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Ben Wiggins


Facts: Marijuana

 Marijuana Derives from the plant cannabis

 THC active ingredient in marijuana.
 Can be found in any country and on any
 Marijuana grows natural
Percentage of use in this
region of Kansas, as of 2001
In the past Month.
Usage of Marijuan in the past month

doesn't use
Myths of Marijuana

1. Marijuana Has No Medical Value

2. Marijuana is highly addictive
3. Marijuana is a gateway drug
4. Marijuana kills brain cells
5. Marijuana impairs memory and cognition
6. Marijuana Causes CRIME!
Pros about Legalization

 Petty crime depletion

 Less crowed prisons
 Taxed
 Medical use
 Civil freedoms restored
 Creative Creation
Alcohol Marijuana
Violent Crimes Vs.
Yes Marijuana

Overdose Death Yes NO

Sexual Assault Yes NO

Domestic Yes NO
Cons of Legalization
• Hard to control
• Change in societies Norms.
• Law enforcement agencies wouldn’t
get the funding to fight their war
against drugs.
• Loss of Jobs in law enforcement.
The Real Reason Marijuana is

Marijuana was first made illegal in Utah, oddly

because Mormon missionaries brought it back
from Mexico. The Church Laws didn’t condone
it. Southern state legislators said that Mexicans
were crazy when they used it and prohibited it.
Also racist governors through the south said
blacks were raping white women and causing
violent crime, because of Marijuana.
Change is good!!!!!!
Help end prohibition of marijuana:
• Contact your local and federal legislators:
JIM BARNETT is Emporia’s local Legislator
• Visit these websites:

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