your house. Everything you see. Give 100 marks for
those who are inseparable like gas, gas stove, light, fan etc. Give
lesser marks for things which are sparingly used. You will be
surprised that 90 % of the goods in your house being useless or
in other words, which are sparingly used. You may find







unopened! The unwanted stuff makes cockroaches dwell there.

Most of those unwanted things would have been purchased using
credit cards and the dues would also accumulate for nothing.
More the interest in the bank, more goes up your blood pressure!

A simple method to suppress the urge to buy

Let bygones be bygones. Let the future be good. Do

you feel like buying something you see at a friends
place or see in an advertisement? Do you feel the
rush to buy at any cost? You need to just do one
thing. A self test. Just for two minutes. Sit in a
chair. Relax and lean back then ask yourself the
following five questions and answer back yourself.

Those five questions:

Question 1: Is this thing very essential for me? Do I want it?

If the answer is no, its OK. On the other hand, if the answer is
yes, you are inviting trouble. Then go to the next question.

Question 2: Do I need it?

If the answer is no again, you are fine. If the answer is yes, it

means you are in danger. Then go to the third question.

Question 3: Can I afford to buy it? Do I have the capacity to

buy it?

It is pertinent to know before you answer this question, that you

have the money to buy that thing, well in your account. If you are
going to get credit for the same, the credit should again be
reasonable. Can you repay the credit card company in time? Ask
this question too. If you have the capacity to re-pay the monthly
installments, it is fine. If you get a big NO as an answer for all the
questions, it is great, you are free. But if you get a big YES as an

Question 4: Can I lead my life without this?

This is an IMPORTANT question. Most of the things in our homes are not
essentials in our life. Still we accumulate them. We can easily say, yes,
this is not really an essential item in my life or life style. You can avoid
buying such things immediately. Nothing will change or life become
abnormal if we stop buying that thing. If your answer for this question is
again a big no you are again saved, but if your answer is yes, you
have to answer the final fifth question without fail and then may proceed
with your purchase.

Question5: Can I postpone buying it?

By asking this vital question, you may postpone the purchase if needed,
may be you may cut down your desire of buying the product later, for
ever, which does more good than harm in long run.

These 5 wonder questions:

You will be surprised that after answering these vital wonder

questions, you will end up, not buying many unwanted things.
You will be a true man using your sixth sense, not getting carried
away by advertisements. Your family welfare will be safe. Simple
life style will engulf you and you will walk with a raised head ever.
You will feel light hearted. Savings will grow. All in your family
together or alone can undertake these self examination. Better
to do as a group.

Sixth bonus question:

Still is your desire to buy more is not doused? Then this sixth
question which needs to penetrate your head and mind is:

Good expense

Do you know the best expenditure in the world? It is spending to save!

Yes, this four lettered word save saves you a lot. The more you spend on
saving, the more you gain.

Let others who are pompous and extravagant, weep around for their

We should remember a point. There are not less than 10 crore Indians
living under the sky, as their roof. They live, eat, deliver children and die
on footpaths. There are at least few crores of populace who starve
without a square meal a day! Many die due to starvation. More than that,
many tender hands of children toil and work hard in harsh conditions to
support their family!

There are so many underprivileged poor souls like the lame, blind, orphans,
destitute, discarded, aged, suppressed, women who resort to run brothels
for want of food, starvers who beg, those who do petty thefts as they do
not know how to earn their bread, and so on. Is it right on our path to
spend lavishly when our brethren are dying due to penury? Is it fair?

It is not the gold plate or aluminum plate which satisfies our hunger. It is
the food on the plate that fills our stomach.

Guilty conscience

More than making us feel rich, extravagance makes us feel pompous. The very feeling that we are
pompous will develop a guilty feeling in our mind and that also leads us to illness.

Way to lead a simple life

You want to lead an easy life? Be stronger yourself. Control the wavering mind. You want your life to
be a smooth sail? Be tough to yourself.

What a ostentatious nature?

There is a Tamil saying, An overnight filthy rich, holds an umbrella even for a midnight moon!. It is
a fact that these sudden rich and snobbish act worsens their normal life. A sudden rich man asked
the guy at the watch show room, not about the life of the watch, or its technicalities, but Which is
the most expensive watch in your showroom?. He bought the costliest one. He did not buy for
himself but insisted the sales man that none other than him should wear that particular branded
watch, and must not be sold to any one else! As it is costlier, it shows more time than what is
normal!! is a joke remarked on this incident. How snobbish and arrogant these filthy sudden rich
ones are!

Money intoxication!
A rich man had three children, who studied in the same school,
but he chose to send them to a near by school which was within
two kilometer radius, by individual car for each child! Separate
drivers for each vehicle and brought them back. Just near by is a
slum area, where most children live in penury and most of them
have no clothes to wear or proper food to eat. Cant the rich
man cut down on his expenses by sending all the three children
to the school in one car? The money thus saved could have been
used to provide education for all the downtrodden children in
that slum. God will only bless those who live for others.

Fetish for imported goods

There are many who boast of proclaiming, I do not

buy anything local. All foreign make only!. However
pretentious they are, can they remove the tag
which is on them that they are only locals, i.e.,

Buy only Swedeshi goods

Many foreign goods, mostly unwanted goods, are adorning the

shelves of our shops. If you are not ready to give up the
snobbish attitude, so be it. At least listen to this simple advice.
Do not buy foreign goods. Buy only Indian goods. That would
indirectly benefit our brethren and give job opportunity to our
own country men. Many houses will have their lights lit and we
would save foreign exchange to our country. Our country will
also prosper and grow.

Just see this imaginary situation

You have two workers approaching you for help; a healthy

cash-rich worker from abroad and the other a poor
labourer from India. You need not help any of them. Just try
to stick on to Made in India tag. Just buy Indian goods.
Thats enough. This would be the best favour one could do
for saving the lives of the Indian worker. Take an oath, with
immediate effect as I would buy only Indian goods.

The extravagance thats makes you loose your mind

Let me narrate an interesting story to illustrate how obsessed we are with money and an
extravagant life. A rich man gifted a dog to his son. The son and the dog became inseparable
and were play mates. One day unfortunately the boy sees the dog motionless and still. He wept
profusely and asked his father to get back the dog its life. The father tried to console his son
but failed. He said he will buy a similar one, but the son was adamant and went on crying. The
father changed the track and proclaimed, See, lets do one thing. We will have a grand burial
for your pet dog. The body will be carried in a chariot bedecked with garlands, driven by horses.
A band will lead the way. After burial, we will have a grand feast for all who attended the
cremation. The boys face lit up! He was happy and was about to get ready for the cremation.
Then, the unexpected happened! The dog, which was actually unconscious, leapt back to life!
The boy had a rude shock! He was expecting a feast and not the dog back to life. He
immediately yelled to his gardener. Hey, kill that dog!

I need not elaborate any further on this story. We all live like this, mindlessly. We are possessed
with extravagance. We avoid being simple and end up simply loosing all good things in life. At
times we are forced to live so and when such an attitude dominates our mind, we are forced to
become cruel against others too.

Why simplicity? Here are some reasons:

Lavish life forces us towards debt.

Dowry deaths, cruelty, bribery, robbery, all happen due to the desire for a
lavish life
This extravagance and desire to buy unwanted things make producers
produce such unwarranted and unwanted goods in plenty. This in turn
spoils the nature. The world will become a grave yard in the next
generation. Natural resources will perish, and the earth will become
The more we buy useless things, the more they are produced. Due to
increased production, pollution increases which in turn spoils our soil, air,
earth and sea.

More scrap and solid waste accumulates, due to the unrelated use of useless
things and discharge. The packing boxes, film covers, the thermocole or
styrofoam packing's, paper, all add to the waste. We end up spending money
for solid waste management and disposal.
The vehicles which carry the waste pollute the air, sound as well as the land.
The place were the waste is dumped also become a waste land, useless for
irrigation, agriculture, in short useless for habitation. We also are loosing
more of our lakes and ponds, which are used as dumping yards for the waste
Diseases spread due to the waste. We spend money to cure diseases. The
medical expense in the city life has become inevitable.
Luxury invites danger. Boot-leggers and criminals target people who own
luxury cars. Thieves target those who flash their wealth.
Many women who walk like a show piece bedecked with jewelry also become
victims of murder and theft.

What does simplicity give us?

Simplicity gives mental peace and solace.

Simplicity gives fulfillment in life.
Simplicity uplifts the standard of our life.
Simple men are always held in high esteem in the society
A well deserved peaceful life, less expenses, adores us. Savings always saves us.

Simplicity brings us all together. If simplicity becomes a common goal for all, the
other unwanted differences in caste, creed, money, economics, etc., all of them
will take a back seat. Simplicity should be your breadth. If so, happiness will
surrender at your feet. If not, you will be at the mercy of the demon called debt

Most of the work we were once doing physically are now taken care of machines. All
exercises are now gone. Grinding and pounding using hands, sweeping and cleaning
the floor using wet cloth with our hands, use mug and bucket to bath, washing
clothes by hand in a river bed, all have become bygones. The simpler exercises we
do are now totally not practiced. We do not stand up to switch off a running
television. We use remote control button! Only thing which you cannot operate
using a remote control is your own brethren. We have invited body ache and pains
by avoiding the smaller exercises we used to do once upon a time. What do we do
to reduce the pain? We run to a gym. We pour money there and try out all kinds of
exercises in all types of awkward looking machines! What a farce! Should we not
feel ashamed of this? Exercise is the only thing which you should do yourself. You
cannot assign that task to some one else.

In short, we have reduced body motions by buying machines for every possible
work. We have reduced normal exercises. We pay and join a gym! Then make the
body sweat. What a shame! We waste money as well as time.

Principled Simplicity here is the plan

Make a badge like what you see here. Or like what I showed in the earlier
Live and lead a simple life and set yourself as a leading example
Preach simplicity wherever possible. Call for gatherings to discuss
simplicity. Talk to school children stressing the need to be simple. Become a
messenger to spread the benefits of simplicity.
Give this book to all known friends, relatives and well wishers. Gift this on
any occasion to them.
Make such badges and also sell it to them.

Principled Simplicity here is the plan

Please save the money saved by practicing principled simplicity in a bank.
Use that to give quality education for children. Get them good books to
All simple folk observe a walkathon wearing simpler dresses.
Four friends can come together to start the Principled Simplicity Club.
Meet twice at least a month to work out strategies to live simpler. Take wise
decisions to cut costs and live happily.
We resort not to talk to others and gain money to become rich. We become
aloof. Instead, we can become a member of this principled simplicity club
and share our experiences and knowledge with others to make them also live

Principled Simplicity here is the plan

Make more members join this unique but purposeful club.
Talk in public forum, schools, colleges in appropriate stage and gatherings,
the advantages of simple living. Create more clubs over there.
Start such simplicity clubs in multi-storied buildings and on roads. Inform us.
We will publish and popularize your club.
Simplicity makes us save money. We can save this money and utilize a
portion of that to donate to people who need it. Buy food, cloth and books to
the needy and poor. If possible try to build shelters for the under privileged
Share others joy as well as their sorrows. If you share their joy your joy
doubles. If you share their sorrow, their sorrow will be halved.
We need clean mind and control to lead a simple life. Take efforts to gain a
peaceful and controlled mind.

One logical question of yours

You may ask, if all start observing simplicity, will









factories which produce goods for the buyers,

close down? Many may lose jobs! Yes this is a
meaningful question. Simplicity does not mean
being a miser. One should always buy what we
consider is very essential and avoid buying nonessential things. The result is, essential goods
production will go up. Production of unwanted
things will go down. Industries would then resort
to make only those commodity which are very
essential to mankind and avoid doing lavish,

What are essential goods?

Food, water, shelter, clothes or dress, medicine and

education are the essential needs of a man. If principled
simplicity is observed by one and all sincerely, savings will
grow; social awareness and work will improve, health
standards will increase. Quality goods which are essential
would be produced more and would also pave way for
exports and earn foreign exchange for our country. Very few
industry would loose business, but many new ones will
spring up. By and large economy would not perish or
diminish, but will cherish along with simple living.

The natural resources are not omnipresent and immortal.

We may usurp all of them one day. By practicing principled
simplicity one will be forced to use the natural resources
only for producing essential goods. Depletion of nature will
reduce. This is the best use and benefit for simple living.

If savings increase

If savings improve, the banks can utilize the money as its

resources for lending for many useful purposes. Job
opportunity for many will spring up. Here is a sample

Barren land can become cultivable land.

Rivers can be embedded.
Ponds can be deepened and cleaned.
Wells can be bored.
Trees can be planted

We can reconserve and grow forests

Can cultivate vegetable garden
Can start medicinal herbs cultivation
Can create parks
Can make money out of waste
Can do rain water harvesting
Can stop erosion of natural resources
Can reduce pollution
Can build hospitals
Can use the money for more social cause and work

So we can make such countless efforts by creating more

and more jobs within ourselves as shown above.

Do not forget

We are spending and ending natural resources, but are

hardly spending human resources properly.

Lets learn and take an oath to increasingly use human

resources and save natural resources.

Let us follow Principled Simplicity to achieve this.

So, we now know, that production increases. We also know

that those produce will be essential and useful. The
investments would change from one industry to the other.
Overall, a healthy world would beckon us.

Dear Parents

You teach your child how to read, write, compete, pray, conduct him or
herself. Is that all needed for one to lead a complete life? Where will
they live if the land, water and air they need, is under threat? There
would be a huge shortage of natural resources in near future. Land, air
and water would be polluted to unimaginable levels. (Join ExNoRa
forums to save earth and control pollution)

No money can save your future generation. Only principled simplicity

can save their lives. You should follow that and teach your children and
others too. Encourage your child to follow principled simplicity. Teach
them the skills to adopt simplicity.

Old story and a new definition

A king wanted to conduct a great yagna, a ceremony. He wished all his

subjects participate in it and ordered each of them to donate one litre of
milk for the ceremony. He was observing them with pride, obeying him,
pouring litre after litre into the big vessel kept for that purpose. Later,
when the king opened the vessel, he was shocked to see the vessel full of
water! Each citizen though to himself, When others pour milk, what
would happen if only I pour a litre of water as my contribution? It will get
mixed and go unnoticed. To everyone's surprise, all of them had cheated
themselves and the king by pouring only water and no milk!

Old story and a new definition

We can take this story as an example for a different reason. Do not think,
all should start leading a simple life. You start first. You be the leader. Do
not wonder why should I bother or worry about extravagance? Why not
others? Rather, start leading a simpler life yourself. Think, All good things
begin with me. Follow the beautiful philosophy of principled simplicity.

I would remind you the words of Martin Luther King again

The problems we see around us are not caused by evil men. It is because
of those good men who remain silent!. Break that silence. Do social work.
Give voice to the concerned.

Lavish Children

We can understand the reason for why simple

living is important, in a different way.

If one understands, how extravagance spoils

the minds of children, we will appreciate the
need to live simpler. The reason to bring
uniforms in schools is to avoid disparity. If one
child wears a two thousand rupees worth
dress and another child wearing a fifty rupees
worth dress, parity crops up. The poor child
will get affected mentally and psychologically
and may feel depressed where as the rich
ones may become arrogant and flashy. This in
turn would affect the childs morale and hence
his/ her studies. Such differences may turn the
child to a criminal too. Hence, uniforms were

Uniformity in uniforms
There is a big school campus named, Church Park in the
heart of Chennai city. It had three schools running within
its campus, namely the Sacred Heart, St. Ursula's and St.
Andrews. The first school is for the rich, whose children
wore Pale Green uniform, the second school is for the
middle class who wore light blue uniforms and the third
one was run for the poor, whose children were identified
by their brown uniform. But among the common public








showcased their economic status, thus bringing an

upheaval in their minds and attitudes. The management
came to know of this and made a good decision of
changing the uniform for all the schools into dark green
uniform, thus bringing the parity to an end. That year the

This? or That?

People who have insufficient earnings and

who aspire to live beyond their means should
read this:




-Air conditioner

- Fan


-Tape recorder

- Refrigerator

- Earthen Pot

- Swanky car

- Motor cycle, cycle

- Palatious bungalow

- Simple flat

When we buy those listed above on the left hand side, one eventually will
get the following without asking for it:

Loan burden above ones head

Sleepless nights
Hidden life fearing for the creditors
Diseases due to mental pressure
Cases in court

When one tries to get all the good things in life, which are surely beyond
his capacity, he is sure of inviting the problems mentioned above.
Instead, if one lives with a contented life, with those shown in the right
hand side of the comparison above, we can understand that one attains:

Reasonable bank balance,

Sound sleep
Walking head held high
Healthy mind, body and soul.

So it is for you to decide which path you should tread.

The physical sweat is off and mental heat is


A simple man, fell into the trap of lavishness. He

bought all goods in his life in installments. TV,
DVD, Fridge, Air conditioner, all except peace. He






conditioner before. Now, I have lost my sleep and

have built mental pressure. My physical sweat is
out but the internal mental heat is ON! Those
who sold to him waited for his installments, later

Marriage and Pomp

Thirumagal Marriage Scheme:

Many who resort to

simpler life, surprisingly try to show off their wealthiness,

when it comes to the marriage of their daughter or son. A






Marriage scheme in Tamilnadu. This acclaimed widespread

appreciation among the masses. Once a girl child is born, a
certain amount of fixed deposit or money to be paid in
installments and that would earn a sizeable amount by the
time the girl becomes grown up and become suitable for
marriage, say at the age of twenty.

Thirumagal Marriage solvency scheme!

Many whop resort to put their weight around a

marriage and take loans and spend very much
beyond their capability end up paying high
interest to the lenders and become worried for
their life! The girl who got married also spends
sleepless nights, thinking of her unfortunate
parents who had ended up in loans and are
suffering for making her get married. Should
one throw money this way just for a days
show?. Cannot we think of conducting the
marriage by simpler means? We should think
seriously and stop this menace. We should act

A good change!

Twenty years ago, marriages were conducted

for five or three days at a stretch, ending up in








wherein an enormous amount were spent on

food and lavishing parties. Nowadays these











evening of the marriage. This is an excellent

Unwanted pompous expenses

Let us come back to discuss the
marriage expenses. Normally in South
India, the reception expenses are
Bourne by the groom's family and the
marriage expenses by the brides
family. Most of the money is spent on




Wasted food is money that goes waste!

Keep the expenses to prepare the food aside for this

discussion. Think of those wasted or thrown out after
the marriage feasts are over. You will be for a rude
shock! There is always a maximum limit one can
consume at a time. But we see in most cases, the
marriage feast consists of varieties of food fed much
beyond ones eating capacity. Eventually not all food
that is served in eaten and they get thrown out in the
dust bin. Many items would not be liked by you, but
before you could spell it out or refuse, the item in

Food that gets wasted within the kitchen

Worser situation, is when the food that gets cooked and not being
served. That constitutes another 20- 50% food sometimes! One may
predict for an example, say one thousand guests and prepare food
accordingly. But due to unforeseen circumstances, only five hundred
would have attended the feast. What happens? The remaining fifty
percentage of the food goes unserved, and waste! One should
remember that we cannot produce even one grain by any magic! We
have to at least wait for full six months to get the crop of this grain!

Need of the hour: One schedule marriage

Why cannot marriage become a one evening affair? Why cant all
the functions be conducted at one time, say either in the morning
or in the evening? Many neighbouring states, Christians and many
north Indians conduct marriages only in the evening. If we have to
conduct only in the morning, why not conduct it in a temple, and
have a feast during night elsewhere? Why to waste rental money
hiring the mandaps or halls for two full days? Why should so much
food go waste? How many poor citizens in our country go without
food the whole day? How many sleep with a wet cloth on their belly
to ward off hunger? Who is going to become angry on you if you do
not spend on multi-period feasts? Those who over feed themselves
in the marriages get stomach aches as they are full but in another
corner, a hungry man also gets stomach ache as his stomach has

Here is an alternative

If hospitality and serving others are your

sole aim, then do this way. Just prepare
more food on the marriage day and send
them to orphanages, call poor people





Those deprived children will have at least

some good food and also will whole
heartedly bless those who fed them. The
workers and cooks also get employment
due to your generosity. The principled
simplicity club members will surely help

One feast which made one feel sad

I happened to attend a rich family marriage recently. The food

was served in buffet style, the vessels with all delicacies were
kept in rows one after the other both catering south Indian as
well as Northern dishes. Guests were free to serve themselves,
any quantity they want. After the food was over, all types of
betel leaf paan was served with the same vigour, as they
served the food. The guests too were unrelenting. They made
way for the paan to go in and had a gulp of that too. Alas, I
could overhear two speaking to themselves: Should he show
off his money this way? There is a limit to be flashy. This limit
got broke here in this dinner. The guests may feel that what
happened was not fair in many counts I would reinstate my

A doctors great advice

A doctor once told me, One day marriage feast cuts

down your life, by a day. Yes, of course! What is
prepared to satiate only your taste buds end up in
creating a commotion inside and would also invite all
illness. The tongue may wager happily, but what
about your heart, liver and digestive system? They
may wail! The host spends a lot and the guest has
no use of this lavish food, except for increasing his
appetite and satisfy ones taste buds. Then why go
for such unwanted lavishness? Here are few ideas to
overcome this problem:


Conduct the marriage just in one period of the day, i.e., either morning or in the
Feed only once.
Prepare few items that would satisfy the taste buds and are also good for health.
Just serve only those limited items to the guests. That too, in the buffet system. The
guests themselves will choose and have only those items they want to eat and not
waste anything else.
The food plate should not be too big. Shouldn't be too small too! It should be of
medium size. Many attractive items may pull the guest towards them and irk the
desire in him/ her to have more. Many would fill their plates with those temptive
items and end up wasting them. So, better go for nominal or medium sized plates.
If there is a display of the items to be served, as we do in hotels, one can make the
guest ask for only those he wishes to eat and avoid serving all items to the guest.

The problems which multiply

Those who serve are in a hurry. They want to finish their task faster. They
have every reason to hurry up things. The next batch of guests would be
waiting for their turn to occupy the seats in the dining hall! Worse, they
would stand behind the one who is eating. The guest while eating does not
feel comfortable as he is put under pressure to finish fast. The food which
turns up unused or untouched land in garbage fills. The flies and mosquitoes
cover that area and we can see a bad smell or odour emanate from the
waste food pile which also is a generator of all germs! One may even
observe some slums near the marriage hall. The one who is over fed and the
one who has not seen food at all, both suffer with stomach ache. This book
finds a way out to eliminate both stomach aches, by the tool principled
simplicity. Is that OK?

Here is a simple plan

Every village should have a social welfare scheme

The volunteers of principled simplicity can also run this in
their name. Those who follow principled simplicity will be
called as principled simplicists. By following this scheme, no
food goes waste. The excess and unwanted cooked food, would
be shared with those who have no square meal a day.
This scheme can be named as principled simplicity scheme.
Meet the parents of the groom and the bride groom separately.
Explain the evils of spending more and convince them for
adopting a simpler strategy.
Create a forum for observing this principled simplicity
scheme. You can do this in three ways:

Scheme one:

Go with separate bags to the marriage halls. After food is served,

go to each guest and request them to drop any items they feel they
cannot eat, into the bag. Please see to that, each bag or food does
not get mixed; otherwise the beneficiary may not like the mixed
To do this in a better way, one may keep a paper plate besides each
leaf. The following message should be printed on that plate:

We join you in wishing the marriage couple, for a long happy married life.
If you feel that you may not eat any of the served items, kindly leave it
them on this paper plate kept aside for that purpose. We would collect,
segregate and serve them to the poor and deprived. The wishes of those,
who get the food by this small gesture also would wish the married couple a
happy married life, if we jointly do this; you will also get the blessings of
unknown starving brethren who would wish this donor a happy life.
- principled simplicity forum

Without making any fuss or drawing the attention of the guests, collect the
food and take it to the nearby slum or to an orphanage and distribute to
them. Similarly the food cooked in excess, that goes waste without being
served, straight from the kitchen can also be collected to be fed to poor

Scheme two:

Try to get a three wheeler donated to your forum by

any famous company. Preferably a motorized one;
Keep the closed vessels in that vehicle while serving.
After the marriage feast is over, the remains can be
taken in the same vessels and be served to the

Scheme three:

Have a daily collection system, wherein you may collect the leftovers and excess
food from hotels and hostels which can also be given to the poor.

None needs money to conduct the above said schemes. What we need is to spare
some effort and time. By sparing few minutes aside for such noble cause, you may
wipe off few drops of tears from a poor soul.

There is no dearth of such schemes. The benefits of these schemes are:

We avoid wasting food

The food goes to the needy and the deprived ones. You will be hailed as one who
gave life to many by feeding them at least once in a day.
You do not need any money for these schemes.
What you need is some human heart, time, effort and a socially inclined mind.

Another extravagance
Other than food, people also spend a lot on
marriage costumes and dresses, jewellery and
attires. Most of them would not wear their
marriage suit or special sari ever again in their
life. Then why go for such costly dresses, which
cannot be worn afterwards? After years, it would
be only good enough to be given in exchange for
buy stainless steel utensils! Should we really
spend such huge amount of money for a dress
which we would wear only once in life time? Is it
not worthy to save the money which would go
waste? All saved is as good as an earning, is it

Is it a poster or a marriage invitation???

There is one more unwanted expense in a marriage. The wedding cards.

People resort to print very costly, lavish cards. Some we find of sizes more
than a feet! People who receive develop an aversion to such a show and

In our seventh intelligence symposiums and workshops, we display some

twenty different invitations as exhibits. The biggest among them was almost
one foot long and the single card cost was Rs.100/- several years ago. There
was a tiny card among those exhibits too. This was just two inches long and
two inches wide! When we asked most of the attendees to pick the card they
liked most, almost 80% of them picked this smaller card. What we learnt
from that was that pomp, glamour and size does not attract a reader, but
simple and neat ones do attract readers! So here is a humble request we put

Please make simpler cards for marriages, birthdays or any other occasions.
Avoid wasting paper. Trees are cut to make papers. We can save our mother
earth from destruction. You please do not be instrumental for destructing
the trees, indirectly. Use only recycled papers to print invitations.

The most important view point.

If you want to use the opportunity of a marriage to feed many? If so, then
hire an economically priced chowltry or a hall, only to feed the poor. They
all will eat and bless the married couple. You will also feel satisfied. Please
do not forget that the best of donations is feeding the poor.

Do not gift cloth to those who already possess big ward


People who find it difficult to choose what to wear from the

best they have in their almirah which is

full, need not be

gifted clothes again. Instead, we can gift some cotton clothes

to the needy and the deprived section of the society.

Here is some food for thought. An elderly man advised a group

of poor people, Wash and wear even though it is a rag,.
Hesitantly a young woman came near him and enquired, I
agree, but what to wear when the rag is drying? so, is the
situation of many in our country. Better donate and make
others donate too. Through principled simplicity spread true
love, spread humanity.

Wedding gift

We do not go empty handed to a wedding. Also, we do not come back empty handed. But
lets plan the gifts, both ways. The gift should be a memorable, not just a ritualistic one.

There is a system in the Western countries. Those who intend to gift, openly inform the
wedding couple about the budget they plan to gift and would enquire what the couple
intend to buy with that. Then they jointly decide the best usable gift which makes both
the giver and the beneficiary happy. We can also follow that.

Many give similar items as wedding gifts. There is no use of such items. The only use is,
we again tend to give away one among those received, as a wedding gift to someone else!
Like, money, there are many useless gift articles which make circles among marriages.

If you feel your gift should be useful, simply why not gift a cheque to the couple? If you
want a fancy gift, you may give a gift cheque that are available in all banks, printed
with floral decorations.

Gift the gifts as service to God

A well known philanthropist, Mr. N.K.T. Muthu was known for his
charitable attitude. People were surprised that when his son got
married, he never mentioned in the wedding card that gifts need
be avoided. So they had no other way, but to carry expensive
gifts to the marriage. To the surprise of all, there was a small
counter near the marriage dais. It was marked as Helping hands
the name of a well known orphanage. All who went to the
marriage with gifts, were guided straight to that counter and the
volunteers there happily received the gifts as donation! The
donors now knew where the gifts were going. They felt blessed
and happy. So were the marriage couple, their relatives and last
but not the least, were the beneficiaries, of the Helping hands

Here is Vellore Srinivasans excellent gift scheme

Vellore Srinivasan is one among the youth as dreamt by Swami Vivekananda. If we get another
ninety nine Srinivasans, I am sure India will attain the Numero Uno status amongst all nations!
Go to the city of Vellore, in India, to know more about this young gentleman, Srinivasan. You
will be surprised, seeing him. This best task master, the right brained Srinivasan has
implemented one of the best wedding gifts scheme, I have ever seen.

The male calves are shunned by the owners, as they do not yield milk. These are sold to
butchers for meat. Srinivasan and his men adopt such hapless calves and breed them in their
farm. The green waste and leaves thrown from hotels and restaurants, hostels are collected as
fodder to these calves. The calves excrete cow dung. The cow dung in turn is converted to
bio-manure and bio- fertilizer! So, by usefully converting all discards the calf, the wasteland
and the excreta as bio-manures, he conserves the environment and also saves the lives of the
calves. What a noble and innovative thought! The master mind to adopt the calves is one Mr.
Satheesh, who follows the principles of the great Saint Ramalinga Adigal, who preached, See
the Great light, through love i.e., Love is God. These lucky calves do face death one day,
naturally with age and not by butchery.

A very unique wedding gift

You can donate funds to Vellore Exnora, in India to save the calves. To
adopt one such calf, you need to pay Rs. 500/- and another Rs.500/- for the
maintenance of the calf, totaling to Rs.1000/- The cheques can be drawn in
favour of:
Exnora Green Cross Vellore,
#16, Sainathapuram
Natesa Mudaliar Street, Vellore.
Tamilnadu, India.

The donors can also give a certificate appreciating the wedding couple as

Groom: Bride:
Date: Day:

We wish the couple a happy married life. Let the almighty shower the
choicest blessings on them. On behalf of this lovely couple, we announce
through this appreciation certificate, that we have donated Rs. One
thousand favouring Exnora Green Cross, Vellore, to save the lives of male
calves they adopt and rear.
The donors name

Save trees as wedding gift

On similar lines, ExNoRa also has a Save tree scheme as a wedding gift. We in ExNoRa
encourage planting trees as a grand scheme. In last two hundred years, we have lost
more than 90% of the trees we had. To compensate the loss, each one of us should plant
at least one tree a day! As mentioned earlier, money towards tree planting can be
donated to ExNoRa and the certificate in that effect be given to the married couple, as
Groom: Bride:

We wish the couple a happy married life. Let the almighty shower the choicest blessings
on them. On behalf of this lovely couple, we announce through this appreciation
certificate, that we have donated Rs. ______ favouring ExNoRa for their Save Trees

The donors name

This certificate can be presented to the couple on stage.

Those who wish to sponsor or donate for this Save Trees project, can contact:

The General Secretary,

Exnora international
#20, Giriappa Street
T. Nagar, Chennai 600017
Tel: 91-44- 2475 9477/ 2815 3377

Such certificates can be also be framed and gifted.

The couple themselves can support such


The couple themselves can support both the

schemes mentioned above. They can announce
those who intend to gift, about these schemes
and encourage donors to support ExNoRa and
give the certificates to them as gift, which they
would cherish for ever. How happy they may
feel when they recollect that they could collect
a sizeable amount towards conservation of
nature and animals? The donors name can also
be announced in public system so that this
good message spreads far and wide.

Saplings in place of coconut

Instead of coconuts being given as a thanks giving gift, in marriages, one

can give away tree or plant saplings to the guests. Tree saplings are ones
like mango, neem and coconut, but plant saplings are those like vegetable
plants, ornamental plants which can be grown in limited space like flats,
apartments, etc. (To get the full details of all plants read my book Enjoy
and make other happy)

Keep four colours of recycled bags:

Green: Sapling that can be grown in homes

Blue: Saplings suitable for planting on common places, road side etc.

Yellow: Vegetable saplings that can be grown in pots and indoors

Purple: Ornamental plant saplings that can be grown indoors.

We can ask the guests to choose among these types. The bag will have the
details of how to plant and maintain the sapling. These saplings mostly are
economical than the coconuts we normally give away for guests who
attend marriages.
How many marriages are happening around! How many attend these
marriages. Imagine that all of them resort to such useful cause, the whole
world would turn into a garden! Instead of blindly following rituals and
system for the sake of doing, just think and act sensibly and work for the
upliftment of the society and save nature.

Other miscellaneous expenses in a marriage

Dresses, music party, decorations etc.

Alternate for the dress

People spend lavishly for dresses. Simple yet elegant dress can be worn. Dresses
which reflect Indian culture and add a respect to the attired can be tried. The
marriage hall, big musical band procession, the crackers, car, marriage vessels, high
voltage arc lights, aren't they rented? If some one want a posh dress or a floral gear,
they can rent such dresses too! The decorations and embellishments can also be
simpler. The money thus saved can be spent on gifting uniforms for poor children.
The money we normally spend for the grooms wedding coat and suit can
accommodate the expenses of almost fifty school uniforms!

May be if you have a budget of ten lakhs for a marriage, you may
end up spending only three lakhs by following the simpler way.


The balance seven lakhs can be deposited in a bank in the

name of the couple. Would they curse you for this? Certainly
not. On the contrary they will feel happy. The pomp and show
will also be avoided. The money thus saved can be handy
throughout their lives in case of emergencies.

The money will make the couple plan and live comfortably.
Will help them in admitting their children in a good school
Will help as safe money or deposit for their children's higher
Will allow them to help the poor and needy

Principled Simplicity statement

Those who conduct a marriage in a simple and an economic manner, need

not bother about what the world tells at them. May be you can print on
the card with the heading, Principled Simple Marriage . The banner
which displays the wedding couple name can also bear a tag line below as,
Principled Simple marriage

Spread the message of principled simplicity easily

Those who practice the principled simplicity model, should practice this
whole-heartedly and should adopt simplicity in all actions and deeds.
The Principled Simplicity badge can be worn by them always.
They can print the message of principled simplicity in the other side of their
regular business / visiting cards.
Are you eager to know what principled simplicity is? Ask me now!!! can be
printed on that card.
Even home and office entrance doors can have a board proclaiming principled

On the whole, we should feel concerned about the happenings around us, to
save the environment, our society we should adopt this principled simplicity
whole heartedly and also preach this to others too. Only by doing this, we are
making the earth a safe haven for our future generations.

Use and get the benefits

New Year Greetings and Principled Simplicity

Did you receive lots of cards from your friends and relatives this new
year? Please keep them safe. At the end of the year. Sign on it and
mark, Dear _____, I was remembering you and your kind gesture
throughout this year, wishes for the new year! Send it back to the
same friend! It will be an unique remembrance and he will surely not
think that you are a miser. It saves money, and prevents trees being
cut to make paper. In fact, the friend/ relative will respect you much










remembered them throughout the year. May be he will follow suit and
send you the same old card again, the next year. By doing so, you
both save trees, yet cherish and nurture friendship or relationship.

Which is the best?

Threatening pomp of the filthy


I happened to go the bungalow of a

very rich man. His house was
decorated with the best of carpets,
tiles, paints, furniture, chandeliers,
etc. But I observed cob-webs around,
dust and some food plates thrown
beside the costliest sofas around. I
felt that even though this man
wanted to display his wealth, he
could not maintain and keep the
premises clean.

Soothing simplicity
The very next week I happened to go to an ex-hockey player,
an Anglo-Indian gentleman at Perambur. His house was small,
with modest decoration and furnishings. But the walls were
white and clean. There was this writing , GOD IS LOVE
hanging on the wall. Apart from wooden chairs, a simple
wooden bench adorned the corner space of the hall, which was
covered with an embroidered linen, clean and pressed. To my
surprise, the bench had a small bottle atop, with some clean
water and a money plant grown in it! In the centre, they had a
small table, which again was covered with a decorative cloth,
again topped up with a small bouquet of fresh pretty flowers
and grass kept in a jar. Normal bamboos and cane twigs had
been converted to decorative pieces which hung on the walls.
These I was told were hand made by the lady of the house!

This or that?

I just could not hold myself comparing these two houses. The few minutes
I sat in the bungalow mentioned earlier, made me feel like hell and
lasting, but here in this ex-players house, the full hour I sat just went of
like a minute! The house etched a permanent memory as a fresh and an
happy habitat in my mind forever!

You can also compare these two houses. You do not need money, to have a
serene and soothing atmosphere and decoration. What one need is a clean
and calm environment. Just pouring in money cannot decorate your house,
If it is maintained improperly and kept untidy, the house will be a hell. But
a simple ten rupee worth vase or an artifact which can make the house a
wonderland, but only if we keep it right and clean. Simple and elegant are
the key words.

Do not envy your neighbour or do not get competing with him in

accumulating wealth. You should also not be the example for other money
mongers or extravagant persons. May be think otherwise. You and your
neighbour, both can read this book on principled simplicity, discuss and
adopt this method for a simple and elegant life. Compete in saving. Live
and let live together. Succeeding this success, spread the word around
your place, your village or area. Develop the methodology to improve the
standards of our fellow brethren and try to save nature and its
constituents for our future generation. Live and while leaving, leave
behind such healthy environment for the future.

Start this journey of living the life with vigor armed with the strategy of
principled simplicity. Come on! Soon!

Principled Simplicity

What should we do next?

Hope you have completed reading this book on principled

simplicity. Extravagance or simplicity which one to choose?
I know your mind is wavering, but it is normal. Without a
judge to hear both the sides of the debate, I know your heart
must be parted with two opinions.

If the man and the woman in a family are of opposite nature,

one a spendthrift and the other a simple one, there is surely
bound to be a rift and sparks. I have tried to put my best
thoughts forward through this book, with suitable examples
and anecdotes to make all in a family adopt the principled
simplicity. In what ever angle we see life or a situation, we
are clear that simplicity scores over all other phenomena and
is a must for all to adopt.

If we follow that

Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory! Victory!

Follows us. Yes. Nine victories are scored over by just using the mantra of
success. These nine are:

Victory to the environment

Victory for the restoration of natural resources
Victory to a planned and economic life
Victory for savings
Victory to your own money purse!
Victory to the serene and calm hearts
Victory to the health of all concerned
Victory for the family welfare

Above all, those who adopt principled simplicity can live without fear and

What you need to just do is to, become a principled simplicity immediately. And become
the spokesperson for this model too. Share the ideas and stories illustrated in this book with
all and everyone. Wherever you go, become a symbol of simplicity. Speak in gatherings,
schools and colleges and among friends, relatives on this subject. Buy and gift this book to
as many as you can. Try to add this into the syllabus of schools.

It is beneficial to adopt this strategy. Your family can also adopt and benefit. Be patient
enough to educate others on this policy. Teach them simplicity with smile. Start the
principled simplicity forum in your place and work cohesively with others to reach more

The principled simplicity badge should be worn always and every where we go. Not only
wear but preach it to others. At least four to five persons should become a simplicist like
you after each passing day.

The principled simplicity forum or club

This club should be started in each and very

hamlet, village, town and city. The members
would be called as principled simplicists. Their
messages spread to all working offices, public
places, industries, schools and colleges. The
message should spread among all habitats.

The in-charge

The principled simplicity forum or club

will have office bearers to have account of all
work done and money involved. This is
Deputy leader
Joint Secretary

Director Branches in offices - establishment
Director Branches in educational institutions
Director Public service
Director Simplicity Strategy Research


Those who have started this

Forum elsewhere
should get registered with the
Head office of the Principled
Simplicity Forum in Chennai
by sending details of
Their constitution
The names of persons involved
The details of how and when it was
The contact details of all office
bearers, members and their resumes.

The members should meet at least once
in a month and discuss strategies and
experiences on how one can adopt
simplicity and how to spread this
message further. You may discuss on the
extravagance and spending attitudes,
the methods to prevent it, the methods
to prevent the urge to spend, how to
control children becoming spendthrifts
and so on
In each meeting a NEW PRINCIPLED
SIMPLICIST should be identified and
honoured or appreciated in public.
There is no need to insist that the
meeting should also conducted in a
simple way


Monthly Action Report should be submitted to the H.O regularly.

We all should join hands, practice Principled Simplicity and make

our heritage and culture driven lives a good one, everlasting one, so
that we give back our motherland what she deserves best.

Those who want the badges for becoming a member in Principled

simplicity forum can contact the ExNoRa head office in the
following address:

Principled Simplicity Forum

C/o. ExNoRa International
20, Giriappa Road, T. Nagar
Chennai 6000 017
Tel: 91- 44 2815 3377, 2475 9477.

Some quotable quotes

Hey those who crib and wander in search of money

What use it has after the spirit leaves your mortal body?
-Avvayar (tamil poetess of sangam age)

Do have money making as your motto. Spend money to gather goodness.

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Money can buy the skin, not the pulp. It can fetch money but cannot fetch
hunger; can buy medicines, not cure; will gather men to share, not friends;
will get workers, not faithfulness; will

get amusing days but not eternal

peace and happiness.

-Henrique Ibson

Some quotable quotes

The greedy never possess money. The spendthrift looses money faster than anything
-Ben Johnson

Business can bring money; but friendship never brings it

-Jane Austin

To be clean, compact and true, we do not need money.

Do not spend your efforts on earning money, but for yearning service to nation

Coins and currency are not real money. Work is wealth. The one who has energy to
work is really the rich one.
-Mahatma Gandhi

The money angel had made many a millionaires and had spoilt many
- Robert Smith

Some men sometimes make fake money. At times, some fake money
makes fake men.
- Sydney Harris

Inspite of knowing money can beget many things, if one averts money, it
is equivalent to like emptiness. To avoid real needs is weakness. Those
who value money correctly and are always be ready to spend it on their
duty, kindness, donation, is truly ethical.
- Senankur

If you know how to use money, it is your slave. Otherwise, you become its
- Horus

To buy anything close to our soul, we need no money

- Henry David Thoreau

The difference between the respect we give to the one who had made
himself a true man and to the other who had just made himself a rich man

Money and time or lifes biggest burden. Those who have got
either of this, beyond their capacity to spend, suffer.
- Samuel Johnson

Money is a faithful servant but a horrible boss

- Dominique Bohairs

The intelligent should have money in his brain, not in his heart.
Jonathan Swift
If you make money your God, it will become a devil to control you
- Henry Fielding

There is some blind faith in all desires; in money we have it much

- Robert Sweth

Till one grows, one remains faithful and obedient. Once one gets a
better pay master, they change sides.
- Snequa
There is only one category who suffer a lot in crisis, than the
poorest of poor. The most rich!
- Clairence Derro

It is easy to disguise wealth. It is difficult to cover up poverty. It is easy to

hide a thousand dollar gold, but difficult to cover up a small hole in our
-Charles, Koltten
The money I spend for myself are burdens like rock around the neck. But
what I spend for others, are like angels; they make me fly.
- Ruswell D.Hitchcock

Money is like a manure. If not spread, it does not yield fruit.

- Francis Bakon
Earn as much as you can
Save as much as you can
Give as much as you can
- John Wesley

The root cause of destruction is not money, but greed. Money beyond the
need, greed, causes all trouble.
- Nathaniel Hawthorn
What Stars and destiny cannot do, money does to buy love
-Samues Butler
Money beget money
- Jewish proverb

One you fight it out to earn money, character goes away

- Jewish proverb

Do the money you get selling flowers give fragrance? Or do the money
you earn selling meat stink?

Ten men behind money and behind - a mad man

Does the money we get selling a dog, barks?

It is better to sell camphor and earn money, than selling liquor to earn
the same

Even the dead corpse opens its mouth when it hears money
A spear goes 8 feet long; money goes much beyond, below the earth
Tamil sayings

We can just get meat and food with money; Do not think that money is
your aim, everything and anything in your body and soul.
- Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

fools anyone.
just exposes
fools is the true test for the
How man
he spends
conduct of a man

- James Moffet

The only way to double your money is this Just fold it into two and keep
Money is the new form of slavery. In other forms, at least there lies a
in your
between the master and the servant. With money,
no humanity exists. Thats the only difference.
- Frank Huebert
- Leo Tolstoy
a characterless
The money
root cause
of all
is the greed man
for money
Is like the milk spoilt with a drop of butter
-St. Paul
- Thirukkural
The use of money is in spending it

The war demon put the world in hells entrance in 1914. After that money
who says
can do anything
has taken
It is with
to declare both war and money as
can also do anything for money.
most insane ones and jail them inside for ever.

I have got cows and goats. All are wishing me good morning!

- Lloyd George

to man;
no reason
Money is
to be
good to the
men, isand
to of
money; the more one possesses money, the more he wants it. Money
flow to vacuum. It creates only more vacuum. If it solves one
need, it creates many more others.

- Filo

- Benjamin Franklin

You cannot buy anything that God owns

How man maketh money, how he spends is the true test for the
conduct of a man
- James Moffet

Money is the new form of slavery. In other forms,- at

lies a
human relationship between the master and the servant. With money,
no humanity exists. Thats the only difference.
- Leo Tolstoy
The money earned by a characterless man
Is like the milk spoilt with a drop of butter
Henry Ford
- Thirukkural
I had
friend. I itbelieved my friend and gave him money. I
The use
of money
money and
is inaspending

Now I have
both money and my friend.
One who
he it
do anything
can also do anything for money.
- Somebody

all!and goats. All are wishing me good morning!
I have got

Money has never given happiness to man; there is no element of joy in

money; the
possesses money, the more he wants it. Money
by: more
K. Diraviam
does not flow to vacuum. It creates only more vacuum. If it solves one
63, Broadway,
Chennai 600108.
need, it creates
more others.

- Benjamin Franklin

Other thought provoking books authored by M. B. Nirmal



Price (Rs)

Failures as stepping stones



Say and win



Change and do change



Raise and make others rise!



Enjoy and make other enjoy



Take bribe on on and on!



Kill, kill do away with bribery






7th intelligence prayer



Maa (religious tolerance)



Live, live in abundance



( A book on all plants, trees)

Other thought provoking books authored by M. B. Nirmal



Price (Rs)

Experiences abroad- Hongkong



To live safe



Walking body exercise





Problems are gifts



Water wealth



Principled simplicity



Model area



Model home






New horizon, new earth (social



1. Relax


60/- *

2. Relax


60/- *

3. Health


60/- *

4. Health


60/- *

5. Combined study (for students)



Available with explanatory notes. Magazines appreciate this effort.

Medical Practitioners Recommend; The Sick get cured by listening.

Note: Wholesalers and retailers get discount on the above prices


Please send the following book/ books to my address:

My name:
My address:
My contact details:
My email:

I have enclosed the DD/cheque for amount Rs._________ towards

purchase of the above books.

Seventh Sense Publications
20, Giriappa Road, T. Nagar
Chennai 6000 17.
Tel: 91-44-28153377/2475 9477

The forums Mr. M.B. Nirmal had started

ExNoRa International

ExNoRa is appreciated by all media as the fastest growing service

organization. Has got the United nations award (UNCHS). Every one in
their respective area keep their surroundings clean, organic wastes are
converted to fuel. Paper recycling, planting trees, making pavement
gardens, living safe, waste water management, stopping pollution at
all levels, bringing together all NGO s are the various facets of this
organization. Apart from this, the organization involves, old persons,
women and children into its services and uplifts every society.
Students are taught exclusively on environmental science. Due to the
relentless efforts of ExNoRa for all these years, many ugly ducklings
have become swans (Many worst areas have become a paradise).

Fifth Pillar

If we conduct a survey among Indians, on which one is to be opposed the one which
will score above others is bribery. The reason for our country to lag behind many
smaller nations is its corruption index. Had the money received been accounted for,
India would have surely become a super power by now. So, this forum was created
to raise awareness and encourage participation to eliminate bribe from our system
and hence called as Fifth Pillar.

Rules are made by the first pillar, i.e., the Parliament

The rules are implemented and are brought to action by the offices, i.e.,
administration, officers in the Government offices. They are the second pillar.

The Judiciary oversees as to

constitutes the third pillar.

whether the law is maintained in all aspects. It

Fifth Pillar

The watch dog for all the above is the fourth pillar which is the press and media.

Do the constitution by which this country is built like a fortress, need a fifth pillar?
Yes, it is essential. If any of the above pillar develops cracks, we add a support and
that will be this fifth pillar, run by the people.

This is the bribery abolition forum wing of ExNoRa. The best of all forums would be
the one which runs with volunteers. This service is done without expecting any
returns. The reason for the British to go out of our country was Gandhijis selfless
service and a silent war against Lordship. It was sacrifice and service to the society
that raked the relentless workers of our homeland to fight together against the evil
forces. And then we got independence. This independence created the four pillars
for the society. The aim is to set up voluntary organizations in each hamlet, fight
against the bribery of this country and develop a transparent nation. So, was formed
this fifth pillar.


Motherhood surpasses religion, caste, creed and animosity between men.

Mothers love is the greatest of all love. Some men too possess heart of a
mother. So to inculcate mothers heart among our people, Maa was started.
None are enemies to others. Some environmental irregularities, degradation
of the system, diseases, violence, are few of the common enemy we should
fight against. Mankind will survive if love pervades all. So join Maa to spread
the message of kindness and love.

We need patriotism: If all have the heart of a mother, we can spread

harmony among ourselves. Hatred will perish. Relentless Patriotism is the
need of the hour. We all should give priority to patriotism; love for our
country. We should all keep aside our divisions based on caste, creed and
religion and join hands for a peace loving, uniform nation, with patriotic
fervour and heads held high.


The worst enemy in any home is liquor. We see

toddy shops and liquor bars every where around.
Brainless poor folk and even the wealthy rich can be
seen on roads, after consuming liquor. Many women
loose their mangal sutra and peace because of their
husbands turning drunkards. These men resort to
many evildoings as liquor blurs their mind and
vision. Their future and that of their children has
become a big question mark. Women and families
affected by this menace can join hands and can
save themselves from this economical crisis and can







strategies to eliminate liquor from their husbands

Principled simplicity
In todays modern world, what people have almost forgot, is
simplicity. Indias leaders, many of them have lead the country








Vivekananda, Mother Teresa and many others are luminaries

who lead their life with simplicity and became the torch bearers
of this nation. Many illegal acts like murder, dowry practice and
thefts are caused because of greed and desire. Just for the sake
of what ones neighbour thinks, man resorts to buy all
unwanted things. He ends up buying beyond his capacity and
gets life time imprisonment in debts and legal notices. Just to
maintain a pseudo-status in the society, people spend beyond
their limits. To stop this and make people lead a principled
simple life, this forum was started. If men wear badges marked
as Principled Simplicity, none would resort to ridicule him,
rather try to follow him. He would become the epitome of

Students Power forum

Students power is like a silent dynamo. If students

unite, the country would unite. The society can be
chiseled to a beautiful icon only if the students turn
themselves as chisels to the cause. Students power
forum should be started in each schools and
colleges. Each student to strive to keep his
surroundings clean and tidy by joining hands with
Civic ExNoRa groups near by. All the above forums
can cumulatively form a stronger, richer and ethical

Those who wish to join these forums can contact:

Founder, Chief ExNoRa International
Trainer Seventh Intelligence
20,Giriappa Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 600017.
India. Tel: 91- 44- 2815 33 77/ 2475 95 77/ 98400
34 900.

Details to be furnished:

Educational Qualifications/Division:

Contact number/s:

Founder, Chief Exnora International
Trainer Seventh Intelligence
20,Giriappa Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 600017.

Dear Sir,
I wish to join and know more about the below mentioned forums. Kindly guide me to know how
to join your forums as a volunteer.

Tick what is appropriate ()

( ) Street ExNoRa
( ) 5th bPillar
( ) Youth ExNoRa
( ) Ag
( ) Principled Simplicity
( ) Veg-Edge
( ) ExNoRa Innovators Club
( ) Maa
( ) Students Power forum
( ) I Club

I am eagerly awaiting your response in this regard.

Thanking you
Yours truly,


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