History of Agrarian Reform in The Philippines

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Mataya, Marie Louise Therese B.
Reyes, Marlisa N.

Pre-Spanish Era (before 16th century)

What was the type of land ownership during the pre-Spanish time?

Land was commonly owned by the community known as barangay. This is a

small unit of government consisting of 30-100 families administered by the
Everyone in the barangay regardless of status had access on the land and
mutually shares resources and the fruits of their labor.
They believed in and practiced the concept of stewardship where
between man and nature is important.

What was the system of land cultivation during this time?

Land cultivation was done commonly by kaingin system or the slash and burn
method wherein land was cleared by burning the bushes before planting the
crops or either land was plowed and harrowed before planting.

What was the economic system during this period?

Food production was intended for family consumption only. Later, neighboring
communities where engaged in a barter trade, exchanging their goods with
others. Some even traded their agricultural products with luxury items of some
foreign traders like Chinese, Arabs and Europeans.

Was leasing and selling of lands exercised during this period?

The Maragtas Code seems to be the only recorded transaction of land

during this time. This tells us about the selling of the Panay Island by the
natives to the ten Bornean datus in exchange of a golden salakot and a
gold necklace.
Although the Code of Luwaran was one of the oldest written laws of the
Muslim society which contains provision on the lease of cultivated lands,
was no record how this lease arrangement was practiced.

Spanish Era (1521-1898)

What was the system of land cultivation at this period?

The colonial government at this period introduced a pueblo agriculture, a

system wherein native rural communities were organized into pueblo and
Christianized native family is given a four to five hectares of land to
The pueblo agriculture practiced no share cropper class or landless class.

Were the native families allowed to own a land?

No. The native families were merely landholders and not landowners. By law,
the land assigned to them was the property of the Spanish King where they pay
their colonial tributes to the Spanish authorities in the form of agricultural
products they produced.

How did agricultural tenancy originate?

Through the Laws of the Indies, the Spanish crown awarded vast tracts of land
to wit:
a.) Friar lands for the religious orders;

b.) Repartiamentos for lands granted to the Spanish military as a reward

for their
service; and
c.) Encomienda a large tracts of land given to Spaniards (encomiendero) t o
manage and have the right to receive tributes from the natives tilling it.
Natives within these areas became mere tillers working for a share of
They did not even have any rights to the land.

What laws required the registration of properties/agricultural lands?

The Ley Hipotecaria or the Mortgage Law of 1893 provided the systematic
registration of titles and deeds as well as ownership claims. This law was
a law on registration of properties rather than a mortgage law.
The Maura Law or Royal Decree of 1894 was the last Spanish Land Law
promulgated in the Philippines. Farmers and landholders were given one
year to
register their agricultural lands to avoid declaration of it as a state property.

Philippine Revolutionary Government


Four classes of Estate-Proprietors

1. Religious Orders
2. Spanish Officials and proprietors
3. Mestizos
4. The Principalia (ruling class)

American Rule (1898-1935)

Land-Related Laws that the U.S. Government introduced to the country:

1. The Land Registration Act of 1902

2. The Public Land Act of 1903
3. The Cadastral Act of 1903
4. The Friar Lands Act of 1904

Commonwealth Era (1935-1946)

President Manuel Luis Quezon implemented the Rice Share Tenancy

Act of 1933 (Act No. 4054). Its purpose was to regulate the sharetenancy contracts by establishing minimum standards.


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