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 Transgender people exhibit the full

range of possible sexual orientations
and interests.
 Characterizing a transgender person
as heterosexual or homosexual is
 The terms Gynephilia and Androphilia
are ideally used.
 Discrimination against transsexual
or transgender people, based on the
expression of their internal gender
 May NOT be intentional.
 Unnecessary experience of

Housing Employment Healthcare

 Refers to the discriminatory
treatment of individuals whose
appearance and/or identity does not
conform to current social
expectations or conventional
conceptions of gender.
 Personal
 Interpersonal
 Institutional
 Cultural

Transprejudice frequently manifests

itself in violent forms.
Sex change surgery

Sex reassignment surgery also known as

genital reconstruction surgery, sex
affirmation surgery, or sex-change
operation, is a term for the surgical
procedures by which a person's physical
appearance and function of their existing
sexual characteristics are altered to
resemble that of the other sex.
For trans women, genital reconstruction usually involves the
surgical construction of a vagina , whereas in the case of trans
men, genital reconstruction may involve either construction of a
penis or metoidioplasty/construction of a penis.

For trans men these may include mastectomy (removal of the female
breasts) and chest reconstruction (the shaping of a male-contoured
chest), or hysterectomy .

For some trans women, facial feminization surgery and breast

augmentation are also medically necessary components of their
surgical treatment

For male-to-female transsexuals, medical advances may eventually

make childbearing possible by using a donor uterus long enough to
carry a child to term as anti-rejection drugs do not seem to affect the
fetus. The DNA in a donated ovum can be removed and replaced with
the DNA of the receiver
The earliest identifiable recipient of Male to Female Sex Reassignment
Surgery was Lili Elbe in Berlin, in 1930-1931.

This was started with the removal of the male sex organs and was
supervised by Dr. Magnus Hirschfield.

Lili went on to have four more subsequent operations that included an

unsuccessful uterine transplant, the rejection of which resulted in death


Trinidad has been dubbed the "Sex Change Capital of the World",
because a local doctor had an international reputation for
performing sex reassignment surgery.

In the 1960s, Dr. Stanley Biber, a veteran surgeon returning from

Korea, decided to move to Trinidad because he had heard that the
town needed a surgeon.

Biber attained a reputation as a good surgeon at a time when very

few doctors performed the operations.

At his peak, Biber was performing roughly four sex change

operations a day, and the term "taking a trip to Trinidad" became
a euphemism for some seeking the procedures he offered.
The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association's
Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders recommends the
following activities to get started in the sex change process and aid in
the transition.

Manner of dress

Body Modification-(e.g., For trans women, hair

removal through electrolysis).

Practice- increasing grooming, wardrobe, and

vocal expression skills.

Education-learning about transgenders,

finding a support group to help you through
the process

Activities- involvement in recreational activities of

the desired gender.

Lifestyle- episodic cross-gender living.

The next step is to choose from one of the many options that does
not require expensive surgery. One popular option is hormonal
therapy. This way the man or woman still has a chance to change
his/her mind.

Hormonal therapy is an important part of treatment in both

kinds of operation.

These are administered to help develop secondary sexual


Operation provides only primary sexual characteristics.

Many patients have voices which are either naturally or

deliberately like those of the opposite gender.

Administration of hormones helps the voice to change in some


Especially motivated patients are offered speech therapy and

laryngeal surgery.
Male-to-female conversions are generally more successful
in terms of both operative technique and rehabilitatition

Hospital stay is also quite short and the operation is one-


Female-to-male operations are less than optimal in

technique because the ideal phalloplasty has not yet been
described .

Most phalloplasties are multi-stage and cause physical,

temporal and economic inconvenience to the patient.
Also, many phalloplastic penises are incapable of either
sexual sensation or performance .

If a female-to-male operation fails, the patient may or

may not be able to use the vagina.
It is a fairly expensive process and costs upwards of Rs 1.5 lakh for
male to female, and about Rs 4 lakh for female to male operations.
“It involves hormone therapy and multiple operations, done in

There is no hard and fast age limit(a minimum of 18 years is

recommended) for gender change operations.

Generally, patients present themselves for surgery during late

adolescence or early adulthood - an age group where sexuality must
begin to manifest itself physically and the issue is no longer merely
one of psychological and emotional conflict with one's sexuality

Exceptionally, operation is undertaken in older patients.

This is usually in those who were unaware of the concept of gender

reassignment surgery.

When they come to know that it is possible, they turn up for

operation. If they fulfill other criteria and psychiatrists give the go
ahead, they are taken up for operation

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