Nurul Amirah Izzati Azira Nur Hidayu Nur Fateha Raja Nazatulnadia

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Definition of Organic Farming
Organic farming means growing crops for food using
earth-friendly methods. Farmers who practise organic
farming do not use chemical fertilisers or pesticides.
Instead, they use home-made compost or grow green
fertiliser plants. They also practise the rotation system
to increase their harvest.
How to Make Compost
Compost is a prepared mixture that provides nutrients
to the soil. It is made from organic materials found in
the kitchen or garden. To make compost, prepare a large
bin with holes all around it.
Then fill bin with layers of dead leaves, cut grass,
dried twigs, vegetables and fruit peel as well as
leftovers. Manure may be added. Leave these
organic wastes to rot.
Planting Green Fertiliser Plants
Green fertiliser plants such as green peas and soya beans belong to
the legume family. They are grown to increase the nitrogen and
organic content in the soil. The result can be achieved in just six
to eight weeks.

Systems of Growing Crops

The first system is to grow a variety of crops on a plot of land at
one time. The second system is to grow different crops at different
times in a rational manner. The farmer may begin with growing long
beans, followed by green leafy vegetable, then brinjals, and finally
tuber plants such as sweet potatoes. These two systems are good
for the soil and the living things in it.

Organic farming produces high quality crops that are safe to eat.
It also protects the soil, air and water as no chemical are used.
This method of farming ensures that all living organisms in the
ecosystem live in a balanced and harmonious state.

1. In organic farming, what is not put into the soil to

fertilise it?
A. Dried grass C. chemical
B. Fruit peel D. Leftover

2. What is the aim of growing crops by rotation?

A. To kill pests and insects
B. To maintain the quality of soil
C. To suit the weather
D. To save cost

3. What is organic farming?

A. Organic farming do not use chemical fertiliser
B. Use home-made compost or grow green fertiliser plant
C. Growing crops for food using earth-friendly methods
D. Rotation system to increase their harvest
4. What are the green fertiliser plants?
A. Haricot beans
B. Green peas and soya beans
C. Lentil beans
D. Red beans and green beans

5. The results can be achieved within ……….

A. Three to six weeks
B. Six to eight weeks
C. One to four weeks
D. Seven to nine weeks

6. How many systems of growing crops are there?

A. Two
B. Four
C. Seven
D. Three
1. What is ‘manure’?

2. What is organic farming?

3. What is ecosystem?

4. Give two systems of growing crops?

5. How to make compost?

'at' 'between'
At use when talking about days of the
week and dates.
a) The train will arrive at 2.00p.m.
b) School begins at 7.30a.m.
c) Voting begins at 8.00a.m.
d)We will meet my father at night.
e) The class began at three o’clock.
f) At what time is he leaving?
Between are used to show location
a) The cat is between the tree and
the car.
b) Azimah is sitting between her
Exercise-Preposition of place- at, between
1. Happy Agrofarm is situated ______ the foot of Fraser’s
2. The quarters are located ______ the stream and the
fruit trees.
3. There is a stream ______ the back of the farm.
4. The fish pond is ______ the entrance of the farm.
5. The cowshed is _______ the quarters and the vegetable
6. The fruit trees are located ______ the fish pond and the
7. The bins is _______ the back of the cowshed.
8. The poultry farm is _______ the flower nursery and the
vegetable garden.
9. The stream is _______ the back of the quarters.
10.The vegetable garden is located _______ the bins,
cowshed and poultry farm.

Last Saturday, Johan and his

classmates visited Happy Agrofarm which
was located at the back of the hills. They
went to the farm by bus. Johan and his
classmates arrived at the farm at 10.00
a.m. The children were accompanied by
their form teacher, Puan Raja.

The first place they visited was a

poultry farm. At the poultry farm, saw
many chickens. They also got a chance to
see how the eggs were hatched.
Next, they went to the
cowshed. Here, they saw
how the worker milked the
cows. Then Johan and his
classmates also tried to
milk the cows. It was an
interesting experience for
From the cowshed, they went to the
vegetable farm. They got a chance to see
different types of vegetables such as
carrots, cabbages, long beans and chillies.
They also noticed how the workers pick
and pack the vegetables.
After that, Johan and his classmates
visited the fish pond. There were many
fish in the fish pond. They also took the
opportunity to catch some fish using a net.
It was six in the evening.Johan and his
classmates were tired. They wanted to go
home. Puan Raja told them to pack the
things they bought from the farm such as
vegetables and fish. They left Happy
Agrofarm feeling happy and excited. They
had a wonderful time at the poultry farm,
the cowshed, the vegetable farm, and the
fish pond. They arrived at the school at
about 5.00p.m.


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