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10 Oct 2011

Countdown : 21 days


30 Oct 2011

Graduation Dinner
Graduation Dinner is the climax of a dream
A parental dream that began when a child is born,
And their hope come true it would seem,
A triumph held after periods of forlorn,
A feeling of pride and euphoria years away
For a daughter or son Graduation Night.
It is a peak of success for our little joy,
Not only for him/her but parents too.
A joyful event after many years they had to wait,
Realizing the glorious thrill of a dream come true,
A genuine smile accompanied by a deep sigh,
Often a handkerchief in hand as the class goes by.
Graduation is a deserving, hard earned goal
With mortarboard and gown as foretold,
A gratifying service of the mind and soul
In a simple and beautiful sheepskin told
That the graduate fulfilled the educational rule.
At last, for the mother and father, a dream come true.
Adapted based on Joseph T.

From the
Parent-Teacher joint Committee for Class 2011 Graduation Dinner
REALKids Plus Bukit Jelutong

14 Oct 2011
Countdown : 17 days


30 Oct 2011

A Graduation Night
May Graduation Night fill your heart
With feelings of accomplishments this day,
To bring you peace of mind and happiness
In every special way.
May the fond memories of REALKids Plus Bukit Jelutong days
Glow warmly in your beloved heart
Where the cherished classmates
Will forever play a vital part.
May Graduation Night be extra special
With elaborate decorations and show,
May the procession of elated Class 2011 REALKids students
Create glee and parent faces to glow.
May the ceremony for conferring graduation certificate,
The gifts and acknowledgements and flowers
Fill the night with pride and immense joy
And delightful and meaningful hours.
May those you love and respect surround you
To share your moments of glory this day,
May the accolades of Graduation Day
Come into your life to forever stay
Adapted based on Joseph T. Renaldi

From the
Parent-Teacher joint Committee for Class 2011 Graduation Dinner
REALKids Plus Bukit Jelutong

17 Oct 2011
Countdown : 14 days


30 Oct 2011

A Graduation Night
Is a long awaited night
For both parents and the Class 2011 REALKids student
Graduation Night
Is a night of dream come true
The dream of parents since the child has born.
The joy and the pride
The parents feelings would be wordless.
All their effort to provide their children
With the best has been successfully
Fulfilled and paid off.
It is a climax day of a child
All the faces will be bright with smiles
Hands will be holding tissues
To wipe away
Tears of joy will be flowing
The Class 2011 REALKids student will be showered
With bouquets of flowers
Well wishes and best wishes
A day to be remembered now and then.
Adapted based on Yuvarani Sani

From the
Parent-Teacher joint Committee for Class 2011 Graduation Dinner
REALKids Plus Bukit Jelutong

21 Oct 2011
Countdown : 10 days


30 Oct 2011

At their birth
they are like a jewel
Instills an innate mirth
An aura ringing a bell
As REALkids
They are creative
As they always bid
Arts quite perceptive
They mature
Make us, parents feel glad and proud
As they now stride
On the upcoming graduation installs
A gained triumphant pride
Flowing in us like waterfalls

From the
Parent-Teacher joint Committee for Class 2011 Graduation Dinner
REALKids Plus Bukit Jelutong

24 Oct 2011
Countdown : 7 days


30 Oct 2011

They almost made it !

A new life shall begin
It will be school time next year
There are tears and happiness
That fills the air
You can see in Her class mates
That some are happy and others are sad
They will be doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, name it ..
Life went fast
They are grown up now
Not a kid any more
We are all proud of them
They will finally say good bye to her teachers at the end of
the evening
And left that place forever ..

From the
Parent-Teacher joint Committee for Class 2011 Graduation Dinner
REALKids Plus Bukit Jelutong

28 Oct 2011
Countdown : 72 hours !


30 Oct 2011

And counting !!!!!

From the
Parent-Teacher joint Committee for Class 2011 Graduation Dinner
REALKids Plus Bukit Jelutong

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