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Hazard Communication

& Chemical Safety

Based on OSHA

Hazard Communication
OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29
CFR 1910.1200 Right to Know went into
effect in November 1985. Often referred to as

OSHA has revised the Hazard Communication

Standard to be more in line with global
systems. The new Globally Harmonized
System (GHS) standardizes safety data sheets
and uses pictograms that can be understood
regardless of a persons native language.

Hazard Communication
The purpose of Hazcom is to ensure that
information concerning hazards associated
with the workplace is transmitted to

You, as an employee, have a Right to Know

about the hazards in your work area and
the potential effects of these hazards upon
your health and safety.

Hazard Communication
It may seem easy enough to expect chemicals
and physical hazards to be in labs, shops, and
maintenance areas, however hazards can also
be found in offices, classrooms, and other work
These may include:
Copier/printer toners
Dry erase cleaners
Cleaning chemicals
hazards in your work area and the potential
effects of these hazards upon your health and

We use many chemicals

Hazardous materials (chemical products) and
physical agents (radiation, lasers, vibration,
etc.) can be found anywhere. It has been
estimated that over a half million chemical
products are used by business and industry
every year. Some of these hazards pose little
danger to you, while others may be deadly.

Modern manufacturing would not be possible

without chemicals and processes. However, like
machinery or electrical equipment, you must
know how to use chemicals safely.

We use many chemicals

The first step in using chemicals and
processes safely is to recognize those
materials and processes that may be
hazardous to your health or physical

We use many chemicals

We want you to know how to use them safely
You will learn about

The Hazards of Chemicals

Our Written Program
How Chemicals are Labeled
Safe Use of Chemicals
Material Safety Data Sheets
Basic Procedures for Spills
Who you can ask for more information

Hazards of Chemicals
There are 2 basic types of chemical
Physical Hazards
Health Hazards
The first rule of Chemical safety is
"Know what you are working with
and how to protect yourself and

Physical Hazards
Chemicals are classified as having
Physical Hazards if they are

Compressed Gas
Combustible Liquids
Water Reactive

Physical Hazards
Some chemicals may be safe by
themselves, but become
dangerous when in contact
with other substances.

Chemicals with Physical

Used only by trained
Stored in a safe manner
Never mixed with other
chemicals unless by an
approved procedure

Health Hazards
Chemicals are classified as being a
health hazard if they:

Can cause cancer

Are poisonous (toxic)
Cause harm to your skin, internal
organs, or nervous system
Are corrosive - such as acids
Cause allergic reactions after repeated

Chemicals can enter the body

your lungs if you breath
fumes, mists or dust
your skin if liquid or dust
touches or spills on you
or splashes in your eyes
your mouth if you eat
after handling chemicals
accidental swallowing
of a chemical

Health Effects
Some chemicals
affect specific
organs such as
your kidneys,
reproductive or
nervous system.

Our Written Hazard

Communication Program
Written information on hazards
Lists Chemicals we use and their

System for ensuring chemicals are
Means to ensure we have an
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
for each chemical

Our Written Hazard

Communication Program
Lists who is responsible for the
Provides chemical specific safety
training methods
Tells you where to find chemical
safety information
You can see a the written program
by asking your supervisor

Our Written Hazard

Communication Program
Lists who is responsible for the
Provides chemical specific safety
training methods
Tells you where to find chemical
safety information
You can see a the written program
by asking your supervisor

Labeling of Chemicals
Chemical Labels provide
information on Identity,
Hazards and Safe Use
All chemical containers are
labeled by the
The company may place
additional labels on the

Labeling of Chemicals
OSHA has updated the requirements for labeling of
hazardous chemicals under its Hazcom Standard

As of June 1, 2015, all labels will be required to have:

Signal words
Hazard and precautionary statements
Product identifier
Supplier identification

Labeling of Chemicals

Labeling of Chemicals
If chemicals are placed in another
container, this new container must
have a a label placed on it.

All containers must be properly


Uniform Labeling
Our Company Uniform Labels are
used to ensure we have one
labeling system.
These may be placed on containers
when chemicals are delivered to us
or chemicals are transferred to
other containers

2 Basic Uniform Labels

HMIS - Hazardous Material Identification
NFPA - National Fire protection Association
Both types must identify the
chemical name and hazards

Uniform Labels
Pictures may be used to
identify hazards and
required protection
This Information may
also be on the
Manufacturers label

HMIS & NFPA labels are very

Both use colored boxes to identify
specific hazards
Numbers or codes in the boxes tell
you the hazard value
higher numbers = higher hazard

NFPA & HMIS Label Colors

Red - Fire Hazard
Blue - Health Hazard
Yellow - Reactivity Hazard explosive, unstable
White - Special Hazards - corrosive,
radioactive, water reactive, acid

HMIS Label..
Be able to quickly identify
the general hazard of any
material. Hazardous
Materials Information
System (HMIS) is one
method of labeling.
HMIS system identifies:
Health hazards
Flammability hazards
Physical hazards

NFPA Label..
The purpose of the NFPA
704 labeling system is to
provide a way of quickly
identifying the various fire
related hazardous
associated with a
particular material. The
NFPA 704 "diamond" is
commonly found on bulk
storage containers, but is
also widely used on
chemical containers and
MSDS sheets.

NFPA Flammability Codes

4 Materials that will rapidly or
completely vaporize at atmospheric
pressure and normal ambient
temperature, or that are readily
dispersed in air and that will burn
readily. Liquids with a flashpoint
below 73F and a boiling point
below 100F.

NFPA Flammability Codes

3 Liquids and solid that can be
ignited under almost all ambient
temperature conditions. Liquids
with a flashpoint below 73F and a
boiling point above 100F or liquids
with a flashpoint above 73F but
not exceeding 100F and a boiling
point below 100F.

NFPA Flammability Codes

2 Materials that must be moderately
heated or exposed to relatively
high ambient temperatures before
ignition can occur. Liquids with
flashpoint above 100F but not
exceeding 200F.

NFPA Flammability Codes

1 Materials that must be preheated
before ignition can occur. Liquids that
have a flashpoint above 200F.

0 Materials that will not burn.

NFPA Health Hazard Codes

4 Materials that on very
short exposure could
cause death or major
residual injury.

3 Materials that on short

exposure could cause
serious temporary or
residual injury.

NFPA Health Hazard Codes

2 Materials that on
intense or continued,
but not chronic
exposure could cause
incapacitation or
possible residual injury.

NFPA Health Hazard Codes

1 Materials that on exposure
would cause irritation but only
minor residual injury.
0 Materials that on exposure
under fire conditions would
offer no hazard beyond that of
ordinary combustible

NFPA Reactivity Hazard

4 Materials that in themselves are
readily capable of detonation or of
explosive decomposition or
reaction at normal temperatures
and pressures.

NFPA Reactivity Hazard

3 Materials that in themselves
are capable of detonation or
explosive decomposition or
reaction but require a
strong initiating source or
which must be heated under
confinement before
initiation or which react
explosively with water.

NFPA Reactivity Hazard

2 Materials that readily undergo
violent chemical change at elevated
temperatures and pressures or
which react violently with water or
which may form explosive mixtures
with water.

NFPA Reactivity Codes

1 Materials that in themselves are
normally stable, but which can
become unstable at elevated
temperatures and pressures.

NFPA Reactivity Codes

0 Materials that in themselves are
normally stable, even under fire
exposure conditions, and which are
not reactive with water.

NFPA Special Hazard

ACID = Acid Products
ALK = Alkali or Bases
COR = Corrosive Products
OX = Oxidizer
W =Reacts with water

What do I do
if there is no label or I cannot read
the label?
STOP - do not use the chemical
TELL your supervisor
READ the MSDS and have another
label put on the container

Chemicals can be safely used

you know the hazards and how to
protect yourself
they are used only for approved
they are stored properly
you use the correct personal
protective equipment

Chemicals can be safely used

you do not eat in areas where
chemicals are used

you wash immediately if you come

in contact with chemicals

Chemical Disposal
Each chemical and container must
be disposed of properly
No container is truly "empty"
unless properly cleaned
Follow MSDS requirements for
container disposal

Chemical Disposal
Recycle unused
Do not place hazardous
chemicals in normal
trash receptacles.
Do not pour
chemicals into sinks,
onto the ground or
in storm drains

Safe Storage
Store incompatible chemicals in
separate areas
Limit the amount of flammable
material to the minimum needed
Store flammable liquids in
approved flammable storage

Safe Storage
Store acids in separate flammable
storage lockers
Do not store chemicals in a
refrigerator used for food storage
Do not store food in refrigerators
used for chemical storage

In case of an emergency
Implement the proper Emergency
Action Plan
Evacuate people from the area
Isolate the area- keep other from
Turn off ignition and heat sources
Only trained employees are
permitted to clean up spills

Material Safety Data Sheets

Show chemical safety information
Each chemical has a separate MSDS
MSDS is written by the chemical
MSDS are kept in the workplace for
your use
If you can't find an MSDS, ask
your supervisor

Material Safety Data Sheets

are provided by the chemical manufacturer
to provide additional information
concerning safe use of the product.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Current Format

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

New format required by June 1, 2015

Each MSDS tells you

1. Common Name and Chemical
Name of the material
2. Name, address and phone number
of the manufacturer
3. Emergency phone numbers for
immediate hazard information
4. Date the MSDS was written

5. Hazardous ingredients
6. Physical & Health Hazards of the
7. Identification of chemical and
physical properties
8. First Aid / Emergency Information
9. Safe handling and use information

have specific hazard information on

Fire & Explosion

Chemical Reactions
Control Measures
Health Hazards
Spill & Leak Procedures


Fire & Explosion

Material Flash Point, autoignition temperature and
upper/lower flammability
Fire extinguishing agents
to be used
Fire fighting techniques
Any unusual fire or
explosive hazards

MSDS Reaction Information

Stability of Chemical..
Conditions and other materials
which can cause reactions with the
Dangerous substances that can
be produced when the chemical


Control Measures

Engineering Controls required for

safe product use
Personal protective equipment
required for use of product
Safe storage requirements and
Safe handling procedures

MSDS Health Hazards

Permissible Exposure and
Threshold Limits (PEL & TLV)
Symptoms of exposure
Routes of entry into the body
Medical conditions that can be
made worse by exposure
Cancer causing properties
Emergency & First Aid Procedures

MSDS Spill & Leak

Clean up techniques
Personal Protective Equipment to
be used during cleanup
Disposal of waste & cleanup

Protecting Yourself
Personal Protective

Equipment (PPE) may be

needed to protect yourself
from chemical hazards
Use the PPE our Company
has required for each
Check the PPE before use to
make sure it is not

Protecting Yourself
Use face shield and Goggles if
there is a splash hazard

Use the proper respirator for dusts,

mists and fumes

Protecting Yourself
Use the right gloves when handling
Properly clean and store your PPE
after use
Don't take PPE home - why risk
exposing your family?

Stay safe when using

Know what you are working with
Know where MSDS are located and
how to use them
Ask your supervisor if you have
Only trained employees may use

Stay Safe
Make sure all containers

are properly labeled

Use the proper protective
Store chemicals only in
approved areas
Immediately report leaks
and spills
Dispose of used chemicals
and containers properly


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