Michelle Shulfer UW-Stevens Point School of Health Care Professions

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Michelle Shulfer

UW-Stevens Point
School of Health Care Professions
Cancer statistics
What’s changed?
Can cancer be prevented?
Nutrition link to cancer prevention
Super foods
Organic debate
Start a plan of action
Recipes 
Cancer Statistics
Cancer is the 2nd leading cause Breast Cancer
of death in the U.S.

 >1.4 million new cases per year

in the U.S.

Lifetime risk:
 Men: slightly less than ½
 Women: slightly more than 1/3

Relative risk:
 Measures the strength of the
relationship between risk
factors & a particular cancer
Servan-Schreiber MD, D. (2008). AntiCancer: A new way of life. p. 55
So what has changed?
Changes in farming practices

Increased sugar consumption (cane, beet sugar, corn syrup,


Schreiber MD,
D. (2008).
AntiCancer: A
new way of life.
p. 60
Glycemic Index
High Low
 Sugar (white or brown), honey,  Natural sweeteners: Agave nectar,
syrups stevia, dark chocolate (>70% cocoa)
 Mixed whole grain cereals, multigrain
 White/bleached flours, white
bread (not just wheat), sourdough
rice, white pasta, muffins, bread, Basmati rice, mutigrain pasta,
croissants, puffed rice cakes oats, quinoa, millet, buckwheat
 Potatoes  Lentils, peas, beans, sweet potatoes,
 Cornflakes, Rice Krispies, most yams
 Oatmeal, All-Bran, Muesli
bleached & sweetened breakfast  Fruit in its natural state
 Water flavored with lemon, thyme, or
 Jams & Jellies, fruit syrup, fruit sage
cooked in sugar  Green tea (w/o sugar), sweeten with
 Sweetened drinks, fruit juices, agave nectar if needed
soda  Red wine (1 glass) with a meal
 Alcohol when consumed  Garlic, onions, shallots
without food
What else has changed?
Bleached flour – (white bread, pasta, etc..)
Reducing these 2 factors alone has a rapid effect on the
level of insulin & IGF in the blood…also yields healthier
skin!! 

Use of vegetable oils

These provide none of the nutrients our bodies need

to function properly, but they do directly feed the
growth of CA.
Servan-Schreiber MD, D. (2008). AntiCancer: A new way of life. p. 70
What Causes Cancer?
Food additives
Burnt foods
Genetic Mutations
Tumor Growth

Genentech BioOncology, 2009

 Greek origin, Angio = vessel &
Genesis = birth

 Surgeon, Judah Folkman’s cancer

 Microtumors cannot change into
dangerous cancers without
creating a new network of blood
vessels to feed them
 Tumors produce angiogenin –
forces vessels to approach the
tumor & sprout new branches
 New tumor cells that metastases
Genentech BioOncology, 2009
are dangerous only when they are
able to attract new blood vessels
 Large primary tumors prevent Tumors simply cannot grow if they
distant CA cells from becoming doesn’t succeed in diverting blood
too important by producing
angoistatin - blocks the growth of vessels for their own use.
new blood vessels
 Preventing the creation of new blood vessels
brought regression of existing tumors

 Angiostatin – didn’t affect existing vessels

 Did not attack healthy cells – no toxic side


 It is essential to seek protection against

toxins that encourage tumor growth
Genentech BioOncology, 2009
 Detoxification is absolutely necessary today!
Angiostatin study
Michael O’Reilly, researcher & surgeon joined
1994 - 20 mice grafted a virulent CA that spread
aggressively & rapidly in the lungs once the primary
tumor was removed.
Removed the tumor, gave ½ of the mice angiostatin,
others ½ nothing and a few days later began to show
Mice with angiostatin – lungs looked pink & healthy
Mice w/o angiostatin – lungs devoured by CA
Can Cancer Be Prevented with Proper Nutrition?
Evidence suggests that ~1/3 of the cancer deaths will be related
to being overweight or obese & physical inactivity.

“For the majority of Americans who do not use tobacco, dietary

choices & physical activity are the most important modifiable
determinants of cancer risk.” American Cancer Society. (2007). Nutrition & cancer. para.1

Factors that affect cancer risk related to nutrition:

 Food types
 Food preparation
 Food variety
 Fat content
 Portion sizes
 Overall dietary balance
“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”
- Hippocrates
“At least 30% of all
cancers are believed to
have a dietary
component.” p. 64
 Blueberries are a nutrient powerhouse!!

 1 serving contains as many antioxidants as 5

servings of carrots, apples, broccoli, or

 2/3 cup has the same antioxidant protection

as 1,733 IU of Vit. E and more protection than
1,200 mg of Vit. C.

 Contains: phytonutrients, carotenoids, fiber,

Vit. C & E, manganese, magnesium, iron,
phytoestrogen, & more!

 Alternatives: purple grapes, cranberries,

boysenberries, raspberries, strawberries,
currants, blackberries, cherries, etc.
Try to eat 1-2 cups daily
Oats/Whole Grains
 Reduces the risk of developing 20 types of
 Eat: 5-7 servings per day
 How much is a serving?
 1 slice bread, 1 small roll, or 1 muffin
 ½ c cooked cereal, rice, or pasta
 5-6 small crackers
 1 small tortilla
 ½ hamburger roll, bagel or English muffin
 1 serving of cold cereal (depends on type – check label)
 Alternatives: Wheat germ, ground flaxseed**, brown rice, barley,
wheat, buckwheat, rye, millet, bulgur wheat, amaranth, quinoa,
yellow corn, wild rice, couscous
 Contains: Fiber, manganese, selenium, & phytonutrients
Best source of plant derived omega-3 fatty acids
Seeds must be ground
Eat: 2 Tbsp daily
Contains: Fiber & Lignins
 Super breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, cranberries, or
blueberries, sprinkled with flaxmeal & toasted wheat
Wheat Germ**
2 Tbsp contains:
 4 g protein
2 g fiber
Vit. E (1/3 daily
B vitamins
Omega-3 fatty acids
Phytosterols - reduce
cholesterol absorption
How to get 15 g of whole grain/day
 Buy only whole grain bread
 Substitute brown rice for white rice
 Buy whole grain crackers for snacks
 Get rid of refined, highly sugared breakfast cereals
 Use whole grain tortillas & pita wraps
 Add oatmeal to stuffing, meatballs, & meatloaf

 Examples
 ½ c oats 9g
 Post Shredded Wheat ‘N Bran (1 ¼ c) 8g
 2 Tbsp flaxseed 7g
 1 slice Bran for Life bread 5g
 2 Tbsp wheat germ 2g
 ½ cooked brown rice 2g
 ½ c cooked yellow corn 2g
How to read a bread/cereal label
List of ingredients should begin with the word “whole”
Look at the “Nutrition Facts.” The fiber content should
be at least 3 g per serving for bread & cereal.
Buying & cooking whole grains
Be sure the store has a good turnover so grains are
fresh, bins covered & clean
Store in airtight containers, cool place (refrigerator)
Toast – heat in nonstick pan over low heat until just
fragrant & they become darker
Keep in fridge 2-3 days or they freeze well
Wild Salmon***
 Contains: Marine-derived omega-3 fatty
acids, B vitamins, selenium, Vit. D, protein

 Optimum balance of essential fatty acids:

1-1 or 4-1 omega 6 to omega-3

 Too much omega-6 promotes and  Critical dietary fats: polyunsaturated

inflammatory state fatty acid (omega-6 & omega-3) our
body cannot manufacture them
 Good fats: monounsaturated (olive oil,
canola oil)  Eat: 2-4 servings per week

 Bad fats: saturated (found in red meat &  Alternatives: Alaskan halibut, canned
full fat dairy products) and trans fats albacore tune, sardines, herring, trout,
(partially hydrogenated sea bass, oysters, & clams
How to get enough omega-3 &
omega-6 fatty acids in your diet?
Use omega-3 enrighed eggs
Cook with canola oil
Eat soy nuts & walnuts
Sprinkle wheat germ on cereal & yogurt, use it in
Eat wild salmon or its sidekicks 2-4 times per week
Look for salad dressings with some soybean or canola
Use ground flaxseed in muffins, breads, & pancakes
Avoid processed & refined foods
Green beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, dried beans, etc.
Eat 4, ½ cup servings per week
Contain: low-fat protein, fiber, B vitamins,
magnesium, lignins
Lignings have estrogen
like properties
May reduce risk of cancers
related to estrogen levels (breast)
Afraid of the inevitable?
Soak beans before cooking, rinse, boil for 2-3 minutes.
Turn off heat, let soak a few hours. Pour off liquid,
add fresh water, continue cooking. This releases the
indigestible carbohydrate in the beans making them
easier to digest.
Pressure cook beans
to speed the process
 Eat: ½-1 cup daily
 Broccoli spouts (100x’s more
 Alternatives: brussel sprouts,
cabbage, kale, turnips, cauliflower,
collards, bok choy, mustard greens,
swiss chard
 Contains: Sulforaphane , indoles,
folate, fiber, calcium, Vit. C, Beta-
carotene, lutein, Vit. K, iron

 Compound found in broccoli

prevents the development of tumors
by 60% & reduced the size of
tumors by 75% ???
 Raw vs. cooked?
 Raw – more vit. C
 Cooked – makes carotenoids more
Eat: 1 serving daily
Alternatives: lemons, grapefruit,
kumquats, tangerines, limes
Contains: Vit. C, fiber, limonene, polyphenols, pectin
Vitamin C
 protects against nitrosamines - cancer causing agents found in
food thought to instigate cancers of the mouth, stomach, & colon
 ~ 1/3 of Americans consume <60 mg/day
 Adult males need 90 mg/day, females need 75 mg/day
 Frozen OJ is higher in Vit. C than ready to drink OJ
 Pulp has 2x’s more Vit. C than the peel, 10x’s more than the juice
Marginal Vit. C has been linked to an increase in many causes
of mortality especially cancer & cardiovascular disease
Foods that contain Vitamin C
 Lg yellow pepper 341 mg
 Lg red pepper 312 mg
 Lg orange 238 mg
 Lg green 132 mg
 1 cup raw broccoli 79 mg
 1 c fresh sliced strawberries 97 mg
 1 c cubed papaya 87 mg
 1 navel orange 83 mg
 1 med. Kiwi 70 mg
 1 c cubed cantaloupe 59 mg
 1 c fresh OJ 124 mg
 1 c OJ from concentrate 97 mg
contains antagonists of growth factors
possibly decreasing the growth of tumors
shown to inhibit the metastasis of
prostate & melanoma cancers in animals
Orange peel
 Stimulates antioxidant detoxification enzyme system –
helping to stop cancer before it begins
 reduces the activity of proteins that can trigger abnormal cell

 can cause regression of tumors

 Orange peel has the most, followed by fresh squeezed OJ &

juice with pulp (frozen is better than ready to drink varieties)

•Inhibits cancer cell growth
•Strengthens capillaries
How to get some orange in your life
Eat an orange, tangerine, or clementine daily

Add mandarin oranges to a spinach salad

Add OJ to a fruit smoothie

Keep orange & lemon zest in your freezer – put in

cakes, cookies, muffins, drinks, sprinkle on yogurt,
fruit salads, chicken salad, or use in hot tea
 Carotenoids

Pumpkin  Deep orange, yellow, or red-

colored, fat-soluble compounds
 Protect the plant from sun
 It's a fruit!  
 Protect us from free radicals
 Eat: ½ cup most days  Modulate our immune response
 Enhances cell-to-cell
 Alternatives: carrots, butternut communication
squash, sweet potatoes, orange bell  Stimulates production of natural
peppers detoxification enzymes
 Protects the skin & eyes from UV
 Contains: alpha-carotene, beta rays
carotene, high fiber (1/2 c. = 5 g of  Decrease the risk of lung, colon,
fiber), Vit. C & E, magnesium, bladder, cervical, breast, & skin
pantothenic acid  CA

 Beta-Carotene  - antioxidant & anti-

inflammatory properties

 Alpha-carotene – slows the signs of

Spinach ***
Eat: 1 c. steamed or 2 cups Contains many nutrients!
raw most days  Phytonutrients
 Carotenoids
Alternatives: kale, collards,  Plant derived omega-3‘s

swiss chard, mustard greens,  Antioxidants

turnip greens, bok choy,  Glutathione
romain lettuce, orange bell  alpha lipoic acid
peppers  B vitamins, vitamin K, C, & E
 Minerals: calcium, iron,
zinc, magnesium,
 Polyphenols
 Betaine
 coenzyme Q10
 Increased consumption = decreased incidence of colon, lung, skin,
oral, stomach, ovarian, prostate, & breast cancers , age-related
macular degeneration, cataracts, cardiovascular disease, stroke, &
coronary artery disease

 How to get more spinach in your diet:

 Layer cooked spinach in lasagna
 Steam it, sprinkle with lemon juice &
parmesan cheese
 Add to soups
 Add to an omelet
 Add to a romaine lettuce salad
 Shred onto tacos, wraps, & burritos
 Pesto – puree raw spinach, walnuts,
garlic, olive oil, & parmesan cheese
 Soy blocks dangerous hormones
 Eat at least 15 g of soy protein  Alternatives forms of soy:
per day (not all at once); 25 g  Tofu
ideal.  Soymilk
   Soy nuts
 Contains: Phytoestrogens, plant  Edamame - green soy beans
derived omega-3's, vitamin E, still in their pods
magnesium, selenium, nonmeat  Tempeh - soybeans cracked &
inoculated with a beneficial
bacterium, fermented & then
 Benefits: prevents formed into flat blocks
cardiovascular disease, cancer,  Miso - fermented soy, strong
osteoporosis, helps to relieve tasting, salty condiment, most
menopausal & menstrual familiar as miso soup
How soy promotes health
 Isoflavones - act like  Phytic Acid - Antioxidant that
antioxidants as well as estrogens binds with & eliminates metals
 genistein & diadzein that can promote tumors
 reduce the risk of CHD  Phytosterols - nondigestible
 mitigate hormone-related compounds that reduce
cancers cholesterol absorption in the
 angiostatic**
bowel & may help prevent colon
 Lignins - bind with carcinogens CA
in the colon  Protein - only plant-based
 Saponins - phytonutrients that complete high-quality protein,
boost the immune system & totally cholesterol free & low in
fight cancer fat
 Protease Inhibitors - block the  Oil - healthy oil free of
activity of cancer-causing cholesterol & offers beneficial
enzymes called proteases & ratio of fatty acids (low bad
reduce the risk of cancer fat;high good fat). Source of
omega-3 fatty acids.
Grams of protein in soy products
4 oz. firm tofu 18-20 g protein
1 soy burger 10-12 g
8 oz glass (1 c) 11 g
1 soy protein bar 14 g
½ c tempeh 16-19 g
¼ c roasted soy nuts 15 g

How to get more soy in your diet:

1 c. soymilk on cereal
1 oz. soy protein powder in a fruit shake
¼ c soy nuts as a snack
dried cereals & breads containing soy
Add to recipes calling for milk
Green Tea
Drink 1 or more cups daily
Steep 3-4 minutes
Contains: powerful flavonoids (antioxidants) &
All true teas are from the evergreen Camellia sinensis
3 types of tea from this shrub
 Green – lightly processed
 Black – leaves left to ferment following harvest

 Oolong – partially fermented

Teas effect on cancer
Blocks tissue invasion & angiogenesis
Detoxifies the body through the action of the liver
Evidence suggests tea consumption decreases the risk
of stomach, prostate, breast, pancreatic, colorectal,
esophageal, bladder & lung cancer
Catechins – prevent cell mutations & deactivate
carcinogens, decrease growth of cancer cells, & inhibit
the growth of blood vessels
Probiotic effect – enhances GI health
Tea Tips
Brewed tea is better than instant tea
Tea bags are as potent as loose tea
Brew tea for at least 3 minutes & squeeze the bag
Flavonoids degrade with time, drink fresh or quickly
Add a wedge of lemon or lime w/ the rind for a
polyphenol boost
Avoid drinking extremely hot tea – increased risk of
esophagial cancer
Combined effect – best when consumed with soy**
 Eat: 1 serving of processed
tomatoes per day , multiple
servings of fresh tomatoes per

 Alternatives: watermelon, pink

grapefruit, Japanese  Contain:
persimmons, red fleshed  Lycopene
papaya, strawberry guava
 Vit. C
 Alpha- & Beta- carotene
 Lutein/zeaxanthin
 Chromium
 Fiber
 Phytuene & phytofluene
(antioxidant &
anticarcinogenic )
Most effective quencher of the
free-radical singlet oxygen & a large number of free-radicals

Seems to interfere with the growth factors that stimulate

cancer cells to grow & proliferate, mounts a more effective
immune response against cancer

Raises the sun protection factor of the skin

Offers protection from breast, digestive, cervix, bladder,

lung , & prostate cancer
How to get tomato in your diet?
Saute cherry tomatoes in olive oil & herbs. Toss over
pasta or serve as a side dish
Use sun-dried tomatoes in sandwiches
Add diced tomatoes into soups & stews
Add extra sauce to homemade pizza

Roasted cherry tomatoes

 Toss tomatoes with olive oil, salt & pepper, bake 450oF for 20
minutes, sprinkle with fresh basil before serving
Eat: 3-4 ounce servings 3-4 times per week
Alternative: skinless chicken breast
Contains: Low-fat protein, B vitamins, iron, selenium
(DNA repair), zinc (immune system)
Protein intake – 10-35% of calories (2,000 cal diet =
50-175 g of protein)
Everyday terms – women need 46 g, men 56 g
How to get 46 g? Eat 3 ounces of tuna, 3 ounces of
turkey breast, slice of whole wheat bread & an ounce of
Saturated fat intake - <7% of fat calories
Eat: 2 cups daily
Alternative: Kefir
Contains: Live active cultures, complete protein, calcium,
Vit. B12 & 2, Potassium, Magnesium, & Zinc
 Nondigestible food ingredients that affect the gut by
selectively stimulating growth &/or activity of 1 or more
beneficial bacteria in the colon, thus improving health
 Inhibit potentially pathogenic organisms & increase
absorption of minerals (i.e., calcium, magnesium, iron, &
 Defined as live microorganisms that can benefit our health
 Ability to strengthen the immune system
Look for
 Low-fat or nonfat
 No artificial colors
 Check the expiration date
 Whey protein content (increases the viability of probiotic
 Must contain live active cultures!
 The more specific cultures the better, the most popular yogurts only
have 2
 L. acidopphilus, S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, B. bifidus, L. casei, L
 Watch the sugar – some fruit on the bottom yogurts have as
much as 7 tsp of sugar per cup.
Alternatives: Almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds,
peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, macadamia
nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, cashews
Eat: 1 ounce, 5x’s per week
Contains: plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin
E, magnesium, polyphenols, protein, fiber, potassium,
and more.
Taste great on a salad!
Nut Calories
Almonds (24 nuts, raw) 164 cal
Almonds (22 nuts, dry roasted) 169 calories
Walnuts (14 halves) 185 calories
Hazelnuts (20 nuts, raw) 178 calories
Peanuts (48 dry roasted) ~166 calories
Peanut butter (2 Tbsp) 190 calories
Pecans (20 halves, raw) 195 calories
Pistachios (47 dry roasted) ~162 calories
Pistachios (47 raw) ~158 calories
Storage of nuts:
 Keep in a cool place ~4 months
 Keep in the refrigerator ~6 months
 Keep in the freezer ~1 year
 Roast nuts yourself – cookie sheet, 160-170 degrees for 15-20
minutes or until they turn dark
 Toasted – nonstick pan, med-high heat, shake every few
minutes until lightly toasted.
Ways to eat more nuts
 Toss on a salad
 stir peanut butter into stews & curries to enrich & add flavor
 Try peanut butter on pancakes
 Peanut butter & jelly sandwich
 Toss nuts on your cereal
Free-range, grass fed is leaner & has a healthier balance
of mega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids
Grass fed beef is lower in sat. fat, contains plant-derived
omega-3 fats & vitamin E
Ideally eat no more than 3 ounces of lean beef every 10
Herbs & spices
Rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil, and mint
Rich in essential oils of the terpene family
Promote apoptosis in cancer cells
Reduce cancer cell spreading by blocking the
enzymes they need to invade neighboring tissues
 Powerful antinflammatory agent
 Curcumin – inhibits growth in a
large number of cancers
 Inhibits angiogenisis
 Forces apoptosis
 Interferes directly with a proinflammatory factor secreted by cancer
cells, NF-kappa B
 ¼ - ½ tsp per day consumed in India
 Consume with pepper - increases absorption by 2,000x’s; w/o
pepper it does not pass the intestinal barrier
 ¼ tsp tumeric with ½ tsp olive oil & generous pinch of pepper.
Add to vegetables, soups & salad dressings.
Antinflammatory & antioxidant
Helps reduce the creation of new blood vessels

Ideas for incorporation into your diet:

Add grated ginger to a vegetable mix while it is cooking
Marinate fruits in lime juice & grated ginger with a
touch of agave nectar
Infusion – cut 1 inch piece of ginger root into slices and
steep in boiling water for 10-15 min. Drink hot or cold.
Dark Chocolate
>70% cocoa
Contains antioxidants & many polyphenols
A square of chocolate contains 2x’s as much as a glass
of red wine and almost as many as a cup of green tea
properly steeped
Slows the growth of cancer cells and limits
Mixing with dairy products cancels out the
beneficial effects of the cocoa.
Avoid milk chocolate
Servan-Schreiber MD, D. (2008). AntiCancer: A new way of life. p. 111
Toxic Chemicals
Toxic chemicals in the body
WWF 2004 (Europe) – ID’d 109 substances in animals
WHO international Agency for Research on CA – keeps a
list of carcinogenic substances in the environment
 Tested 900 potential culprits
 Only 1 considered noncarcinogenic
 CA causing substances accumulate in the fat
Many pollutants are hormonal disruptors
 Harvard study, 91,000 nurse over 12 years
 Risk of Breast CA in premenopausal women
 Red meat consumption >1x per day
 CA rate 2x’s higher than those who consume <3x’s per week
 Risk halved simply by reducing consumption of red meat
The Organic Debate
Cynthia Curl, PhD studied 42 kids aged 2-5
3 days write down what their kids ate
Considered organic if 75% of food consumed was
Measured organochlorine pesticide in the urine
 Organic kids – level distinctly below EPA minimum & 1/6 th
that of the conventional kids
 Conventional kids – 4x’s higher than the safe limit

2nd study performed

The Organic Debate

Servan-Schreiber MD, D. (2008). AntiCancer: A new way of life. p. 81

Contaminated Foods
Most (buy organic) Least contaminated
 Apples, pears, nectarines  Bananas, oranges, tangerines
 Strawberries, raspberries  Pineapple, grapefruit, melons
 Cherries, grapes  Plums, kiwi, mangoes, papaya
 Peppers  Blueberries
 Celery  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,
 Green beans mushrooms
 Asparagus
 Potatoes
 Tomatoes
 Spinach  Onions
 Lettuce  Eggplant
 Cucumber  Peas
 Squash  Radishes
 Pumpkin  Avocados
Day Goal Achievements
Sunday Drink 6-8, 8 oz Drank 5
glasses of water
Monday Eat only whole I did it!! 
grain foods for
Start small carbs, exercise 20-30

Set a daily goal Tuesday Eat veggies for a Ate carrots and 1
snack serving of soy nuts
Wednesday Eat a spinach salad Surprisingly not
for lunch, exercise hungry w/ the addition
30 min. of walnuts, cheese, and
some craisins
Thursday Eat only while This was tough for me.
sitting down
Friday Try a new food, Etc…
exercise 30 min.
Saturday Use a new spice or
Monthly goal
Choose something you want to change permanently
Each month choose something different
Adding whole grains to your diet
 Look for ways to improve recipes by substituting whole
grains into recipes
 Add flaxseed meal to yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast

Drink water everyday

Drink at least 1 cup of green tea every day
Eat 5 – 7 servings of fruits & vegetables everyday
Eat 4 servings of beans/legumes each week
Watch portions
Ideal meal:
½ veggies
¼ protein
¼ starch
Little changes that make a BIG difference
 Balance your diet
 Reduce sugar, white flour, Omega-6 products
 Increase Omega-3 intake
 Increase intake of anticancer products
 Eat grass-fed organic animal products
 Filter tap water
 Use carbon filter, reverse osmosis filter, or drink mineral or spring

 20-30 minutes of physical activity per day
Major steps to improve your diet
Reduce Replace with
 Foods with high glycemic index  Fruit, whole grains
 Hydrogenated or partially  Olive oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil
hydrogenated oils (trans fats)  Organic, grass-fed dairy
 Sunflower, soy, & corn oil products, soy milk soy yogurts
 Conventional dairy products  Hummus, olives, cherry
 Fried food, chips, fried appetizers tomatoes
 Nonorganic red meat & eggs  Organic poultry & eggs
 Poultry skin  Organic, grass-fed red meat
 Skins of nonorganic fruits &  Fish (salmon, sardines,
veggies mackeral)
 Tap water in areas of intense  Fruits & veggies peeled or
farming (nitrates & pesticides-
have water tested) washed or labeled organic
 Improve tap water, filter
Every day
At every meal
We make choices…

Choices that will help our bodies defend itself

against cancer

It’s up to us to make lifestyle changes on our own!!

Morning Glory Muffins
 1 ¼ c. white whole wheat flour  Preheat oven to 400oF. In a large
 1 tsp baking powder bowl mix together dry ingredients.
 ½ tsp baking soda
 ½ tsp salt  In a medium bowl mix together wet
 ½ tsp – 1 tsp cinnamon ingredients.
 1 c. oatmeal
 Combine dry & wet mixtures
 1/3 c. soy milk
mixing just until flour is moistened
 ¾ c. applesauce (batter will be lumpy).
 ¼ c. packed brown sugar
 ¼ c molasses  Spoon batter into greased muffin
 1 Tbsp olive or canola oil pan or into paper lined pan.
 1 large egg
 3 med. Carrots shredded (1.5 c  Bake ~23-25 minutes or until
 ½ c. prunes, blueberries, craisins, or inserted toothpick comes out clean.
raisins Immediately remove from pan.
Cool slightly & serve. Freeze very
 ~160 calories per muffin
Bran Flax Muffins
 1 ½ c. unbleached white flour  Mix in a large bowl the first 8
 ¾ c. Flaxseed meal ingredients.
 ¾ c. oatbran  Stir in the next 4 ingredients.
 1 c. brown sugar
 2 tsp. baking soda  Combine milk, egg, & vanilla in a
 1 tsp baking powder separate bowl.
 Pour liquid ingredients into dry, stir
 ½ tsp. salt
until moistened. Do not over mix.
 2 tsp cinnamon  Fill muffin cups ¾ full.
 1 ½ c shredded carrots
 2 apples, peeled & chopped  Bake 350oF, 15-20 minutes.
 ½ c raisins or craisins
 1 c walnuts, chopped  Yields 15 medium muffins.
 ¾ c milk (soy)
 2 eggs, beaten  Freeze well, pull out as you need
 1 tsp vanilla them.
Momma’s (Modified) Pancakes
1 c. White whole wheat flour Combine dry ingredients.
3-4 Tbsp ground flaxmeal In a separate bowl beat egg
~¾ c. soy milk until fluffy. Add milk and
1 egg oil.
Add wet ingredients to the
½ tsp salt
dry. Mix until moistened.
1 Tbsp baking powder Add enough milk to reach
2 Tbsp sugar desired thickness.
2 Tbsp oil Pour ~1/4 c. of batter onto
hot griddle. Flip when
bubbles form in the center of
the pancake or the edges
start to look dry.
Serve with fresh fruit &
Berry Smoothie
1 cup nonfat plain Combine all ingredients in
yogurt a blender.
¼ cup freshly squeezed Blend until smooth &
OJ frothy.
½ cup frozen berries Pour into glasses & serve.
½ ripe banana
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Slice sweet potatoes, toss in olive oil, sprinkle w/
course salt, roast in 400 degree oven for ~20 minutes
& turn.
Experiment with a variety of spices such as Cajun,
cinnamon, rosemary, etc.
Raspberry Vinaigrette
½ cup raspberries Wisk ingredients in a
3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar small bowl.
Toss the dressing with the
1 Tbsp unsweetened
apple juice
1 tsp canola or olive oil
1 tsp honey or agave
Berry crisp
 Crisp  Preheat oven to 325.
 1/3 c. chopped toasted almonds
 1/3 c. chopped toasted pecans  Slice any berries that need it. Toss
 1/3 c. chopped toasted walnuts with syrup, cinnamon, & zest.
 1 c. oatmeal (quick cooking or regular) Spread in an 8 or 9 inch square
 3-4 Tbsp pure maple syrup baking dish.
 2 Tbsp wheat germ
 2 Tbsp whole wheat pastry flour or  Prepare the crisp. Spread over berry
unbleached all-purpose flour mixture.
 1 tsp cinnamon
 ½ tsp nutmeg  Bake 15-20 minutes or until the fruit
 ½ tsp pure vanilla extract is tender, bubbling around the
 Filling edges, & the crisp is lightly
 4 cups blackberries, blueberries,
strawberries, raspberries, or a mixture
of any of these  Serve with dollop of yogurt if
 2 Tbsp pure maple syrup desired.
 1 tsp ground cinnamon
 1 tsp lemon or lime zest
 16 oz. nonfat regular or frozen vanilla
yogurt for topping
Dried Apricot & Cranberry Compote with Apples
 1 ½ c dried apricots  In a small bowl, combine dried
 ¾ c dried cranberries, cherries, apricots & cranberries. Add enough
currents or raisins warm water to cover. Soak 30
 2 med. Apples, peeled, cored, & cut minutes. Drain & discard water.
into large pieces  Transfer to a medium sized
 ¼ c unsweetened apple juice saucepan. Add apples, apple juice,
brown sugar, & cinnamon stick.
 ¾ c light brown sugar Simmer covered over med. heat for
 ½ cinnamon stick 10-15 min. Uncover & simmer a few
 2 Tbsp julienned orange or lemon minutes longer breaking up the
zest fruit with a wooden spoon until
 Nonfat plain or vanilla yogurt or slightly thickened & chunky.
Remove cinnamon stick and set
frozen yogurt aside fruit to cool.
 Spoon the cooled, thickened fruit
into small bowls. Garnish with
cooled zest. Serve with a dollop of
yogurt if desired.
Breakfast Crisp
 Crisp  Preheat to 325.
 1/3 c chopped toasted almonds  Combine nuts, oats, syrup, wheat germ, flour,
 1/3 c chopped toasted pecans vanilla cinnamon & mace & toss to mix
 1/3 c chopped toasted walnuts evenly.
 1 c rolled oats  Filling – cut fruit slices into small pieces.
 3-4 Tbsp pure maple syrup Transfer to mixing bowl & add dried berries,
 2 Tbsp wheat germ cinnamon & mace. Add syrup & toss until
 2 Tbsp unbleached all-purpose flour
evenly mixed. Spread in a 8 in square baking
 ½ tsp pure vanilla extract
 Top with crisp topping
 ½ tsp cinnamon
 Bake 15-20 min or until fruit is tender & the
 ¼ tsp ground mace or nutmeg
top is lightly browned. Serve warm, tapped
 Filling with dollops of yogurt.
 3-4 pear, apples, peaches, or nectarine,
peeled, pitted, or cored & sliced
 ½ c dried berries, cherries, currents, or
 ½ tsp cinnamon
 ¼ tsp mace or nutmeg
 2 tsp pure maple syrup
 Topping
 Nonfat vanilla yogurt
 American Cancer Society. (2007). Nutrition & cancer. Retrieved March 5, 2010
from http://www.cancer.org/downloads/PRO/nutrition.pdf
 American Cancer Society. (2009). Cancer: Basic facts. Retrieved March 5, 2010
from http://www.cancer.org
 Environmental Working Group. (n.d.). Shopper’s guide to pesticides. Retrieved February
16, 2010 from http://www.foodnews.org/fulllist.php
 Genentech BioOncology. (2009). Critical questions in the science of VEGF and
angiogenesis. Retrieved March 1, 2010 from www.ResearchVEGF.com
 LifeMedMedia. (2010). The 10 best cooking oils for people with diabetes. Retrieved March 19, 2010
 Pratt M.D., S. G. & Matthews, K. (2004). SuperFoods Rx: Fourteen foods that
will change your life. HarperCollins Publishers Inc.: New York, NY.
 Servan-Schreiber MD, D. (2008). AntiCancer: A new way of life. Penguin Group
Inc.: New York, NY.
 University of Sydney. (n.d.) How to switch to a low GI diet. Retrieved March 3,
2010 from http://www.glycemicindex.com
 Useful Information. (2009). Quotations about food. Retrieved March 16th from

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