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Harmony with God

Topics to be discussed

Discussion so far
Levels of consciousness
Understanding God?
Level 0 Nature Universal form
Level 1 Supreme Brahman
Level 2 Parmatma (Supersoul)
Level 3 Bhagavan (Supreme
Personality of Godhead)
Yoga Ladder
Anta kale8.5,

Discussion so far
r-prahrda uvca
kaumra caret prjo
dharmn bhgavatn iha
durlabham mnusam janma
tad apy adhruvam arthadam SB 7.6.1
Prahlda Mahrja said: One who is sufficiently intelligent
should use the human form of body from the very beginning
of life in other words, from the tender age of childhood
to practice the activities of devotional service, giving up all
other engagements. The human body is most rarely
achieved, and although temporary like other bodies, it is
meaningful because in human life one can perform
devotional service. Even a slight amount of sincere
devotional service can give one complete perfection.

Discussion so far
nehabhikrama-naso 'sti
pratyavayo na vidyate
svalpam apy asya dharmasya
trayate mahato bhayat
BG 2.40

In this endeavor there is no loss or
diminution, and a little advancement
on this path can protect one from the
most dangerous type of fear.

Levels of consciousness
We are not the bodies
We are eternal souls. The body and mind
work for the purposes of the soul.

We are not the doers

We think we are the doers and we
get in all kinds of trouble !!

Levels of consciousness

Nature and Consciousness

Understanding God?
vedham samattni
vartamnni crjuna
bhavisyni ca bhtni
mm tu veda na kacana
BG 7.26

O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, I know everything that has
happened in the past, all that is happening
in the present, and all things that are yet to
come. I also know all living entities; but Me
no one knows.

Opulences of God
aishwarya samagrasya
viryasya yashasya sriyaha
gyana vairagyoyasya chaiva
sannaha bhaga itinganaa
(Vishnu Puraan-6/5/47)

The one who is possessed of six qualities(bhag)

in absoluteness or completeness of each and
every, namely prosperity, fame, strength,
beauty, knowledge and renunciation, is termed
as bhagwaan.

Level 0 Universal Form

mattah parataram nanyat
kincid asti dhananjaya
mayi sarvam idam protam
sutre mani-gana iva
BG 7.7
O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth
superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me,
as pearls are strung on a thread.

Level 0 Universal Form

Bhoktram yajnya tapasam,
sarvaloka maheswaram BG 5.29
Svamsa (supreme, equal to God
quantitively and qualitatively)
Vibhinnamsa (jivatma, equal to God
qualitatively.. Not quantitatively)

Level 0 Universal Form

yad yad vibhutimat sattvam
srimad urjitam eva va
tat tad evavagaccha tvam
mama tejo-'msa-sambhavam
BG 10.41

Know that all opulent, beautiful and
glorious creations (spiritual and material)
spring from but a spark of My splendor.

Level 0 Universal Form

mayadhyaksena prakrtih
suyate sa-caracaram
hetunanena kaunteya
jagad viparivartate
BG 9.10

This material nature, which is one of My
energies, is working under My direction, O son
of Kunti, producing all moving and nonmoving
beings. Under its rule this manifestation is
created and annihilated again and again.

Level 0 Universal Form

Prakriti is the mother, whereas Krishna
acts as the seed giving father (sarva
yoninsu..). By his glance he
impregnates nature.
However, he is not affected by the
creation. He remains detached, like a
flower and the person experiencing its

Level 0 Universal Form

Prakriti is set into motion by the time
factor. This is the destructive
manifestation of Krishnas external
Arjuna asked Krishna to describe these
potencies, which as described earlier is
just an spark of his splendor.
Chapter 11.5 onwards.

Level 0 Universal form

Prakriti is set into motion by the time
factor. This is the destructive
manifestation of Krishnas external
Arjuna asked Krishna to describe these
potencies, which as described earlier is
just an spark of his splendor.
Chapter 11.5 onwards.

Level 0 Universal form

In essence material Nature and its
laws are under the external energy of
Krishna, called Maya.
When one desires to free oneself from
the encagement of Maya, and
approaches Krishna in submission,
then Krishna immediately frees the
fortunate soul.

Level 0 Universal form

daivi hy esa guna-mayi
mama maya duratyaya
mam eva ye prapadyante
mayam etam taranti te
BG 7.14
This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the
three modes of material nature, is difficult
to overcome. But those who have
surrendered unto Me can easily cross
beyond it.

Level 0 Universal form

The question arises as to how this
surrendering process takes place at this level
Krishna gives some pointers (BG 18:45-46)
By following his qualities of work, every man can
become perfect. Now please hear from Me how
this can be done.
By worship of the Lord, who is the source of all
beings and who is all-pervading, a man can
attain perfection through performing his own

Level 0 Universal form

yat karosi yad asnasi
yaj juhosi dadasi yat
yat tapasyasi kaunteya
tat kurusva mad-arpanam
BG 9.14

Whatever you do, whatever you eat,
whatever you offer or give away, and
whatever austerities you perform -- do
that, O son of Kunti, as an offering to Me.

Level 1: Brahman, the

Freedom means that one acquires
qualities that are indicative of a free
These qualities are acquired also by
development of knowledge of what is
matter and what is spirit.

Level 1: Brahman, the

There are 2 stages: At the first level are these
qualities, born of the mode of goodness, which
leads to liberation
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said:
Fearlessness; purification of one's existence;
cultivation of spiritual knowledge; charity; selfcontrol; performance of sacrifice; study of the Vedas;
austerity; simplicity; nonviolence; truthfulness;
freedom from anger; renunciation; tranquillity;
aversion to faultfinding; compassion for all living
entities; freedom from covetousness; gentleness;
modesty; steady determination; vigor; forgiveness;
fortitude; cleanliness; and freedom from envy and
from the passion for honor -- these transcendental
qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men
endowed with divine nature.

Level 1: Brahman, the

At the liberated stage, the afore mentioned
qualities form the platform on the basis of
which further development to the
understanding of Brahman takes place.
Being purified by his intelligence and controlling
the mind with determination, giving up the objects
of sense gratification, being freed from attachment
and hatred, one who lives in a secluded place, who
eats little, who controls his body, mind and power
of speech, who is always in trance and who is
detached, free from false ego, false strength, false
pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material
things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful
-- such a person is certainly elevated to the
position of self-realization. BG 18:51-53

Level 1: Brahman, the

This is the Brahma-bhuta stage.
brahma-bhutah prasannatma
na socati na kanksati
samah sarvesu bhutesu
mad-bhaktim labhate param
BG 18.54
One who is thus transcendentally situated at once
realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully
joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything.
He is equally disposed toward every living entity. In
that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me.

Level 1: Brahman, the

One is peaceful, not desiring anything or lamenting.

apuryamanam acala-pratistham
samudram apah pravisanti yadvat
tadvat kama yam pravisanti sarve
sa santim apnoti na kama-kami
BG 2.70
A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of
desires -- that enter like rivers into the ocean,
which is ever being filled but is always still -- can
alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives
to satisfy such desires.

Level 1: Brahman, the

At this stage the aspiring spiritualists sees
Krishna as the all pervading, formless.
Here is there is no activity, no
relationships. One thinks one can be one
with this effulgence of God, one sacrifices
happiness (which arises out of
relationships) thinking it to be an
impediment to peace.

Level 2: Parmatma, the

The first stage of knowledge is understanding
that one is not the body, but the eternal soul.
This frees one from material conceptions..
Though this is an eternal state, it is not the the
ultimate word in knowledge. Now one can
understand with his spiritualized senses about
This happens by the process of hearing about
God, through the scriptures or Guru, and
preferably both.

Level 2: Parmatma, the

The Supersoul, seated besides the
individual soul, is the witness of the
individual souls activities and is the
source of the souls various kinds of
The Supersoul gives the individual soul
an opportunity to act freely and
witnesses his activities.

Level 2: Parmatma, the

isvarah sarva-bhutanam
hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati
bhramayan sarva-bhutani
yantrarudhani mayaya
BG 18.61

The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's
heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the
wanderings of all living entities, who are
seated as on a machine, made of the
material energy.

Level 2: Parmatma, the

BG 13.13: I shall now explain the knowable, knowing
which you will taste the eternal. Brahman, the spirit,
beginningless and subordinate to Me, lies beyond the
cause and effect of this material world.
BG 13.14: Everywhere are His hands and legs, His
eyes, heads and faces, and He has ears everywhere.
In this way the Supersoul exists, pervading everything.
BG 13.15: The Supersoul is the original source of all
senses, yet He is without senses. He is unattached,
although He is the maintainer of all living beings. He
transcends the modes of nature, and at the same time
He is the master of all the modes of material nature.

Level 2: Parmatma, the

BG 13.16: The Supreme Truth exists outside and inside of
all living beings, the moving and the nonmoving. Because
He is subtle, He is beyond the power of the material
senses to see or to know. Although far, far away, He is also
near to all.
BG 13.17: Although the Supersoul appears to be divided
among all beings, He is never divided. He is situated as
one. Although He is the maintainer of every living entity, it
is to be understood that He devours and develops all.
BG 13.18: He is the source of light in all luminous objects.
He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested.
He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is
the goal of knowledge. He is situated in everyone's heart.

Level 2: Parmatma, the

Qualities of a person who has realized the
BG 13.8-12: Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence;
tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual
master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control;
renunciation of the objects of sense gratification;
absence of false ego; the perception of the evil of birth,
death, old age and disease; detachment; freedom from
entanglement with children, wife, home and the rest;
even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant
events; constant and unalloyed devotion to Me;
aspiring to live in a solitary place; detachment from the
general mass of people; accepting the importance of
self-realization; and philosophical search for the
Absolute Truth

Level 2: Parmatma, the

At this stage also one sees everyone with equal
brahmane gavi hastini
suni caiva sva-pake ca
panditah sama-darsinah
BG 5.18

The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see
with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana,
a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater.

Level 2: Parmatma, the

This panditah does not desire to
become one with the Supreme.
He realizes that he the soul can only
be present in one body, but the
Supersoul is present in each and every
body. This is true knowledge (higher
than that which realizes that one is a
soul), and this equal vision is correct.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
There are 2 qualities mentioned in
the qualities of a person on Level 2
that qualify him to understand God in
his complete aspect.
Accepting a spiritual master in disciplic
Constant and unalloyed devotion

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
Level 1 or understanding of Brahman is
required also, for in that stage one does
not hanker or lament for anything
At this stage one realizes an important
and essential quality of the soul.
The soul is always active.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
Knowing Brahman and the
Parmatma, the soul acts to serve, to
serve God personally
This service attitude is necessary for
understanding God.
Krishna confirms

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
bhaktya tv ananyaya sakya
aham evam-vidho 'rjuna
jnatum drastum ca tattvena
pravestum ca parantapa
BG 11.54

My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional
service can I be understood as I am, standing
before you, and can thus be seen directly. Only
in this way can you enter into the mysteries of
My understanding.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
bhakty mm abhijnti
yvn ya csmi tattvatah
tato mm tattvato jtv
viate tad-anantaram
BG 18.55
One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service. And
when one is in full consciousness of Me by such
devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
The perception of God requires understanding that the
spiritual world and God himself has varieties.
parsya aktir vividhaiva ryate
svbhvik jna-bala-kriy ca
(vetvatara Upanissad 6.8)
"The Supreme Lord has multipotencies, which act so
perfectly that all consciousness, strength and activity are
being directed solely by His will.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
When one understands that the Supersoul
has a personality, that the source of the
Supersoul is a person, with multi potencies.
Using the Svamsa potency God expands
Krishna -> Balarama -> 1st Caturvyuha ->
Narayan -> 2nd Caturvyuha -> Sankarsana =
Mahavishnu -> Garbhodakshayi Vishnu ->
Ksirodakshayi Vishnu (Parmatma)

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
God is perceived in a way that is
suitable for the particular rasa or
mellow or unique quality of the soul.
There are 5 primary rasas, in which
devotional service is performed
Santa (awe and reverence)
Dasya (servitorship)
Sakhya (friendship)
Vatasalya (parental)
Madhurya (conjugal)

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
So what is this devotional service
anukulyena krsnanusilanam bhaktir uttama
BRS 1.1.11

When first-class devotional service develops, one must
be devoid of all material desires, knowledge obtained
by monistic philosophy, and fruitive action. The
devotee must constantly serve Krsna favorably, as
Krsna desires.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
This is possible when one understands that Krishna is the
supreme beloved.
Suhrdam sarva bhutanam BG 5.29

That Krishna desires our happiness and pleasure more

than he desires his own.
anany cintayanto mm
ye janh paryupsate
tesm nitybhiyuktnm
yoga-ksemam vahmy aham BG 9.22

But those who always worship Me with exclusive

devotion, meditating on My transcendental form
to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what
they have.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
sadhavo hridayam mahyam
sadhunam hridayam tv aham
mad-anyat te na jananti
naham tebhyo manag api
SB 9.4.68

The pure devotee is always within the core of
My heart, and I am always in the heart of the
pure devotee. My devotees do not know
anything else but Me, and I do not know
anyone else but them.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
samo 'ham sarva-bhtesu
na me dvesyo 'sti na priyah
ye bhajanti tu mm bhakty
mayi te tesu cpy aham
BG 9.29

I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am
equal to all. But whoever renders service unto
Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am
also a friend to him.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
Krishna becomes subordinate to the
love of his devotees, due to this
attitude of unmotivated, uninterrupted
love and so this love is not very
easily given.
But by following a process, this can be
received, as a benediction, not as a
result of our actions.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
tad viddhi praniptena
paripranena sevay
upadeksyanti te jnam
jninas tattva-darinah
BG 4.34

Just try to learn the truth by approaching a
spiritual master. Inquire from him
submissively and render service unto him.
The self-realized souls can impart knowledge
unto you because they have seen the truth.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
The seed of devotion, is implanted in
the heart of the sincere aspirant, and
with that minute amount of faith and
taste, one progresses to perform
devotional services in various
different ways. This is called
sadhana, or regulated devotional

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
sri-prahrada uvaca
sravanam kirtanam vishnoh
smaranam pada-sevanam
arcanam vandanam dasyam
sakhyam atma-nivedanam
iti pumsarpita vishnau
bhaktis cen nava-lakshana
kriyeta bhagavaty addha
tan manye 'dhitam uttamam SB 7.5.23-24
Prahlada Maharaja said: Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy
name, form, qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Lord Vishnu, remembering
them, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering the Lord respectful worship
with sixteen types of paraphernalia, offering prayers to the Lord, becoming His
servant, considering the Lord one's best friend, and surrendering everything
unto Him (in other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words) -- these
nine processes are accepted as pure devotional service. One who has
dedicated his life to the service of Krishna through these nine methods should
be understood to be the most learned person, for he has acquired complete

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
This process of Bhakti (devotional service) is called
the culmination of Yoga.
yoginm api sarvesm
raddhvn bhajate yo mm
sa me yuktatamo matah
BG 6.47

And of all yogs, the one with great faith who always
abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders
transcendental loving service to Me he is the most
intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of
all. That is My opinion.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
The other types of Yoga help one to get to realizations
not as complete as Bhagavan, and there are various
Karma Yoga: dedication of the results of ones activities
(niskama stage): Still somewhat attached to the activity : May
lead to wants of higher planets.
Jnana Yoga: Understanding God through mental speculation:
Can reach the Supreme Brahman realization: Very difficult to
achieve: May lead to desiring to become one with God.
Astanga Yoga: (Patanjali: culiminating in Samadhi): Can reach
the Parmatma realization: Very very difficult to achieve. One
achieves mystic powers that may sway one from the path.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
These paths are ascending, depending
very much on the practitioner.
Bhakti is descending, depending on the
grace of the Krishna.
The qualities required of a devotee include
everything that is required to be understand
Brahman and Parmatma. But these become
manifest in the devotees in the process of
performing devotional service.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
The path of Bhakti is recommended by
Krishna since it allows everyone to
access the highest perfection, while
allowing the choice of a lower
Krishna comes as his own devotee
(Lord Chaitanya) to propogate the path
of the Bhakti, through the chanting
(kirtan) of the holy names.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
iti sodasakam namnam kali-kalmasa-nasanam
natah parataropayah sarva-vedesu drsyate
The sixteen names of the Hare Krishna mahamantra: hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna
hare hare, hare rama hare rama rama rama hare
hare destroy all the inauspiciousness of the age of
Kali. This is the conclusion of all the Vedas.
(Kali-santarana Upanisad from Krishna Yajur Veda)

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
satatam kirtayanto mam
yatantas ca dridha-vratah
namasyantas ca mam bhaktya
nitya-yukta upasate BG 9.14
Always chanting My glories, endeavoring
with great determination, bowing
down before Me, these great souls
perpetually worship Me with devotion.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
Nitya yukta.. Utilization of ones nature
in the service of Krishna, and not
artificial renunciation is recommended.
Nirbandha krishna sambandhe
Yukta vairagya ucyate
To utilize everything one has, in the
service of Krishna, is real renunciation.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
And the result is that one is absorbed in
Krishna even at the time of death.. .
anta-kale ca mam eva
smaran muktva kalevaram
yah prayati sa mad-bhavam
yati nasty atra samsayah BG 8.5
And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his
body, remembering Me alone, at once
attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
yo mam evam asammudho
janati purushottamam
sa sarva-vid bhajati mam
sarva-bhavena bharata BG 15.19
Whoever knows Me as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, without
doubting, is the knower of everything.
He therefore engages himself in full
devotional service to Me, O son of

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
man-man bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yj mm namaskuru
mm evaisyasi yuktvaivam
tmnam mat-paryanah BG 9.34
Engage your mind always in thinking
of Me, become My devotee, offer
to Me and worship Me. Being complete
ly absorbed in Me, surely you will co
me to Me.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
man-man bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yj mm namaskuru
mm evaisyasi satyam te
pratijne priyo 'si me
BG 18.65
Always think of Me, become My devotee,
worship Me and offer your homage unto Me.
Thus you will come to Me without fail. I
promise you this because you are My very
dear friend.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
The Gita is a personal dialogue. Krishna,
speaking to a friend who is very dear to him.
The Gita invites us to also develop this
relationship, with God and with each other
on the basis of our relation with Krishna.
Thus we can always . Chant and be

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
The Gita is a personal dialogue. Krishna,
speaking to a friend who is very dear to him.
The Gita invites us to also develop this
relationship, with God and with each other on
the basis of our relation with Krishna.
This is real unity, real harmony.
Thus we can always . Chant and be happy,
and eventually go back home back to Godhead.

Level 3: Bhagavan
Krishna: Supreme Personality of
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Thank you..
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

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