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Cervical cancer

Alumna: Amanda teresa Zepeda novelo
Materia: ingles nursing 1


It is cancer that starts in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb)
that opens at the top of the vagina.

Cervical cancers begin in the cells of the surface of the cervix. Two types
of cells in said surface: squamous and columnar. Most cervical cancers
are from squamous cells.


Most of the time, the initial cervical cancer is asymptomatic. Symptoms that may occur include

Abnormal vaginal bleeding between periods, after intercourse, or after menopause.

Vaginal discharge that does not stop, which may be pale, watery, pink, brown, bloody or foulsmelling.
Menstrual periods become heavier and last longer than normal.
Cervical cancer can spread to the bladder, intestines, lungs and liver. Often, no problems until the
cancer is advanced and has spread. Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer may include:
Back pain
Fractures or bone pain
Leaking of urine or feces from the vagina
Leg pain
Pelvic pain
Swelling in one leg
Weight loss


La evolucin del paciente en realidad depende de muchos factores, como:

The type of cervical cancer.

The stage of the cancer (how far it has spread).

The age and general health.

If the cancer returns after treatment.

Precancerous conditions can be cured completely when they are made to appropriate
monitoring and treatment. Most women are alive at 5 years (survival rate of 5 years)
for cancer that has spread into the cervix walls but not outside the cervical area. The
survival rate at 5 years decreases as cancer extends outside the walls of the cervix to
other areas


Risk of the cancer coming back in women receiving treatment to save the

Problems with sexual function, bowel and bladder after surgery or radiation.

Radical hysterectomy, in which the uterus is removed and much of the

surrounding tissues, including the lymph nodes and the top of the vagina.

Exenteration, an extreme type of surgery in which all organs are removed from
the pelvis, including the bladder and rectum.


Treatment of cervical cancer depends on:

The stage of cancer

The size and shape of the tumor

The age and general health of women

His desire to have children in the future

Early cervical cancer can be cured by removing or destroying

precancerous or cancerous tissues. That is why routine Pap smears are
so important. There are various surgical ways to do this without
removing the uterus or damaging the cervix, so that a woman can still
have children in the future.


Cervical cancer is preventable by doing the following:

Receive HPV vaccine. It prevents most types of HPV infections that cause
cervical cancer. Your health care provider can tell if the vaccine is
appropriate in your case.

Practice safe sex. Condom use during sex reduces the risk of HPV and other
sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Limit the number of sexual partners you have and avoid partners who
participate in high-risk sexual activities.

Pap smears as often as your healthcare provider recommends. Pap smears

can help detect early changes, which can be treated before they turn into
cervical cancer.

. Be tested for HPV if so recommended by their health care provider. It can

be used along with the Pap test to find cervical cancer in women 30 and

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