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Vision statement answers the question:

What do we want to become?

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-1

Clear vision
Provides foundation for comprehensive
mission statement

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-2

Vision & Mission

Vision statement developed first

Short preferably one sentence
Broad management involvement

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-3

Vision Statement
Atlanta Web Printers, Inc.

To be the first choice in the printed

communications business. The first
choice is the best choice, and being
the best is what Atlanta Web pledges
to work hard at being - every day!

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-4

Mission Statements
Mission statement answers the question:

What is our business?

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-5

Mission Statements
Mission Statement:
Enduring statement of purpose
Distinguishes one organization from
another in similar enterprises
Declaration of an organizations reason for
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-6

Mission Statements
Mission Statements
Reveal what an organization wants to be
and whom it wants to serve

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-7

Mission Statements
Mission Statements
Essential for effectively establishing
objectives and formulating strategies

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-8

Developing Vision & Mission

Clear mission is needed before
alternative strategies can be formulated
and implemented
Important to have as broad range of
participation as possible among
managers in developing the mission
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-9

Mission Statement
Atlanta Web Printers, Inc.
To make our clients feel welcome, appreciated, and
worthy of our best efforts in everything we do
each and every day
to be recognized as an exceptional leader in our
industry and community
to conduct all of our relationships with an emphasis
on long-term mutual success and satisfaction,
rather than short-term gain
to earn the trust and respect of all we work with as
being a Company of honesty, integrity, and
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-10

Mission Statement
Atlanta Web Printers, Inc.
1. To provide an environment of positive attitude and
action to accomplish our vision, by increasing
positive feedback and recognition at all levels of
the Company
2. to train and motivate our employees and to develop
cooperation and communication at all levels
3. to use our resources, knowledge, and experience
to create win/win relationships for our clients,
employees, suppliers, and shareholders in terms of
growing compensation, service, and value
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-11

Importance of Mission

Unanimity of purpose within the organization

Basis for allocating resources
Establish organizational climate
Focal point for direction
Translate objectives into work structure
Cost, time and performance parameters
assessed and controlled

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-12

Customer Orientation
A good mission statement reflects the
anticipations of customers.

Identify customer needs

Provide product/service to satisfy needs
AT&Ts mission focuses on communications, not
Exxons mission focuses on energy, not on oil
and gas
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-13

Social Policy & Mission

Managerial philosophy and thinking at the
highest levels in the organization reflect
social policy.

Affects development of vision & mission

Responsibilities to consumers,
environmentalists, minorities,
communities, & other groups
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-14

Social Policy & Mission

Social policy should be integrated in all

strategic-management activities.

Mission statement is an effective

instrument for conveying the social
responsibility of the firm.

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-15

Components of Mission
Components of mission and corresponding
questions to be answered:

Who are the firms customers?

Products or services:
What are the firm's major products or
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-16

Components of Mission

Geographically, where does the firm

Is the firm technologically current?

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-17

Components of Mission

Concern for survival, growth, and

Is the firm committed to growth and
financial soundness?

What are the basic beliefs, values,
aspirations, and ethical priorities of the
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-18

Components of Mission

What is the firms distinctive competence or major
competitive advantage?

Concern for public image:

Is the firm responsive to social, community, and
environmental concerns?

Concern for employees:

Are employees a valuable asset of the firm?
Fred R. David

Ch. 2-19

Importance of Vision & Mission

Although research results are mixed, firms with
formal mission statements
2X average return on shareholders equity
Positive relationship to organizational performance
30% higher return on certain financial measures

Fred R. David

Ch. 2-20

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