Max Flow - Image Segmentation

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x Flow for Image Segmenta

Cuya Broncano, Carolina
Caycho Francia, Deisy
Diaz chavez, Carmen
Rojas Serrano, Jose

The term Image segmentation refers to the partition of
an image into a set of regions or categories, which
correspond to different objects or parts of objects.

A good segmentation is typically

one which:

Pixels in the same

category have similar
greyscale of
multivariate values and
form a connected

Neighboring pixels
which are in different
categories have
dissimilar values.

Segmentation objectives
The first objective is to decompose the image into parts for further

For example, in the chapter on color, an algorithm was presented for segmenting a
human face from a color video image. The segmentation is reliable, provided that
the person's clothing or room background does not have the same color
components as a human face.

Segmentation objectives
The second objective of segmentation is to perform a change of
The regions must have the following characteristics:

Regions of an image segmentation should be uniform and homogeneous

with respect to some characteristic, such as gray level, color, or texture

Region interiors should be simple and without many small holes.

Adjacent regions of segmentation should have significantly different values

with respect to the characteristic on which they are uniform.

This technology is used in

Locate tumors and other

Diagnosis, study of anatomical
Virtual surgery simulation
Object ,Pedestrian, Face detection
Locate objects in satellite images
Face , Fingerprint ,Iris recognition
Video surveillance

algorithms and techniques for image

Edge-Based segmentation
Region-Based segmentation

Max-Flow/Min-Cut Algorithms

An image segmentation
problem can be interpreted as
partitioning the image
elements (pixels/voxels) into
different categories. A Cut of a
graph is a partition of the
vertices in the graph into two
disjoint subsets.
Constructing a
graph with an
image, we can
solve the
problem using
techniques for
graph cuts in
graph theory.

Undirected Graph
An undirected graph G={V,E} is defined as a set of nodes (vertices
V) and a set of undirected edges E that connect the nodes. Assigning
each edge e E a weight We, the graph becomes an undirected
weighted graph.

Directed Graph
A directed graph is defined as a set of nodes (vertices V) and a set of
ordered set of vertices or directed edges E that connect the nodes.
For an edge e = (u,v), u is called the tail of e, v is called the head of
e. This edge is different from the edge e=(


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