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Airbus A380
-The Airbus A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, fourengine jet airliner manufactured by the European
aircraft company Airbus.
Length: 239'
Wingspan: 262'
Top speed: 634 mph
Range: 9,756 miles
Engine type: Turbofan
First flight: April 27, 2005
Manufacturer: Airbus

1.Hydraulic System
2. Fuel System
3. Engine System
4.Pneumatic System
5.Landing Gear System


What is hydraulic system?

Where we can find hydraulic

system in a passenger aircraft?

A380 Hydraulic System

Weight of the entire

hydraulic system by a
metric ton, compared
to the 3,000-psi

The A380 is the first

commercial aircraft to use a
5000-psi hydraulic power
generation and fluid
conveyance system

With the 5000-psi

system, the control
valves and actuators
are smaller, lighter,
and cheaper than ever

Hydraulic fluid is used for

Flight controls
Landing gear
Flap extension
Cargo doors
The brake systems

2 fully independent hydraulic


Yellow (Engines 3
& 4)

Green (Engines 1
& 2)

8 engine driven
4 electric pumps


Green System Components

Elevator (left side)
Flaps System 1
Slats System 2
Landing Gear (wing & nose)
Nosewheel Steering
Cargo Door (hand pump)

Yellow System Components

Elevator (right side)
Flaps System 2
Slats System 1
Landing Gear (body)
Bodywheel Steering

Major consumers of Hydraulic fluid


1. Landing gear
2. Brakes
3. Steering

Electrical backup
system called,

Electrical Backup
Hydraulic Actuator,

Landing Gear,
Steering, and

Flight controls


Extension and retraction of the landing

gear is actuated by both Green and
Yellow hydraulic system.
In the event of total loss of both hydraulic
system, the landing gear can only be
extended by gravity. An electrical signal is
used to release the gear uplocks to allow
the units to extend under their own weight.

Engine System

Airbus A380

A system consisting of EEC and ECU
FADEC is used for both piston and jet engines
Ensures the engine is provided required thrust for each flight
Provides engine protection

Wiring of FADEC in Trent 900

Source: Jason Edwards, National Geography

Each engine of A380 has FADEC with redundant channels that
- Automatic engine start and shutdown
- Engine control for thrust setting in both forward and reverse
- Processes engine parameter including ACUTE
- Protection for engine from overspeeding, overheating and thrust
control malfunction

FADEC controls thrust in either:a)

Manual mode by using thrust lever position


Automatic mode, set according to thust target from Flight

Guidance(FG) function.

Fuel efficiency
Automatic engine protection
Safer as FADEC provides redundancy in case of failure
Reduces parameters that are needed to be monitored in-flight

Its system is too complex compared to hydro-mechanical,
analogue or manual systems.
Takes time to validate before take-off.

Principle of Thrust Control

Airbus Cockpit Universal Thrust

ACUTE is a system that converts engine control parameter
to common thrust parameter THR.

ACUTE system

Electronic Centralised Aircraft

ECAM is a system developed by Airbus that monitors aircraft
functions and relays them to pilots
Produces messages when there is system failure and sometimes
list procedures to be taken to rectify certain problems.

ECAM System Design in Trent 900 and GP 7200


Two engine types:

- Rolls Royce Trent 900
- Engine Alliance GP 7200

Rolls Royce Trent 900

4th generation of Trent Family
More than half of A380 aircrafts operates on Trent 900
About 300 engines in 75 aircraft with 5 million hours clocked up in
July 2015
Has QC level 0.5 for departure and 2 for take-off
Certified for 70 000, 72 000, 77 000, 80 000 pounds of thrust.
Its fan containment is the first Titanium-manufactured
HP shafts rotates in opposite direction of two other shafts, making it

Rolls Royce Trent 900

Engine Alliance GP7200

Engine Alliance is a 50/50 joint venture of General Electric
Aviation and Pratt & Whitney
GP 7200 is combined from GE 90 and PW4000
99.9% departure reliability

Engine Alliance GP 7200


1.0. System description
2.0. Normal operations
3.0. Abnormal operations
4.0. Ground operations
5.0. Controls and indicators

1.0. System desCRIPTION

1.1. General
1.2. Architecture
1.3. Engine feed
1.4. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) feed
1.5. Transfer system

1.1. general
The fuel system stores fuel, monitors the quantity of
fuel in
each tank and controls fuel transfers, in order to;
Supply the fuel to the engine and the Auxiliary Power
Unit (APU)
Maintain the Center of Gravity (CG) within limits
Alleviate structural loads
Control refueling and defueling
Enable fuel jettison, if necessary

1.2. Architecture

Figure: Fuel tank arrangement of A380

1.2. Architecture
Each feed tank:
Provides fuel directly to the engines and the APU
Receives fuel from all of the transfer tanks (inner, mid, outer, and
trim tanks)
Contains a collector cell that has a fuel capacity of approximately
1000 kg to keep the fuel pumps immersed.
Fuel tank quantities:

Figure: Usable fuel of an A380

1.3. engine feed

Engine feed pump
Each collector cell contains two engine feed
pumps,one main pump and one standby pump.
In normal operation, each main fuel pump runs
continuously and feeds its assigned engine.
If a main pump fails or is off, the corresponding
standby pump automatically takes over.
One main or standby pump can supply fuel to the
four engines.
If all fuel pumps fail, fuel can be fed to the
engines by gravity.

1.3. engine feed

Crossfeed valve
Each engine has an assigned crossfeed valve. This
valve enables the engine to be fed via any enginefeed pump, if necessary.
Engine Low-pressure valve
Each engine has a Low Pressure (LP) valve that can
stop the flow of fuel to the engine.

1.4. APU feed

The Auxiliary power unit can be fed via assigned
feed pipe by;
The main or standby pump of ENG 4, or
The APU feed pump, that operates automatically, if
fuel pressure is too low for the APU to operate
The APU can also be fed by the main or standby
pump of any other engine, provided that the
applicable crossfeed valves are open.

Figure: Engine and APU feed

1.5. Transfer system

Fuel tank transfers enable the transfer of necessary fuel
quantities from tank to tank.
The purpose of fuel transfers is:
To provide fuel to the engines (Main Transfers)
To reduce the loads on the aircraft structure (Load
Alleviation Transfers)
To control the center of gravity (CG) of the aircraft (CG
control transfers).

1.5. Transfer system

Two galleries (FWD and AFT) pass through all wing
tanks (inner, mid, outer, and feed tanks) to enable fuel
Each wing transfer tank has one or two transfer
pumps, each connected to one of the two galleries.
One trim pipe connects the trim tank to the AFT and
FWD galleries.
The trim tank is equipped with two trim transfer
pumps, each connected to the trim pipe.
In normal operation:
The FWD gallery is for fuel transfers between the wing
The AFT gallery is for fuel transfers between the trim

1.5. Transfer system

The FWD and AFT galleries can be connected to each other
via two auxiliary refuel valves (one on each side) during
refueling, defueling and jettison.
In the case of a failure of any gallery, the other gallery takes
over for alternate fuel transfers using a network of transfer
pumps, inlet valves and crossfeed valves.
Two Fuel Quantity and Management Systems (FQMS)
permanently monitors the fuel quantity and the Center of
Gravity (CG) of the aircraft in order to:
Perform CG control
Control fuel transfers
Perform ground operations: Refueling and defueling
Control fuel jettison.

1.5. Transfer system

Figure: Transfer system

Figure: Inner to outer transfer

Figure: Trim to inner transfer

2.0. Normal operations

2.1. Main transfer

The quantity of fuel in the feed tanks continuously
decreases, due to engine fuel burn.
Main transfers are automatic transfers from the other
tanks to the feed tanks,and occur in the following
1. Inner tanks to feed tanks, until empty
2. Mid tanks to feed tanks, until empty
3. Trim tanks to feed tanks, until empty
4. Outer tanks to feed tanks.

2.0. Normal operations

2.2. Load Alleviation transfer

The following load alleviation transfers occur in flight:

After Takeoff:
Transfer to the outer tanks, until the outer tanks are full.
Before Landing:
Transfer from the trim tank, until the trim tank is empty
Transfer from the outer tanks, until the outer tanks are
half empty.

2.0. Normal operations

2.3. Center of Gravity control transfer

CG control transfers maintain the aircraft's CG

forward of the aft certified limit by transferring fuel
from the trim tank to the appropriate wing tanks.
There are no aft CG transfers, because the CG only
has a minor impact on the cruise performance.

2.0. Normal operations

figure: In-flight fuel transfer sequence

3.0. abNormal operations

3.1. Fuel Jettison

To rapidly reduce the aircrafts gross weight, fuel can be
jettisoned from all the transfer tanks simultaneously at an
output rate of approximately 150 000 kg (330 000 lbs) per hour.
It is not possible to jettison fuel from the feed tanks.

3.0. abNormal operations

Figure: Fuel Jettison of A380

4.0. ground operations

4.1. Automatic refuel and CG targetting

In normal operations, refueling is performed under

full control of the FQMS. This automatic refuel can be
initiated from the external refuel panel or from the
The aircraft has two refuel couplings. When both
couplings are used, it takes approximately 45
minutes to completely refuel (with a pressure of 40

4.0. ground operations

4.2. Automatic ground transfer

When refueling is completed, the actual CG may be different from the

ground CG target of 39.5%.
This occurs when:
The final ZFW/ZFCG values are available after refueling
CG targeting is no longer effective.
If the actual CG is out of the takeoff limits, the flight crew can start an
automatic ground transfer using the AUTO GND XFR pb. This will
redistribute the fuel.
The automatic ground transfer is complete in less than 25 minutes, and
can be stopped at any time by the flight crew.

4.0. ground operations

4.3. Manual Refuel

Manual refuel is also possible from the external refuel

panel, if necessary (example: failure cases).
In this case, refueling is controlled by an operator, via the
4.4. Defuel

Defueling may be necessary for maintenance reasons.

Defueling is manually controlled via the FQMS, using the
external refuel panel.
The discharged fuel is collected via the refuel couplings.

4.0. ground operations

Figure: Automatic refuel and CG targetting chart

5.0. controls and indicators

Figure: Controls and indicators in cockpit and fuel panel

The Bleed Air system supplies high pressure air to the

following systems:
Air conditioning and cabin pressurization.
Wing and Engine anti-ice.
Engine start.
Hydraulic reservoir pressurization.
Pack bay ventilation system.

There are three bleed air sources :

Engine Bleed Air System.

Usually comes from intermediate Pressure (IP) of engine


At low engine thrust settings, the pressure of the IP is not

sufficiently high and bleed air is provided by the high
pressure(HP) of the compressor.

For each engine, The engine bleed valve automatically

regulates the delivered bleed pressure. Valve also can be
close and isolate its applicable engine bleed system.

Bleed air temperature is regulated by the pre-cooler.

APU Bleed Air Supply.

Can supply bleed air system via the APU bleed valve:

On ground, without any restriction

In flight, up to 22500 ft.
Ground Air Supply.

There are three HP ground connectors. Three HP ground

sources can be connected to the HP ground connectors to
supply bleed air to the bleed system.

A crossbleed duct with three crossbleed valves

interconnects the various LH and RH bleed supply system.

One leak detection system can detect air leaks in the bleed
ducts of the :


Outer and inner wings

Pack bays
Air conditioning hot air system

Bleed Air System Functions.

The Bleed Air System also known as the Pneumatic System supplies the air required by the downstream
consumers while regulating the pressure and temperature of the air from the engines to values of 45 psig
and 200oC, respectively. The system also selects the engine port from which to bleed.
Bleed air is supplied by the engines or the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). Air is drawn from the compressor
stage, upstream of the combustor.
Engine bleed is typically used in flight. At take-off and ISA conditions, representative values are 85
psig and 280oC for an engine LP (Low Pressure) port and 200 psig and 420oC for the HP (High
Pressure) port. Bleed temperatures can exceed 540oC.
APU bleed is typically used on the ground and permitted in flight up to a certain altitude. On a
cold day (-40oC), APU supplies air at 60 psig and 160oC on the ground. On a hot day (+40oC),
it supplies air at 40 psig and 240oC.
Engine bleed reduces thrust and increased fuel burn (SFC), the impact is a function of supply port
(LP/IP or HP) and mass flow. Use of LP/IP bleed is preferred because of reduced impact on fuel burn.
Minimum pack pressure is in the range of 15 to 20 psig which requires a minimum port pressure of 23 psig.
If LP port pressure is lower than minimum value, then HP port is selected via High Pressure Valve (HPV).
A check valve prevents reverse flow into LP port.
Bleed is extracted evenly from around the compressor to minimize downstream disturbance of the core

Bleed Air System Functions and

Bleed pressure is controlled via a Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) which typically includes
reverse flow protection. Older systems feature pneumatic control via a downstream pressure
tap, while more recent systems use electro-pneumatic control with reference to a downstream
pressure sensor.
Bleed temperature is controlled via a Fan Air Valve (FAV) which modulates the fan (cold) air flow
through the Precooler, an air-to-air heat exchanger. Legacy systems feature pneumatic control
via a thermostat. Current system design uses electro-pneumatic control with reference to a
downstream temperature sensor.

A380 Pressure Regulating Valve Functions and Design

6 diameter butterfly valve, pneumatically actuated,
electrically controlled via solenoid & torque motor,
commanded by the controller.

To control pressure delivered to downstream
users per system requirements.
To balance the flow between adjacent Engine
Bleed Air Systems when Cross Bleed Valves are
To ensure shut-off function of the Engine
Bleed Air System e.g. in case of fire.








A380 Bleed Air System Synoptic



Closed position disagree





Position Data not Available

Closed position disagree


Position Data not Available

Engine Bleed Temperature





Temperature data not available


Bleed Temperature Low / High

Engine Bleed Pressure






Pressure data not available

Bleed Pressure Low / High

5 Pneumatic Air Distribution System ATA3612

Bleed Leak Detection Function

A bleed air leak is a fire risk e.g. max. allowable surface temperature to avoid fuel autoignition is 204oC per FAA AC 25.981-C. Bleed leak is also a risk to aluminum and especially composite
primary structure. Leak detection required via thermal switches (zonal sensors) or via continuous
elements which are routed along bleed ducts.
Continuous elements are preferred due to coverage, integrity monitoring and they function after being
cut (post-PBIT). They allow for the location of the event along the circuit.
Dual loops are
used in critical areas for redundancy and to minimize false leak warnings.
Leak detection loops are 1/8 dia. coaxial wires (inner conductor and outer shell) separated by a high
resistance eutectic salt calibrated to a specific melting temperature. When the loop is locally heated,
the salt melts and a short results which changes the loop coaxial resistance. Resulting voltage change
= Leak detection
Bleed leaks can also result in overpressure in compartments, so provision for blowout panels may
also be required.

Air Conditioning System

The Air Conditioning System (ACS) conditions the fresh air from the Bleed Air System and
supplies it to the cockpit and cabin zones at the requested mass flow rate. Conditioning
refers to the regulation of temperature and the removal of humidity. The system may have
provision to recirculate a portion of the cabin air.
System requirements:
Supply adequate fresh air i.e. sufficient oxygen and remove odours.
Temperature control within a comfortable range in each cabin zone [15oC - 35oC].
Supply air for cabin pressurization i.e. sufficient outlet pressure.
The standard dynamic sizing case is a pull-down or cabin cooling case on the ground on a
hot day with APU bleed:
40oC and 45% relative humidity (RH) at Sea Level.
Interior temperature after heat soak is assumed to be 46oC.
The requirement is to pull-down the cockpit and cabin temperature to 24oC in 30 min,
with no passengers on board (minimum crew), and doors closed.
3oC is the normal minimum allowed (duct) temperature supplied to occupied zones.



The A380 is a Very Long Range (VLR), subsonic, civil transport.
The A380 can be powered by two engine types :

The Roll-Royce TRENT 900


The Engine Alliance GP200

Major structural sections of the A380 are built in France, Germany,Spain, and
the United Kingdom.
Basically A380 is the largest commercial plane in the world with a doubledeck, wide-body, four-engine jet airliner manufactured by Airbus.
Produced in 2005 and made its first flight for commercial service in October

Landing Gear System

Aircraft landing gear supports the entire weight of an airplane during landing
and ground operations.
Most of landing gear aircraft have wheels to facilitate operation to and from
hard surfaces, such as airport runways.
Regardless of type of landing gear utilized, shock absorbing
equipment,brakes, retraction mechanisms, controls, warning devices,
cowling, fairings, and structural members necessary to attach the gear to the
aircraft are considered parts of the landing gear system.
Type of landing gear :

Tail Wheel-type





Gear :



Nose Landing Gear (2 wheels)


Body Landing Gear 2 (Boogie Type, 6 wheels-4 brakes)


Wing Landing Gear 2 (Boogie Type, 4 wheels-4 brakes)

. Extension/Retraction System
. Braking Control System
. Steering Control System :

Nose Wheel Steering


Body Wheel Steering

. Wheels,Tyres,Brakes
. Monitoring Systems :

Tyre Pressure Indation System

ii. Brake Temperature Monitoring System

iii. Oleo Pressure Monitoring System

Wing Landing Gear

Body Landing Gear

Nose Landing Gear

Main Wheel, Tyre and Brake

Braked Wheel
Deep Cavity A-Frame
2104-T6 aluminium alloy
23 inch rim size

Non-Braked Wheel
Symmetrical A-Frame

5 rotor Carbenix 4000 heat-sink
1.59 inch wear pin
Bridgestone Tyre
1400530 R23 40 PR Lightweight Radial

Oleo Pressure Monitoring System

OPMS is designed to

Provide a warning when one or more L/G oleo pressure is outside defined
Provide a warning when there is an OPMS equipment failure.
Provide L/G oleo pressure status to the flight and maintenance crew
Provide other aircraft systems with L/G oleo pressure status & equipment
information via AFDX.
OPMS removes the need for carrying out pre-flight oleo pressure checks by
the maintenance crew.

Brake Temperature Monitoring System

BTMS is for :

Prevents take-off with a hot brake

Prevent landing gear retraction with a hot brake
Monitors for residual braking due to a dragging brake
Equipment :

Brake Temperature Compenhension Module

Brake Temperature Sensor located next to the brake heat pack.

Tyre Pressuring Monitoring System

TPIS is designed to:

Provide other aircraft systems with tyre pressures & equipment status
Provide tyre pressure information to the flight and maintenance crew.
Provide an alert when the pressure in one or more tyres is outsi de
defined limits.
Provide an alert when the differential pressure between any two tyres
on the same axle differs by an amount beyond defined limits.
TPIS can be used to carry out daily tyre pressure checks.

Nose Wheel Steering

Body Wheel Steering

Braking Control System

Body Landing Gear (BLG) & Wing Landing Gear (WLG) attached to separate hydraulic
BLG Yellow, WLG Green
Single Cavity Brakes
Servo Valve per Wheel Pair
LEHGS (Local electro-hydraulic generation supply)
Autobrake function available in Normal & Alternate Braking mode
Comfortable & symmetric disconnect
Provision for Brake to Vacate function

Adapts deceleration rates to runway exits

Extension/Retraction System
The Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System is made up
of three sub-systems :
The Normal System : Nose and Wing Landing Gear and Doors
Body Landing Gear and Doors

- Green Hydraulic System

- Yellow Hydraulic System

An Independent Freefall System for Emergency operation : Independent of IMA

Dedicated uplock electrical actuators and valves
Uses dissimilar technologies where possible to avoid common-mode failures
Uses different wiring routes

An Auxiliary Ground Door Opening System : Allows on-ground access to each landing gear bay for maintenance purposes Electrically
operated and controlled from GDO Panels

Cockpit Control and Indication

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