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St. Augustine
Augustine of Hippo
Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis
November 13, 354 August 28, 430
BishopofHippo Regiuspresent-dayAnnaba,
Latinphilosopherandtheologianfrom theAfrica
Provinceof theRoman Empire
One of the greatest Christian thinkers of all times
His writings were very influential in the
development ofWestern Christianity.

When theWestern Roman

Empirewas starting to disintegrate,
Augustine developed the concept of
theCatholic Churchas a spiritualCity
of God (ina book of the same name),
distinct from the material Earthly
City. His thoughts profoundly
influenced the medieval worldview.
Augustine'sCity of Godwas closely
identified with the Church, the

adoctrineintheologyaccording to which the
process of human thought needs to be aided
byGod. It is the oldest and most influential
alternative tonaturalismin thetheory of
mindandepistemology. It was an important
feature of ancientGreek
philosophy, and in particular, the
Illuminationist school ofPersianIslamic

"The mind needs to be enlightened

by light from outside itself, so that it
can participate in truth, because it is
not itself the nature of truth. You will
light my lamp, Lord and "You hear
nothing true from me which you have
not first told me.

Augustine's version of
illuminationism is not that God gives
us certain information, but rather
gives us insight into the truth of the
information we received for ourselves

Sexuality and Saint

Augustine's view of sexual feelings as sinful
impacted his view of women. His beliefs on this
issue were so extreme that he considered a mans
erection to be sinful because it did not take place
under his conscious control. Rather than resolve
his internal struggle with his own sexuality, he
blamed women for being "stimulating." His
solution was to place controls on women to limit
their ability to influence men: Thus the woman,
but not the man, should veil herself to prevent her
from causing this sinful response in the male.

Saint Augustine Quotes

Pray as though everything depended on
God. Work as though everything depended
on you.
The World is a book, and those who do not
travel read only a page.
Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending.
You plan a tower that will pierce the
clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.

The concept of time and Saint

Augustines Philosophy
Listen to the song Tempo perdido,
from Legio Urbana, and compare
the lyrics with the notion of PRESENT
developed by Augustine.

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