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Youth Power Taking INDIA


Date: 22-Aug-15
Project Submission by:
Mahendran Padmanaban
Kirti Trivedi
Bijo Mathew
Abey Mathew Joseph

Youth Power Taking INDIA Ahead.

India today is on the path to becoming the third largest economy in the world
after USA and China. India today has a population of about 1.15 billion. Our
country is a strong and free democracy and is enjoying an unprecedented
We live in a free country and this freedom is a gift of democracy to us. Our
constitutiongives us the right to freedom and most importantly to exercise
this freedom in an equitable manner. At the same time it is incumbent on the
part of the state to ensure that equality prevails in all sections of the society .
In India one of the roadblock for equality is Reservation System, Youths only
can change the nation by neglecting the existing reservation system.

Hungry for Change, young India should not favour for

Reservation System.

Youth Power Taking INDIA Ahead.

Youths started understanding that the reservation system only divides the
society leading to discrimination and conflicts between different sections. It is
oppressive and does not find its basis in casteism. It is actually the reverse of
a communal living.
Negativity of Caste based reservation system:

Reservation were improvised to eradicate the caste barrier, it has

somehow managed toenhance it.
Students in schools and colleges grow up with an inherent hate for the
backward classes because they "steal" their seats in reputed colleges.
The reservation system has decreased the number of inter-caste
marriages, people fear that this might threaten their reservation privileges.

How to remove this evil??

Free and Mandatory education for all children.

Create opportunity for students while learning.
Reservation should be based on their wealth and status.

Youth Power Taking INDIA Ahead.

Younger generation will remove reservation for backward class, instead they are bringing
revolutionary in education system from base level. Current generation goes down to the
rural areas educating them the recent updates, softwares etc
Youths understood that reservations are not for development, its for creating vote banks.
We need only merit based selections.
Now everyone understood that Reservation is murder of merit.
"Who is more in need of a quota? - A poor general caste
candidate or a rich SC/ST candidate?
Our youths started questioning the politicians.
Young India need to build certain minimum standards for each course stream (ability to
solve basic mathematical and logical problems) and anyone who is qualified should be able
to pursue that career choice.
Young professionals need to create 1000s of new tech institutions to help remove the
scarcity instead of fighting the wrong problem - how much percentage each community
should get. we make sure that all our smart students areconnected to the career choice of
their interest.

Once you ask the right question, we can look for the right

Youth Power Taking INDIA Ahead.

Kirti conclude this with better content.

All the best

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