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- Characters of innate immunity include:

a- 1st line of defense

b- Rapid defense
c- No memory cell
d- All of the above

- Innate immunity cells include:

a- macrophage
b- neutrophil
c- NK cells
d- All of the above

- Characters of adaptive immunity:

a- 2nd line of defense
b-delayed as response to infection
c- specific for microbes & antigen
d- All of the above

- Stem cells are:

a- undifferentiated (unspecialized) cells.
b- self-renewal.
c- have the capacity to differentiate into
specialized cell types.
d- All of the above

- The following are markers of B

lymphocytes except :
a- CD 19 & CD21
b- Fc receptor
c- CD4
d- class II MHC

- The following are markers of T

lymphocytes except :

a- CD 19 & CD21
b- CD 3
c- CD 4 or CD 8
d- T cell receptor (TCR)

- T lymphocytes recognize the following


a- Protein
b- lipid
c- polysaccharide
d- All of the above

- B lymphocytes recognize the following

antigen :

a- Protein
b- lipid
c- polysaccharide
d- All of the above

- The following are types of B

lymphocytes except:

a- nave B cell
b-plasma cell
c- memory cell
d- NK cell

- The following are functions of NK cells


a-Killing tumor cells.

b- Killing virus-infected cells.
c- Produce Il-4 which activate macrophages.
d- Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity

- Antigen Presenting Cells include the

following except :
a- Dendritic cells.
b- Macrophages.
c- T lymphocyte.
d- B lymphocytes.

- The following are properties of Fab


a- Contain whole light chain + VH + CH2.

b- 2 in number.
c- Part for Ag recognition.
d- Part for Ag binding.

- The following are properties of Fc except:

a- Tend to crystallize in solution

b- One in number
c- Contain remaining of both light chains C
d- Give effector & biological function of

- The following are properties of IgG


a-Cross the placenta

b- Dimer
c-Secondary immune response
d-Activate complement

- The following are properties of IgM:

a- Cross the placenta
b- Pentamer
c- Secondary immune response
d- Secretory antibody

- The following are properties of IgD:

a-Cross the placenta

b- Dimer
c-B cell receptor
d-Activate complement

- The following are properties of IgA:

a- Cross the placenta
b- Dimer
c- B cell receptor
d- Activate complement

- The following are properties of IgE:

a-Cross the placenta

b- Dimer
c- allergic reactions
d-Activate complement

- The following is true for primary immune

a- more rapid appearance of antibody,
b- greater amount.
c- IgM class.
d- remains detectable for months or years.

- The following is true for secondary

immune response exccept:

a- more rapid appearance of antibody.

b- greater amount.
c-IgG class.
d-remains detectable for few days.

- Class II MHC present antigen to:

a- Th (CD4)
b- NK
c-Tc (CD8)

- Class I MHC present antigen to:

a- Th (CD4)
b- NK
c-Tc (CD8)

- Class I MHC is present on the surface


a- Th (CD4)
b- NK
c- Tc (CD8)
d- All nucleated cell of the body

- ClassII MHC is present on the surface

a- Th (CD4)
b- dendretic cells
c-Tc (CD8)
d-All nucleated cell of the body

- The following are true for superantigen

a- Proteins produced by pathogens.
b- Processed by antigen presenting cells.
c- Intact protein binds to variable region of
chain on TCR of T cells.
d- They induce massive T cell activation

- The followings are organ specific

autoimmune disease except :
a- Hashimoto thyroiditis
b- Type I diabetes mellitus
c- Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
d- Rheumatoid arthritis

- Association between certain HLA types

and autoimmune diseases has been
noted such as:

a- HLA: B27
b- HLA: B9
c- HLA: B29
d- all of the above

- The following are theories of

autoimmunity except:
a- Sequestered antigen
b- Escape of auto-reactive clones
c- Lack of helper T cells
d- Cross reactive antigens:

- The following tissues contains

sequestered antigen except:

a- Testes
b- Thyroid
c- brain
d- eye

- Hyperacute graft rejection:

a- Occurs few days after transplantation.

b- It is due to new formed antibodies.
c- Antibodies react with antigens on vascular
endothelial cells and activate complement.
d- all of the above.

- Acute graft rejection:

a- Occurs few hours after transplantation.

b- It is due to preformed antibodies.
c- Grafts contain passenger leukocytes which
travel to the draining lymph nodes and activate
recipient T cells.
d- all of the above.

- Chronic graft rejection:

a- Occurs 10-20 after transplantation

b- It is due to preformed antibodies
c- Effectors are usually Th1 cells that
activate macrophages to cause tissue
injury and scarring
d- all of the above

- Graft-versus-host disease occurs in the

following conditions:

a- The host possess histocompitability antigens

that the graft lack
b- The graft contains immunologically
competent cells
c- The host is immunologically incompetent
d- all of the above

- T cell defects include:

a- Congenital absence or anomalies of the

b- E.g., Dsgeorge syndrome.
c- Presented with viral, fungal, or protozoal
d- all of the above

- All are false for stem cell defect except:

a- Severe combined immunodeficiency disease

b- E.g., Bruton's hypogammaglobulinaemia
c- affects T cell only.
d- E.g., Dsgeorge syndrome

- B cell defects include:

a- The infant develop repeated bacterial

b- E.g., Dsgeorge syndrome.
c- Presented with viral, fungal, or protozoal
d- Congenital absence or anomalies of the

- Secondary cellular acquired

Immunodeficiency occurs in:

a- Malnutrition
b- Infections (AIDS)
c- Malignancies as Hodjkin's disease.
d- all of the above

- The followings are Immunologic features of

tolerance except :
a- It is an active antigen-dependent
process in response to the antigen.
b- It is specific.
c- Maintenance of immunological
tolerance requires persistence of antigen.
d- It can exist in T-cells only.

- Inactivated (killed) vaccine include:

a- Salk polio vaccine
b- T.A.B. vaccine.
c- Koll's vaccine.
d- all of the above

- Attenuated (weakened) vaccine include:

a- Salk polio vaccine

b- T.A.B. vaccine.
c- BCG vaccine.
d- non of the above

- Advantages of whole virus attenuated vaccines

a- Can stimulate cellular as well as humoral
immune responses.
b- Can be given safely to immunosuppressed
c- The virus will not revert to its virulent form
and cause disease
d- non of the above

- The following vaccine has been developed

to pathogens whose polysaccharide
capsules protect them from phagocytosis:
a- Toxoid vaccines:
b- Conjugate vaccines
c- Peptide vaccines
d- non of the above

-The following vaccine has been developed in

which genes for desired antigens are
inserted into a vector e.g. plasmid
a- Toxoid vaccines:
b- Conjugate vaccines
c- Peptide vaccines
d- Recombinant vaccines

- The following are theories for tolerance

induction except:
a- Clonal deletion
b- Clonal anergy:
c- Clonal ignorance
d- lack of suppressor cells

- The following are general properties of

cytokines except:

a- stored in granules
b- Bind with specific receptor on target cell
c- Pleotropism
d- Redundancy

- Mediators and regulators of innate immunity

a- IL-4
b- IL-5
c- IL-1
d- non of the above

- Mediators and regulators of innate

immunity include the following

a- IL-4
b- IL-1
c- IL-12
d- Interferon IFN- and IFN-

- Mediators and regulators of adaptive

immunity include:

a- IL-4
b- IL-12
c- IL-1
d- non of the above

- Mediators and regulators of adaptive

immunity include the following except:
a- IL-4
b- IL-5
c- IL-1
d- IFN-

- The following are Mechanisms of action of

adjuvants except:
a- Prolong retention of the immunogen
b- Increase the size of immunogen
c- Stimulate the influx of macrophages
and other immune cells to the injection
d- decrease local cytokine production

- The following are Methods of

immunosuppression except:

a- Cyclosporine & tacrolimus

b- Corticosteroids
c- Aluminium salts
d- Anti-IL2 receptor antibody

- The following are Indications of

immunosuppression except:

a- Hypersensitivity responses.
b- Autoimmune disease.
c-Dsgeorge syndrome.
c- After transplantation to prevent

- The following are Adjuvant except:

a- Virosomes
b- squalene
c- Aluminium salts
d- Anti-IL2 receptor antibody

- The primary immune response include the


a- there is a lag of several days (10 days) before

specific antibody becomes detectable.
b- the antibody is IgM
c- After a short time, the antibody level declines.
d- all of the above

- The secondery immune response include

the following:

a- there is more rapid appearance of antibody.

b- the antibody is IgG
c- remains detectable for months or years.
d- all of the above

- The following vaccines are given at the

4th month in Egypt except.
a- Sabin
b- DPT
c- Measles
d- Hepatitis B

- The following vaccine are given at the

9th month in Egypt.

a- BCG
b- DPT
c- Measles
d- Hepatitis B

- The following vaccines are contraindicated

during pregnancy except.
a- Measles
b- Mumps
c- Rubella
d- Diphteria

- Cancer results from several sequential

events, including:

a- Genetic predisposition
b- Transformation by viruses
c- Environmental mutagens such as radiation
and chemicals
d- Tumor promoters.
e- all of the above

- Evidence for immune reactivity to tumors

include the followings exccept:

a- Tumors with severe lympho-reticular infiltration

have a lower prognosis.
b- Certain tumors regress spontaneously
c- There is an increased incidence of primary and
secondary malignancies in immunodeficient
d- Antibodies and immune T lymphocytes have been
detected in patients with tumors.

- The mechanism of action of type I

hypersensitivity involves:

production of IgE, in response to certain antigens.

production of IgG, in response to certain antigens.
production of IgM, in response to certain antigens.
production of IgA, in response to certain antigens.

- Diagnostic tests for immediate

hypersensitivity involve:

Skin (prick and intradermal) tests.

Measurement of Total IgE by ELISA.
Measurement of specific IgE antibodies by
All of the above.

- Treatment of type I hypersensitivity

involve the following EXCEPT:
a- Avoidance of exposure.
b- Symptomatic treatment.
c- Immunotherapy.
d- Radiation

- In type III hypersensitivity, Soluble Agantibody complexes are deposited on the

vascular basement membrane and

a- C5a.
b- C1
c- C5b
d- C3b

- Serum sickness in an example of:

a- Hypersensitivity I
b- Hypersensitivity II
c- Hypersensitivity III
d- Hypersensitivity IV

- atopic dermatitis is an example of:

a- Hypersensitivity I
b- Hypersensitivity II
c- Hypersensitivity III
d- Hypersensitivity IV

- Erythroblastosis foetalis is example of:

a- Hypersensitivity I
b- Hypersensitivity II
c- Hypersensitivity III
d- Hypersensitivity IV

- Arthus reaction is an example of:

a- Hypersensitivity I
b- Hypersensitivity II
c- Hypersensitivity III
d- Hypersensitivity IV

- Which one of the following explain


a- Clonal deletion
b- Escape of auto reactive T cells
c- Hypersensitivity I
d- Immuno suppression

- Which cell decreases with AIDS:

a- CD 4
b- CD 8
c- plasma cell
d- B cell

- B-cell defects include the followings:

a- account for 50 to 60% of primary
b- predisposing to infections with
encapsulated gram-positive bacteria.
c- The most common B-cell disorder is
selective IgA deficiency.
d- all of the above.

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