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Amy Fraser

Enzyme inhibitors are molecules that interfere with a working enzyme by
decreasing the rate at which an enzyme catalysed reaction works.
The interference of enzyme inhibitors prevent enzymes from working
normally in some way.
There are several types of inhibitors, nonspecific, irreversible, reversible competitive and non competitive

These work in a way which stops the enzyme and
substrate forming an enzyme-substrate complex.
This works because Competitive Enzyme inhibitors
have a similar shape to that of the substrate
The inhibitors fit perfectly into the active site of
the enzyme, but do not react or change because
they do not have the same structure as a
substrate. This decreases the rate of reaction as
fewer substrate molecules can bind to the
enzyme, hence the rate of reaction is less.
The Competitive inhibitors eventually leave the
enzyme so therefore they are temporary. As the
substrate and inhibitors are competing for a place
in the enzyme, the level of inhibition does depend
on the concentrations of substrate and inhibitors.


Non competitive inhibitors prevents the
formation of enzyme-product complexes. They
work by stopping the substrate reacting to form
They usually bind to the Allosteric Site. This
way, the tertiary structure of the enzyme is
distorted so the enzyme cannot catalyse a
As they do not bind to the active site, they do
not compete for a place there, so they are not
affected by the concentration of substrate. Most
non competitive inhibitors are permanent and
irreversible and denature the enzymes they
bond to.
Others can be non permanent are reversible,
which are vital for control metabolic functions in
organisms. This helps the product to be made is
specific amounts needed for the organisms.

Lots of poisons work by preventing the action of enzymes that are involved in metabolic
processes. This then disturbs the organism as metabolic processes do not take place in the way
they should.

Potassium Cyanide


Irreversible inhibitors of Cytochrome

C Oxidase enzyme. This enzyme
takes part I the respiration reactions
inside cells.
If inhibited, ATP cannot be made
because oxygen in decreased.
Causes call to only be able to respire
anaerobically, resulting in a build up
of lactic acid, which can be fatal.

Affects by binding to the active site of

Succinate Dehydrogenase.
This causes it to be competing with
Succinate, which is very important for

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