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Chapter 1: The Science of Physics

Lesson 1: What is Physics?

The student will be able to:

Identify activities in fields that involve the major areas

within physics
Describe the processes of the scientific method
Describe the role of models and diagrams in physics

What is Physics?
Lets look at the fields of science you've seen so far:
Earth Science - The study of rocks, fossils, sediment, soil,
landforms, water features, and the natural processes that create
Biology - The study of living organisms
Chemistry - The study of the composition of substances, their
properties and reactions
So... whats left?
Physics - The study of the physical universe

So what role does physics play?

Physics attempts to describe the
physical world around us and
how it behaves.

Through the use of a small number

of basic concepts, equations, and
assumptions, along with the
language of mathematics, physics
can describe a broad range of

The Main Areas of Physics

Physics can be broken down into seven main categories:

The study of...


motion and its causes


heat and temperature

Vibrations and Waves

specific types of repetitive motions




electricity, magnetism, and light


particles moving at any speed, relative to an


Quantum Mechanics

behavior of particles like protons, neutrons,

electrons, and even smaller things

Which area of physics would be the most

relevant to each of these situations?

o A high school football game

o Food preparation for the prom
o Playing in the school band
o Lightning in a thunderstorm
o Wearing a pair of sunglasses outside in the sun

Scientific Method.. In Case You

Observation & data
collection lead to a
Hypotheses are
formulated and
objectively tested using
Interpret the results
and revise the
hypothesis if

State conclusions in a form

that others can evaluate

Models in Science
The physical world is very complex, and often physicists will
use simple models to explain the most fundamental features of
a particular phenomena.
Examples of Models:
Cloth Physics
DC Circuits

Simplifying the Physical World

First identify the system you are attempting to study
aSystem - set of items or interactions considered a distinct
physical entity for the purpose of study
Next, disregard all characteristics of the system that have little
to no effect on its motion.
At this point, we have constructed a model for our situation.
aModel - a replica or description designed to show the structure
or workings of an object, system, or concept

Whats relevant if we want to study the balls motion?

How are models helpful?

1. Models can help build hypotheses

How are models helpful?

2. Models help guide experimental design

Any hypothesis must be tested in a controlled experiment

Controlled experiment: experiment involving manipulation

of a single variable/factor

The Best Hypotheses

The best hypotheses can make predictions in new situations.
For example, Galileo developed a hypothesis for the free-fall of
objects in space. However, the technology to create a vacuum
would not be available for many years later. Still, his
hypothesis was able to make accurate predictions about falling
objects, even in the presence of air resistance.

Wrap Up

Give an example of a part of a car that pertains to each field

of physics and briefly describe how that part contributes to
the cars operation.

Is there a single "correct" way for following the scientific


How is a model helpful when attempting to understand a


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