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Job application


Laura Amelia Pou 16-0176

Renata Giachero 16-0134

Application for employment

An application for employment,
job application, or application
form is a for or collection of forms
employment, must fill out.

List of Questions Asked on a Job


Name, address, telephone number, email

Desired job

Desired salary

Previous jobs including titles, duties, employers, locations

and dates of employment


Salary history(present salary and salary at previous jobs)

Names of previous supervisors

Permission we contact your current employer

Reasons for leaving prior jobs

Educational background including majors, degrees, schools,

locations and dates of attendance/graduation, GPA,
Volunteer work
Specific skills related to the job(may be a checklist)
Essay with topics like why are you interested in or qualified
for the job
How you learned about the vacancy


How to fill out a Job Application

Importance of a Well Formatted Application

o The companies try to get an insight into the applicant
through their application letters
o A well designed application letter leaves a good impression
o A well formatted letter means that you have mentioned all
the relevant details pertaining to your qualification,
experience and the areas of expertise in a precise and
elaborate manner.
o Most importantly, it helps to portray a true picture of yours,
which helps the recruiters understand whether you fit into
the position you have applied for.

How to
write a
good the

Reasons for Job Application Rejection:

1. The job reference was not mentioned
2. Not addressed properly Starting an application
with Hi does not cause a good impression
3. The First Paragraph was not Appealing Enough
4. The skills and areas of expertise were not
emphasized upon
5. Incomplete Data
6. Expectations not being set
7. Unoriginal applications
8. Not presenting supporting documents
9. Full of mistakes
10. Under qualified
11. The application letter didnt sell you
12. Asking for more than what you deserve or the
Company has to offer

Job Interview

organized by a recruiter used to
evaluate a potential employee for
precede a hiring decision and often
form part of the assessment center

Interview Tips
1. Do your research
Fail to plan, and you plan to fail. You are certain to be asked specific questions about
the company, so make sure you've done your homework on things like their last
year's profits and latest product launches. Also take a look at the latest
developments in the industry so you can converse with confidence.

2. Practice your answers

Although there is no set format that every job interview will follow, there are some
questions that you can almost guarantee will crop up. You should prepare answers
to some of the most common interview questions about your personal strengths and
weaknesses, as well as being able to explain why you would be the best person for
the job.

3. Look the part

Appearances shouldn't matter, but the plain fact is that you are often judged before
youve even uttered a word. Make sure your shoes are polished, your clothes fit
correctly and that your accessories are subtle. Dressing one level above the job
you're applying for shows a desire to succeed.

Interview Tips
4. Stay calm
Good preparation is the key to staying in control. Plan
your route, allowing extra time for any unexpected
delays and get everything you need to take with
youready the night before. Remember to speak clearly,
smile and remember that your interviewers are just
normal people, and the may be nervous too!

5. Ask questions
You should always have some questions for your
interviewer to demonstrate your interest in the position.
Prepare a minimum of five questions, some which will
give you more information about the job and some which
delve deeper into the culture and goals of the company.

Types of interviews
-Behavior interviews: They want to analyze your behavior,
to do that they ask you questions that will make you
reflect your behavior. Example: Tell me about a time when?
-Technical interview:
In this type of interview they
introduce to you a problem where youll have to find a
solution. Example: You enter the room and they direct you to a
white board, give you a marker and make you solve some business
-Case interviews: Some interviews want to inquire your
knowledge, asking you random questions to know how
much you know about certain subjects. Example: In a law firm
they ask you about a publically known case.

Preparation- Research
In order to prepare for an interview its
important to research in these areas:
You you have to research yourself, basically a summary of
your relevant qualifications, ask yourself how you can satisfy
the employers needs and what do you bring to the table while
adding value.
The position you want to have a clear understanding of the
position and what are the requirements
The employer Why do you want to work with us is a
commonly asked questions on interviews, its important for you
to know the answer. You have to research about the company,
things such as the products, services, competitors, etc.

First Job Interview - Interviewing Tips

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