Panas Reaksi 3a

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Panas reaksi

What is Energy?
A. Energy is a property of matter that allows work to be done (the
capacity to do work or to produce heat*)
B. Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy can be converted from one form to another, but cannot be
created or destroyed
Potential and Kinetic
Potential energy is energy of position (interparticle forces or
intraparticle forces)
Kinetic energy is energy of motion (translational, rotational,
According to kinetic theory:
1. all matter is composed of particles
2. all particles are in motion
3. collisions are elastic

C. Temperature and Heat

Temperature is the measure of KE
Thermal energy (heat content) is a measure of
the KE and PE of a group of particles.
Heat is thermal energy which moves from one
place to another.
D. Heat units
Joule (J) - the official SI unit defined in terms of
force times distance (Nm or kgm2/s2)
calorie (cal) - originally defined as the amt. of heat
needed to raise 1 g of water 1 C.
Calorie (Cal) - 1000 calories, 1 kcal, used by

What is heat?
It is NOT the same thing as temperature.
Temperature is a measure of how much heat can
flow but it is not a measure of the heat itself. Heat
is a form of energy. As a result heat is measured in
Joules. It is energy that flows due to a temperature
difference. Heat is given the symbol q.

Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two bodies that

are at different temperatures.
Temperature is a measure of the thermal energy.
Temperature = Thermal Energy


greater thermal energy


Energy changes in a physical change

A. As heat is added to a substance it undergoes
temperature changes (KE changes) and phase
changes (PE changes).
B. Temp changes
As we add heat to a solid, liquid or gas the
temperature usually changes. The amount of heat
needed depends to change the temp depends on 3
factors: (1) the amount of material, (2) what the
material is, (3) the amount of temperature change
These factors form the basis for an equation:
Q = m Cp T

Q [=] J is the heat required

m [=] g is the amt of substance
T [=] C is the change in temperature
T also equal Tf - Ti where Tf and Ti represent the
final and initial temperatures

Q will be positive if the temp is increasing (T +) and negative if
the temp is decreasing (T -).
Cp is the amount of heat needed to change a unit mass of
material by a unit temperature change. It is called the specific
heat capacity. Most commonly the units are J/gC or J/mole C.
The value of Cp changes from one phase to another and from
one substance to another. The subscript p refers to the fact
that the is the heat capacity at constant pressure - a situation
that is commonly encountered when processes occur that are
open to the atmosphere.

C. Phase changes
The above equation can be used for any temperature
change where we heat a solid, liquid or gas. But
what happens at the phase change points?
When a solid changes to a liquid or a liquid to a gas,
the temp does not change until all the pure
substance has undergone the phase change. Thus
we add heat to a solid at the MP and the temp does
not change. Likewise we add heat to a liq at the BP
and the temp does not change.

The equations that govern these changes are:

Q = m Hf
Q= m Hv

Hf [=] J/g is the heat of fusion, the amount of heat needed to

change 1 g of solid to liquid. This is a positive number. The
value for the change from liq to solid is a negative number.
Hv [=] J/g is the heat of vaporization, the amount of heat needed
to change 1 g of liquid to gas. This is a positive number. The
value for the change from gas to liquid is a negative number.

D. The Importance of the algebraic sign of Q

A positive value of Q means that heat is following into the
substance. This is called an endothermic process.
A negative value of Q means that heat is following out of the
substance. This is called an exothermic process.

Endothermic processes
Endothermic processes are those in which the
enthalpy of products is greater that the enthalpy of
reactants. H > 0 and heat is absorbed from the
surroundings. If a chemical reaction takes place, the
"pot" feels cold. Melting is a physical change that is
Exothermic processes
Exothermic processes are those in which the
enthalpy of the products is less that the enthalpy of
the reactants. H < 0 and heat is given up to the
surroundings. If a chemical reaction takes place, the
"pot" feels hot. Freezing is a physical change that is

To calculate the amount of heat needed to go from one

temp to another, you must:
Identify the phase you are in at the beginning temp.
Identify the phase you are in at the end temp.
Use the appropriate steps (transitions) to get from
the beginning to the end. Add the various steps
together to get the total.
Example: How much heat is needed to change 50.0 g
of solid ice at -10.0C to steam at 110.0C under
normal pressure conditions?
Cp(solid) = 2.06 J/gC
Hf = 333 J/g
Cp(liquid) = 4.18 J/gC
Hv = 2260 J/g
Cp(gas) = 2.03 J/gC

Enthalpy of a Chemical Reaction

All chemical reactions involve an exchange of
heat energy, a reaction by measuring the
enthalpy change (H).Often not possible to
directly measure the heat energy change of the
reactants and products (the system).
the enthalpy of the reaction can be indirectly
calculated with the following equation. q = H =
Cp m T The term q represents the heat
energy that is gained or lost. Cp is the specific
heat, m is the mass of substances , and T is the
temperature change of the reaction mixture. The
specific heat and mass are used because
substances will either gain or lose heat energy
in a reaction that occurs in aqueous solution

It is impossible to measure the absolute amount

of heat content (H) that a substance has. We can
only measure changes in heat content (H). We
therefore set an arbitrary zero point for heat content
and define all other enthalpies to it.
Define: The heat content of any free element = 0.
Why is this advantageous?
Let's look at the reaction below
2H2 (g) + O2 (g)
2H2O (g)
H = H(final) - H (initial)
H = H(products) - H(reactants)
H = H( 2 moles of water) - [ H(2 moles of hydrogen)
+ H(1 mole of oxygen)]

H = Enthalpy change for any process
H= Enthalpy change under standard
Hf= Enthalpy change if product is
formed from free elements under
standard conditions. (The change in enthalpy that
accompanies the formation of one mole of a
compound from its elements with all elements in
their standard state)
The standard states are 1 atm pressure and 25.00C.

There are 3 ways to find H

1. Measure it in the lab
2. Use Hess law
3. Use enthalpies of formation

Representing Enthalpy Changes

Energy changes obtained from empirical

studies (calorimetric experiments) can be
communicated in four ways.
By including an energy value as a term in
a thermochemical equation
By writing a chemical and stating the
enthalpy change in terms of H notation
By stating the molar enthalpy
By drawing a chemical potential energy

Thermochemical equations with energy terms.

Write a thermochemical equation for the burning of 2 moles of butane, C4H8,
in an excess of oxygen gas. The molar enthalpy for the combustion of
butane is -2871 kJ/mol.
1. Write the balanced equation for the reaction.
2C4H8(g) + 13O2(g)
8CO2(g) + 10H2O(l)
2. Then obtain the number of moles of butane from the balanced equation and
use this to calculate the H for the reaction.
n = 2 moles C4H8
H = n . Hcomb.
=2 mol x -2871 J/mol
= -5742 kJ
3. Report the energy change for the reaction by writing the appropriate
thermochemical equation.
2C4H8(g) + 13O2(g)

8CO2(g) + 10H2O(l) + 5742 kJ.

Thermochemical Equations with H Values

A second method is to write a balanced chemical equation for the enthalpy change and
then write the .H value beside it, making sure it has the correct sign.
Example: Write a thermochemical equation for the reaction between sulfur dioxide and
oxygen in the formation of sulfur trioxide. The molar enthalpy is -98.9 kJ/ mol SO2.
1. Write the balanced chemical equation:
2SO2(g) + O2(g)
2. The .Hcomb. in this reaction is -98.9 kJ/mol SO2.
3. Obtain the amount of sulfur dioxide, n, from the balanced equation.
n = 2 mol
4. Calculate .H for the reaction
H = n.Hcomb.
n = 2 mol and .Hcomb. = -98.9 kJ mol-1
H = 2 mol x -98.9 kJ /mol
= -197.8 kJ
5. Write the reaction for the enthalpy change with the appropriate energy term.
2SO2(g) + O2(g)
2SO3(g) .
H = -197.8 kJ
Note that the units for the enthalpy change are in kJ, kilojoules, because enthalpy change
applies to the reaction as written.
If the balanced equation for the reaction is written differently, the enthalpy change should
be reported differently. For the equation above
SO2(g) + O2(g)
SO3(g) .
H = -98.9 kJ mol-1
The enthalpy changes for reactions must be accompanied by a balanced chemical
equation that includes the state of matter of each reaction.

What is the molar enthalpy of CO2 (g) in the reaction for

the burning of butane below?
2 C4H10 (l)+13 O2 (g)

8 CO2 (g) + 10 H2O (g)

H = -5315 kJ

Molar enthalpy is the enthalpy change in equation divided
by the balance of CO2 (g)
Molar enthalpy, H substance = 5315 kJ 8 mol = 664 kJ/mol.

How much heat will be released if 65 grams of butane is burned in a

lighter according the equation in the example above.
1) Given
65 grams of butane
H reaction = 5315 kJ
2) a) Moles of butane
mass gram molecular weight ( butane )
65 grams 58.14 g/mol = 1.12 moles
b) Molar enthalpy
5315 kJ 2 mol C4H10 = 2657.5 kJ/mol
3) Plug values into equation.
Q = n * H substance
Q = 1.12 mol * 2657.5 kJ/mol = 2976.4 kJ
Considering significant figures = 3.0 MJ

Hesss law
the enthalpy changes of a series of
reactions can be combined to calculate
the enthalpy change of a reaction that is
the sum of the components of the series
Concept: If a reaction can be written as
the sum of 2 or more reactions, the
enthalpy change (H) for the overall
process is the sum of the H's for the
individual reactions.

H2O (l)
H2O (g)

H2O (g)
H2 (g) + 1/2 O2(g)

H= 44 kJ
H= 242 kJ

What is the H for H2O(l)

H2 (g) + 1/2 O2(g) ?
Add both reactions to get
H2O (l) + H2O (g)
H2O (g) + H2 (g) + 1/2 O2(g)
This gives the desired reaction, so add the H's to
get 286 kJ as the H for the reaction.
(1) If a reaction must be multiplied by a whole number,
the H for that reaction is also multiplied.
(2) If a reaction is reversed, the sign of H is

Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CS2 (l)

given that:
C(graphite) + O2 (g)
CO2 (g) Hrxn
= -393.5 kJ
S(rhombic) + O2 (g)
CS2(l) + 3O2 (g)

SO2 (g)

= -296.1 kJ

CO2 (g) + 2SO2 (g)

H0rxn = -1072 kJ

1. Write the enthalpy of formation reaction for CS 2

C(graphite) + 2S(rhombic)

CS2 (l)

2. Add the given rxns so that the result is the desired rxn.
C(graphite) + O2 (g)
2S(rhombic) + 2O2 (g)
+ CO2(g) + 2SO2 (g)

CO2 (g) H0rxn = -393.5 kJ

2SO2 (g) Hrxn
= -296.1x2 kJ
CS2 (l) + 3O2 (g)

H0rxn = +1072 kJ

C(graphite) + 2S(rhombic)
CS2 (l)
H0rxn= -393.5 + (2x-296.1) + 1072 = 86.3 kJ

Some things to remember

If you have to reverse a reaction to get things to
cancel, the sign of H must also be reversed.
If you have to multiply an agent to get it to
cancel, all other agents and H must also be
multiplied by that number.
Generally H values given in tables are under
1atm and 25C (298.15K), so be aware of what
conditions your reaction is under.

Calculating enthalpy change

1. When a rxn is reversed, the magnitude of H remains
the same, but its sign changes
2. When the balanced eqn for a rxn is multiplied by an
integer, the value of H must be multiplied by the same
3. The change in enthalpy for a rxn can be calculated from
the enthalpies of formation of the reactants and products

4. Elements in their standard states are not included a. For

elements in their standard state, Hf = 0

Enthalpy (H) is used to quantify the heat flow into or out of a

system in a process that occurs at constant pressure.

H = H (products) H (reactants)
H = heat given off or absorbed during a reaction at constant pressure

Hproducts < Hreactants

H < 0

Hproducts > Hreactants

H > 0



Factors Affecting Heat or Enthalpy Change

Physical state of the reactants and the products
The H of a reaction depends upon the physical states of reactants and products. For example, when
hydrogen and oxygen gases combine to give liquid water, the heat of reaction is different than when
they combine to form gaseous water
Quantities of reactants
The amount of heat evolved or absorbed depends upon the amount of reactants. For example, the
heat of combustion of 2 moles of carbon is double than heat of combustion of 1mole of carbon.
Allotropic modification
The amount of heat evolved or absorbed for different forms of the same substance are different. For

The heat of reaction depends upon the temperature of reactants and products.
Pressure or volume
The heat of reaction depends upon the conditions of constant pressure or volume. As,
H = E+ P V
H may be equal, greater than or less than E.

Calculate the standard enthalpy (heat) of

reaction for the oxidation of ammonia gas
to produce nitrogen dioxide gas and water
vapour given the following standard
enthalpies (heats) of formation:

NH3(g) Hfo = -46 kJ mol-1

NO2(g) Hfo = +34 kJ mol-1
H2O(g) Hfo = -242 kJ mol-1
Hfo = 0 kJ mol-1 (by definition)

1. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction:

NH3(g) + 7/4O2(g) -----> NO2(g) + 3/2H2O(g)
2. Write the general equation for calculating the enthalpy
(heat) of reaction:
Ho(reaction) = Hof(products) - Hof(reactants)
Ho = [Hof(NO2(g)) + 3/2 x Hof(H2O(g))] - [ Hof(NH3(g)) + 7/4 x
3. Substitute the values for the enthalpy (heat) of formation
of each product and reactant into the equation.
Ho = [+34 + (3/2 x -242)] - [-46 + (7/4 x 0)]
4. Solve the equation to find the enthalpy (heat) of
Ho = [+34 + -363] - [-46 + 0] = -329 + 46 = -283 kJ

Benzene (C6H6) burns in air to produce carbon dioxide and

liquid water. How much heat is released per mole of
benzene combusted? The standard enthalpy of formation
of benzene is 49.04 kJ/mol.
2C6H6 (l) + 15O2 (g)

12CO2 (g) + 6H2O (l)

H0rxn = nH0f (products) - mHf0 (reactants)

H0rxn = [ 12Hf0 (CO2) + 6Hf0 (H2O)] - [ 2Hf0 (C6H6)]
H0rxn = [ 12x393.5 + 6x187.6 ] [ 2x49.04 ] = -5946 kJ
-5946 kJ
= - 2973 kJ/mol C6H6
2 mol


Will the reaction
P4O10 (s) + 6 H2O (l) --> 4 H2PO4 (aq)
be exothermic or endothermic?
The enthalpy of a reaction can be evaluated from the
standard enthalpies of formation of all products and
Ho = Hof(all products) - Hof(all reactants)
Thus, it is desirable to find the Hof of all products and
reactants: P4O10, -3110 kJ/mol; H2, -286 kJ/mol; H3PO4,
-1288 kJ/mol.
Ho = -4*1288 - (-3110 -286*6)
= -326 kJ/mol.

Panas pembentukan dihitung dari panas

Suatu senyawa CaHbBrcCldFeIfOgNhSi, , jika Hc adalah
panas pembakaran suatu senyawa yang menghasilkan
produk akhir, CO2 (g), H2O (l), Br (l), Cl2(g),HF(aq), I(s), N2
(g),SO2 (g) dan Hf adalah panas pembentukan :
Hf = -Hc -94051,8 a 34158,7 b 44501 e -70960 i
Jika Hc adalah panas pembakaran terhadap suatu
sanyawa yang menghasilkan produk CO2 (g), H2O (l), Br2
(g), Cl2(g),HCl(aq), I(s), HNO3 (aq), H2SO4 (aq) :
Hf = -Hc -94051,8 a 34158,7 b + 3670 c 5864,3 d
44501 e 15213 g 148582 i

Contoh :
Hitung panas standard reaksi , H25 sbb:
CaC2 (s) + 2 H2O (l) ---- Ca(OH)2 (s) + C2H2 (g)
Dari tabel (29, Hougen W.)
CaC2 (s)
Hf = - 15000 kal
H2O (l)

Hf = - 68317,4 kal

Ca(OH)2 (s)

Hf = - 235800 kal

C2H2 (g)

Hc = tabel 30

Dengan persamaan diatas diperoleh Hf = 54194 kal

H25 = (- 235800 ) + ( 54194 ) - (- 15000 ) 2 (- 68317,4 )
= - 29971 kal

Measuring heats of reaction

Heats of reaction can be measured in a device
called a calorimeter. This device is usually
insulated to avoid heat loss or gain from outside
the calorimeter during the reaction, which could
introduce errors into the measurement. In a coffee
cup calorimeter, the type used in lab, the pressure
remains constant. Therefore, the heat measured is
an indication of the change in enthalpy of the
reaction. In order to use this device, we must look
at the relationship between the heat and the
variables that are measured.

Calorimetry - science of measuring heat

1. Heat capacity (C)
ratio of heat absorbed to increase in

2. Specific Heat Capacity

Energy required to raise the temp of 1 gram of a
substance by 1C
3. Molar heat capacity
Energy required to raise the temp of 1 mole of a
substance by 1C

Specific Heat Capacity, c

input of q
mass = m

Temperature change = T

specific heat capacity, or specific heat

A measure of the efficiency with which a substance
can store this heat energy
The greater the material's specific heat, the more
energy must be added to change its temperature
the quantity of heat required to raise the
temperature of a unit of mass of a substance by a
unit change in temperature.
the specific heat of water is given as
which means that 1.00 calorie of heat is necessary to
raise one gram of water one degree Celsius, or 4190
joules of heat are necessary to raise one kilogram of
water one Kelvin

How much heat, in joules is absorbed by 300 grams of water, if the

temperature change the water undergoes is 15 oC ? (The
specific heat capacity of water is 4.19 J/g* oC.)
1) Write down the given information:
mass of water = 300 grams
temperature change in water = 15 oC
specific heat capacity = 4.19 J/ g * oC
2) Determine the information required:
amount of heat in joules
3) Analyze the problem , make a plan
To solve for heat we multiply mass in grams with by the
temperature change in oC and specific heat capacity.
4) Apply the formula and solve question.
Q = (300 g) * ( 4.19 J/g * oC ) * ( 15 oC )
Q = 18,855 J or 19 kJ
5) State the answer
The heat absorbed was 19 kJ

How much heat is given off when an 869 g iron bar cools
from 940C to 50C?
s of Fe = 0.444 J/g 0C
t = tfinal tinitial = 50C 940C = -890C
q = mst = 869 g x 0.444 J/g 0C x 890C = -34,000 J


Constant Pressure Calorimetry (solutions)

1. Calculating Heat of Rxn, H
H = specific heat capacity x mass of
sol'n x increase in temp
H = s x m x T
2. Heat of rxn is an extensive property dependent on the amount of substance
H moles of reactant

Constant-Pressure Calorimetry

qsys = qwater + qcal + qrxn

qsys = 0
qrxn = - (qwater + qcal)
qwater = mst
qcal = Ccalt
Reaction at Constant P
H = qrxn
No heat enters or leaves!



Constant Volume Calorimetry

1. Volume of bomb calorimeter cannot change, so no work
is done
2. The heat capacity of the calorimeter must be known,
generally in kJ/C

Constant-Volume Calorimetry

qsys = qwater + qbomb + qrxn

qsys = 0
qrxn = - (qwater + qbomb)
qwater = mst
qbomb = Cbombt
Reaction at Constant V
H = qrxn
No heat enters or leaves!

H ~ qrxn

Calculate heat of reaction by calorimetry

Based on conservation energy law:
If reaction/system releases heat, so surroundings
(solution/water and calorimeter) absorb heat.

Problem Solving
1. Calcium carbide can be made by heating calcium oxide
(lime) with carbon (charcoal).
CaO (s) + 3 C (s)
CaC2 (s) + CO (g) H = +464.8 kJ
How many kilojoules of heat are absorbed in a reaction
in which 76.5 g C(s) is consumed?

The enthalpy of solution ( Hsoln) is the heat generated or

absorbed when a certain amount of solute dissolves in a
certain amount of solvent.
Hsoln = Hsoln - Hcomponents

Which substance(s) could be

used for melting ice?

Which substance(s) could be

used for a cold pack?


The Solution Process for NaCl

Hsoln = Step 1 + Step 2 = 788 784 = 4 kJ/mol


Enthalpy of vaporization, Hvap

also known as the heat of vaporization or
heat of evaporation, is the energy
required to transform a given quantity of a
substance into a gas.
It is often measured at the
normal boiling point of a substance;
although tabulated values are usually
corrected to 298 K, the correction is often
smaller than the uncertainty in the
measured value.

Enthalpy of condensation
(or heat of condensation) is numerically
exactly equal to the enthalpy of
vaporization, but has the opposite sign:
enthalpy changes of vaporization are
always positive (heat is absorbed by the
substance), whereas enthalpy changes of
condensation are always negative (heat is
released by the substance).

Latent heat
the amount of energy released or absorbed by a
chemical substance during a change of state
that occurs without changing its temperature,
meaning a phase transition such as the melting
of ice or the boiling of water.
Two of the more common forms of latent heat
(or enthalpies or energies) encountered are
latent heat of fusion (melting) and latent heat of
vaporization (boiling).

The specific latent heat is the amount of

energy required to convert 1 kg (or 1 lb) of a
substance from solid to liquid (or vice-versa)
without a change in the temperature of the
surroundings -- all absorbed energy goes into
the phase change -- is known as the specific
latent heat of fusion
specific latent heat of vaporization for that
substance is the amount of energy required to
convert 1 kg (or 1 lb) of a substance from liquid
to gas (or vice-versa) without a change in the
external temperature.

The enthalpy of moist and humid air consist of

sensible heat and latent heat - enthalpy is used
and heating
air cooling
is a mixture
of dry air
and water

vapor. In atmospheric air, water vapor

content varies from 0 to 3% by mass. The
enthalpy of moist and humid air includes :
the enthalpy of the dry air - the sensible
heat - and the enthalpy of the evaporated
water - the latent heat

Specific enthalpy of moist air

h = ha + x hw


h = specific enthalpy of moist air (kJ/kg, Btu/lb)
ha = specific enthalpy of dry air (kJ/kg, Btu/lb)
x = humidity ratio (kg/kg, lb/lb)
hw = specific enthalpy of water vapor (kJ/kg, Btu/lb)

Specific Enthalpy of Dry Air - Sensible Heat

ha = cpa t


cpa = specific heat capacity of air at constant
pressure (kJ/kgoC, kWs/kgK, Btu/lboF)
t = air temperature (oC, oF)
For air temperature between -100oC (150oF)
and 100oC (212oF) the specific heat
capacity can be set to
cpa = 1.006 (kJ/kgoC) = 0.240 (Btu/lboF)

Specific Enthalpy of Water Vapor - Latent Heat

hw = cpw t + hwe


cpw = specific heat capacity of water vapor at constant
pressure (kJ/kgoC, kWs/kgK)
t = water vapor temperature (oC)
hwe = evaporation heat of water at 0 oC (kJ/kg)
For water vapor the specific heat capacity can be set to

cpw = 1.84 (kJ/kgoC) = 0.444 (Btu/lboF)

The evaporation heat (water at 0oC) can be set to

hwe = 2501 kJ/kg) = 970 (Btu/lb)

Using (2) and (3), (1) can be modified to

h = cpa t + x [cpw t + hwe]


Example - Enthalpy in Moist Air

The enthalpy of humid air at 25oC with specific
moisture content x = 0.0203 kg/kg (saturation), can
be calculated as:
h = (1.006 kJ/kgoC) (25oC) + (0.0203 kg/kg)
[(1.84 kJ/kgoC) (25oC) + (2501 kJ/kg)]
= (25.15 kJ/kg) + (0.93 kJ/kg) + (51.70 kJ/kg)
= 77.8 (kJ/kg)
Note! The latent heat due to evaporation of water
is the major part of the enthalpy. The sensible heat
due to heating evaporated water vapor can be
almost neglected.

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