WTO & India

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World Trade Organization

1. How many countries were
the founding members of WTO
in Jan 1995?
 A. 100
 B. 79
 C. 89
 D. 90
2. Where is the headquarter of
 A. Washington
 B. Berlin
 C. Rome
 D. Geneva
3. In which year GATT was
 A. 1950
 B. 1961
 C. 1947
 D. 1955
4. The WTO is a successor of
which trade body?
 A. General Agreement on Tariff &
 B. General Agreement on Trade in
 C. General Agreement on Tariff on
 D. International Trade Organization
5. When did China join WTO?
 A. Jan 1995
 B. Dec 1999
 C. Dec 2001
 D. March 2005
6. In the context of the WTO
Agreements, "non discrimination"
 A. Products imported from all trading partners
should be given the same treatment as national
 B. once in the domestic market, imported goods
and services from all trading partners cannot be
treated differently from domestic products
 C. all trading partners should be extended "most
favoured" nation
 D. a WTO Member can impose customs duties, but
once the imported product has cleared customs, it
cannot be treated less favourably than the like
national product.
7. How many countries are
members of WTO?
 A. 150
 B. 147
 C. 153
 D. 157
8. Which among these is an
example of Non tariff barrier?
 A. Import duty
 B. Custom duty
 C. Phytosanitary measures
 D. None of the above
9. Anti dumping action
 A. Helps importing country to charge higher
import duty on a particular product from
exporting country to bring its price closer to
normal value.
 B. Allows importing country to ban import of
a product charging lower price than
domestic product.
 C. Helps exporting country to penetrate
deeper in exporting country by charging
lower price
 D. Curbs imports of illegal products
10. End of Multifibre
arrangement (MFA)
 A. Freed textiles and garments from
import quotas
 B. Enforced bilateral or unilateral
agreements in textiles and garments
 C. Moved from non – tariff to tariff
barriers in textiles and garments
 D. All of above
11. Agriculture agreement
 A. enforces zero import duty on imports on
agriculture goods for member countries
 B. allows protecting domestic agriculture but
preferably by less distortion on agriculture
 C. forces least developed countries to
reduce tariffs
 D. forces developed countries to import from
developing countries
12.International trade of educational
and legal services will be covered
13. Geographical indications
 A. that a particular product is not allowed to
produced in other places besides the
location of origin
 B. that a particular product will not be
allowed to trade besides place or origin
 C. that a place name is used to identify
some products and their special
characteristics which will not be allowed to
 D. that geographical boundaries of the
14. The Principle of Most
Favoured Nation means
 A. Each country can select one
country as favoured country for trade
 B. Each member country is treated as
most favoured country in trade
 C. A country can reduce import duties
for selective countries imports.
 Few countries have a special position
in WTO in taking decisions.
15.Topmost body of
governance in WTO is
 A. Ministerial conference
 B. G 20 countries
 C. G 7 countries
 D. Developing countries
16. 6th WTO Ministerial Conference
started in 2005 was held in

 A. Hongkong
 B. Doha
 C. Cancum
 D. Singpore
17. Current Director General of
WTO is
 A. Arthur Dunkel
 B. Supachai Panitchpakdi
 C. Renato Ruggiero
 D. Pascal Lamy
18. The rationale for
international trade
 A. is to reduce deficit in BOP.
 B. is to take benefit of absolute
advantage of the country
 C. is to take benefit of comparative
 D. is to become self sufficient in every
19. TRIMS recognizes that
 A. There should be free mobility of
investment related resources across
 B. Textile trade related restrictions should
be removed
 C. Quantitative restrictions should be
replaced by import tariffs.
 D. domestic support to agriculture should be
20. One of the argument
against WTO is
 A. It has reduced trade volume of
majority of the countries.
 B. It has forced developing countries to
become member.
 C. It dictates its own terms and
interferes in domestic matters.
 D. Due to free trade the costs of
productions have gone down

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