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Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines




December 2014 November 2015

We Look at You
Lord Jesus, we are gathered in your
Responding to your call to be with
our brothers and sisters who are poor.
We cannot do it without you.
Look at each one of us,
and give us the courage
to also look at you.

As you look at us, we recognize our

for your Love, Mercy and Compassion.
We are poor in many things
that the world expect us to have
But we are rich in everything that you
You provide us with love and faith
that we need to live daily
You forgive us our sins no matter
how many of them
You welcome us in your banquet
With food and water that make us full

We bring with us today our brothers

and sisters
who have no opportunity to join us
Those who toil endlessly to earn a
for their families.
We pray for our Church, government
and civil society leaders
Who go against the tide of power to
bring to us
the real meaning of public service
and servant leadership.

Together, We look at you, our Lord

Together, we allow ourselves to be
and forgiven by you
Lord Jesus, we are ready, we are
We are waiting in thanksgiving,
awe and wonder.
Journey with us in this formation
And throughout our celebration

Bring all that You are

Bring all that you are, all that you
and all that you can be.
Come, have breakfast with God
Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.
(John 21:10)
Come and have breakfast. (John 21:12)

The day has just begun.
a new day, a new life ahead of us.
May the Spirit of God give us the
to walk an extra mile (Mt. 5:41)
And offer the best that we have to
those in need (Num. 8:12)

Reader 1:
If anyone forces you to go one mile,
go also the second mile (Mt. 5:41).
Reader 2:
All the best of the oil and all the
best of the wine and of the grain,
the choice produce that they give to
the LORD, I have given to you
(Num. 18:12).

Bring all that you are, all that
you have, and all that you can be.
Come, have breakfast with God
My Life has just begun
A new day, a new life ahead of me.
May I be able to see the beauty and
the needs around me (Isa. 58:10)
May I be able to give back to others
what God has given me (Mt. 25:29).

Reader 3:
If you offer your food to the hungry and
satisfy the needs of the afflicted,
then your light shall rise in the
darkness and your gloom be like the
(Isa. 58:10 )
Reader 4:
For all those who have, more will be
and they will have an abundance; but
from those who have nothing,

Bring all that you are, all that you
have, and all that you can be.
Come, have breakfast with God
Our deeper awakening has just
for the needs of those who suffer in
oppressed and unjustly treated ,
May we be just ourselves and do what
is right (Ps. 1:6)

Reader 5:
For the LORD watches over the way
of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish
(Ps. 1:6).
Reader 6:
Yet the righteous hold to their way,
and they that have clean hands grow
stronger and stronger (Job 17:9).

Bring all that you are, all that
you have, and all that you can be.
Come, have breakfast with God
Our greater call has been known
You and I for those whom God has
(Lk. 6:20-22)
May we recognize the Lord in the
poor and hungry, And in everyone
Jesus send to us. (Mt. 25:24-35)

Reader 7:
Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who are hungry now,
for you will be filled.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
Blessed are you when people hate
you, and when they exclude you,
revile you, and defame you on
account of the Son of Man (Lk. 6:2022).

Reader 8:
Come, you that are blessed by my
Father, inherit the kingdom prepared
for you from the foundation of the
world; for I was hungry and you
gave me food, I was thirsty and you
gave me something to drink, I was a
stranger and you welcomed me (Mt.
Bring all that you are, all that

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