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Criterion 4

Site Imperviousness


Impervious surfaces are mainly constructed surfaces--rooftops, sidewalks,

roads, and parking lots--covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt,
concrete, and stone . These materials effectively seal surfaces, repel water
and prevent precipitation water from infiltrating soils.

Environmental effects of impervious surfaces

The pavement materials seal the soil surface, eliminating rainwater

infiltration and natural groundwater recharge
Impervious surfaces collect solar heat in their dense mass. When the heat is
released, it raises air temperatures, producing urban "heat islands", and
increasing energy consumption in buildings.
Impervious pavements deprive tree roots of aeration, eliminating the "urban
forest" and the canopy shade that would otherwise moderate urban climate.
Because impervious surfaces displace living vegetation, they reduce
ecological productivity, and interrupt atmospheric carbon cycling.

Mitigation of environmental impacts

Impervious surface coverage can be limited by restricting land use density

(such as number of homes per acre in a subdivision), but this approach
causes land elsewhere (outside the subdivision) to be developed, to
accommodate growing population.

Alternatively, urban structures can be built differently to make them

function more like naturally pervious soils; examples of such alternative
structures are porous pavements, green roofs and infiltration basins.
Rainwater from impervious surfaces can be collected in rainwater tanks and
used in place of main water.
A number of concrete manufacturers have begun producing permeable
materials which partly mitigate the environmental impact of conventional
impervious concrete.

High imperviousness on site leads to rapid runoff of rainwater, reduces urban
rainwater recharge and contributes to conditions of urban flooding. The intent of this
criterion is to ensure implementation of site design measures which assist in
reduction of overall site imperviousness factor.

Net Imperviousness factor of site meets the NBC 2005
norms. (1 point)

Submit calculations demonstrating
compliance with Net Imperviousness
Factor of NBC 2005
Net paved area(%)= Net impervious area on ground (sq m)
x 100
total site area minus building footprint (sqm)
Impervious paved area on site to include parking, driveway, sidewalks,
roads, plaza and walkways. Excludes areas that have pervious paving
(like grass pavers, open grid pavement and gravel paving). Total site area
is an area of plot used for calculation of floor area ratio/ floor space
Net imperviousness of site (sqm)= Surface area x Runoff coefficient


Imperviousness (%)= Net imperviousness of the site as per Equation 2

Criterion -10


Substances containing chlorine (or

bromine) contribute to the
breakdown of the ozone layer in the
stratosphere, resulting in harmful
UV radiation reaching earths
surface, and thus contributing to
global climate change.

Such substances are mainly used in

refrigerating and air-conditioning
equipment, fire suppression
systems and extinguishers, and in


Ozone depleting substances vary in their

capacity to destroy ozone molecules, so
scientists have developed a method for
characterizing the relative depletion
caused by different ODS.

Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is the

ratio of calculated ozone column change
for each mass unit of a gas emitted into
the atmosphere relative to the calculated
depletion for the reference gas CFC 11
(ODP = 1.0).

This allows different chemicals to be

compared using a common unit (CFC 11equivalents). For example, a chemical
such as Halon 2402 (ODP = 6) is six times
more detrimental to the stratospheric
ozone layer than CFC 11.


Eliminate or control the release of ozone-depleting substances into the

atmosphere. The ozone depleting materials commonly used in buildings are
CFCs or HCFCs in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, halons in fire
suppression systems and extinguishers, and in insulation.
Use insulation with zero-ODP (ozone depletion potential) such as HCFC-free
rigid foam insulation, mineral fibre cellulose insulation, glass fibre, wood
fibre board, cork wool, expanded (bead) polystyrene, recycled newspaper,
and jute and cotton.
Avoid materials that do not inherently have a zero-ODP, such as
polyurethane foams.

HCFC free Insulation

Cork wool board


All the insulation used in building should be CFCs and HCFCs free
All the refrigerant in the HVAC and refrigeration equipment should be CFCs
free Mandatory
The fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers installed in the building
are free of halon Mandatory

Submit specification sheets & purchase orders (reflecting full quantities)
highlighting that the insulation, HVAC system, refrigeration equipment and fire
fighting systems comply with the given appraisals
A certificate from the manufacturer/supplier, signed by the architect or the
engineer, stating that 100% of the insulation used in the building is free of CFCs
and HCFCs.

Criterion - 16


Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological

characteristics of water. It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the
requirements of one or more biotic species and or to any human need or purpose.

Water quality is a growing concern throughout the developing world. Drinking

water sources are under increasing threat from contamination, with far-reaching
consequences for the health of people and for the economic and social
development of communities and nations.


The parameters for water quality are determined by the intended use. Work
in the area of water quality tends to be focused on water that is treated for
human consumption, industrial use, or in the environment.

In Griha two aspects of water quality are considered one is to ensure the
desired quality of potable water whatever may be the source of supply and
the other aspect of water quality is for treated water.


Potable water quality standards

Water is usually tasteless, odor less, colorless, and a liquid in its pure state. But,
water is one of the best naturally occurring solvents present on the earth and
almost any substance will dissolve in it to some degree. This is why it is seldom
found in its 'pure state and usually contains several impurities (gases, solids, color)

Drinking water for human beings should contain some level of minerals (TDS), but
these levels should not be excessive. The standard that is applicable in India is the
BIS 10 500-1991 standard. This standard uses the WHO standard as the basis and
has been amended subsequently to take into account the fact that over
exploitation of groundwater, which has the largest share of water supplied for
human use.

The Bureau of India Standards (BIS) standard applies to the purity level acceptable
for human consumption. For practically all industrial and some commercial uses,
the purity level required is very high, and in most cases, demand water with
virtually no residual dissolved solids at all.


Ensuring quality of water available for use during building operation is

important from two perspectives overall hygiene for building occupants as
well as longevity of plumbing systems.
It is also important to ensure that the water being discharged from the site
meets the relevant disposal norms.
The intent of this criterion is to ensure that the water being used in the
project meets the relevant national standards.


Water used for various

purposes like drinking,
irrigation etc. shall conform
to the BIS standards Mandatory

The STP(sewage treatment

plant) installed on site
meets the CPCB (central
pollution control board)
norms 2 points

Essential characteristics

BIS 10 5000 standards for drinking


General Parameters
Concerning Substances
Undesirable in Excessive

Parameters Concerning Toxic Substances

Water quality criteria for irrigation

Total Salt Concentration .

It is expressed as the electrical conductivity (EC). In relation to hazardous effects of the total
salt concentration, the irrigation water can be classified into four major groups as given in Table

Water quality rating based on the total salt concentration

Boron content
Boron, though a nutrient, becomes toxic if present in water beyond a
particular level In relation to boron toxicity the irrigation water quality
rating is given in Table

Water quality rating based on boron content

Residual sodium carbonate

Sodium Adsorption Ratio


1: Submit potable water quality, treated waste water and captured rainwater
quality details from various sources before and after treatment (if required) - from
an NABL accredited laboratory on the quality of potable water

2: Submit narrative (including capacity of water treatment) of the type of

treatment plant installed on site along with plumbing drawings of the system

3: Submit the specification details indicating the capacity and components of the
water treatment plant along with drawings (product details from the manufacturer)

4: Submit document indicating the quantum of treated water generated along with
the use/disposal steps

5: Submit narrative on disposal and reuse of other by-products such as sludge

Thank you

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