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M U S I C V I D E O A N A LY S I S - 6 F R A M E


F RA M E 1

This scene was one of the scenes that inspired our beginning scene for
our music video. Here we see the boy and girl on a motor bike going
through a tunnel, connoting them starting a new journey. Similarly, we
filmed our protagonist Maryam, walking through a tunnel in the
beginning, then we see the whole video; then towards the end, we see
her walking out of the same tunnel. This shows that she has left her
past behind her and is starting a fresh phase of her life.

F RA M E 2

In this scene, we see the boy attempting to touch her then he moves his
hand away. From this, we can understand that he wants more from the
relationship they have, but he is unsure of the girls reaction.

F RA M E 3

Within this scene, we see the girl trying to get the boys attention. From
this, we can assume that she clearly wants to take things a step further

F RA M E 4

Within this scene, we see the girl mucking about and the boy looking at
her adoringly. The scene is located in a church where people go to pray
for their wishes to be fulfilled. From this, we can connote that the boy is
wishing for her to understand and accept the affection he has towards

F RA M E 5

In this scene, we see the girl and the boy messing about and the guy
making his first move. We see an aggressive look on her face showing it is
something she doesnt want to do. However in frame 3, it looked like she
wanted the same thing as the boy from their relationship. The way he has
her hands held down is like shes an animal and he is trying to tame her

F RA M E 6

Here we see her walk away connoting rejection. She clearly led the boy onto
believing that they could have something other than friends between them;
then she realises that its not what she wants and she walks away.

Very similarly, this video is mainly the message our music video is giving to
its audience. In our music video, Maryam leads Victor on then realises her
mistake and walks away after he makes his first move.

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