Awareness and Procedure For RWH

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Rain Water Harvesting
 RWH means storing Rain water in
artificial / manmade reservoir ( tank )
In natural reservoirs such as Pond, aquifer and using
it as and when we need it as a source of water

 In short RWH is storing Rain water either in tank

above ground or bellow ground and using it as a
source of water
Following are the objectives of R.W.H
1) To use it as a source of water
(i) Drinking purpose
(ii) Non potable purpose such as flushing,
gardening , car washing ect.
(iii) To store it and use it for Horticulture and
agriculture purpose.

2) To recharge open well & bore well so as to

replenish the water used during entire year
3) To store it in pond, lake for either recharge of subsoil
/ aquifer or for to use it after monsoon

4) To control salt water intrusion in pond,lake,well,bore

well along coastal area.

5) To recharge subsoil / aquifer in cities so that local

level flooding is reduced or arrested particularly in

6) To improve quality of water.

Potential Of Rain Water
 Assuming annual average Rain fall as a 1000mm (1m)

 Each 1000 sqm of land will yield 1000 cum

or 10,00,000 liters of water.( one million liter )

 1000 cu.m is sufficient for 20 persons for entire year at 135 lpcd

 1000 cum is sufficient of about 70 person for entire year for

flushing purpose at 40 lpcd

 Assuming Cost of water supplied as 20 per cum We will be

loosing at Rs 20 per sqm of land or 20000per 1000 sqm of land
every year.
Importance of Rain Water Harvesting
 In a city normally tap and or bore well water is a source of

 Very few people are considering Rain water as a source of water

 Since Rain water has huge potential we should consider Rain

water as a 1st source of water and then go for other sources.
Quantification of
Rain Water Harvesting
 (i) Roof top (Terrace )of Building / Buildings and
 (ii) Open portion of plot

 Roof top area can be calculated from bldg drawing Hence quantification
of Roof top Rain water is possible

 If we know Rate of Infiltration then recharge quantity can be calculated

 If intake capacity of bore well is know to us then we can calculate

quantity of water used for recharge of bore well

 R.W.U.I. = Rain water Used during year

Total Rain fall during year
Procedure for Roof top (Terrace ) Rainwater
 Calculate the Available roof top or terrace area

 Annual average Rainfall & No of Rainy days

 Daily requirement of water for non potable use such as flushing ,

Gardening, Car washing etc.

 Position of Rain Water down take pipes.

Use of Rainwater
for Non Potable Purpose

(1) Jamanabai Narsi school at Juhu Mumbai

Roof Top area = 8,00 sqm
Daily requirement = 40,000 liter
Rain water Storage tank capacity provided = 1,00,000

This storage capacity is sufficient to collect 120mm of rain fall & is

sufficient for 2 ½ day flushing water requirement.

Total Rainwater available for use 8,00 X 2 X0.70

= 1,120 cum
(2) 10th Kheth wadi Mumbai
Roof Top 110 sqm
Total Flats 54 Daily flushing water Requirement 10,800 liter
Rain water Storage tank capacity 10,000 liters
This storage capacity is sufficient to collect 90 mm Rainfall & is
sufficient for one day.
Total Rain water available 110 X 2 X 0.70 = 154 cu.m

CIPLA LTD. Vikoril (West ) Mumbai

Roof top 1170 sq mt
Flushing water requirement 75,000 liters
Rain water Storage tank capacity 2,00,000 liters
This storage capacity sufficient to store 170mm Rainfall & is sufficient
of 2 ½ days, Total Rain Water available
1,170 X 2 X 0.70 = 1,638 cu.m
Capacity of Roof Top
Rain Water Storage Tank
Hence capacity of Rainwater storage tank should be
either 5 times flushing daily (non potable) water


capacity should be sufficient to collect 100 mm Rainfall

over Roof top.
( Minimum tank capacity should be 10,000 liters so as
to accommodate one tanker of water )

 By using 100 micron Geo textile

 Uni tech filter having ‘v’ wire technology

 Rainy Filters ( F.R.H. system Banglore )

 Jonsan V wire filter

On Line Filters
Recharge of Subsoil Groundwater
 For Rain fall over open portion of plot following options are
available for R W H
(i) Recharge of subsoil
(ii) Recharge of Aquifer
(iii) Recharge of bore well

 For recharge of subsoil we will have to carry out infiltration test

 Trial Pit Methods
 Double Ring Infiltro meter
 For recharge of Aquifer we will have to carry out packer
permeability test
 For recharge of bore well we will have to carry out pumping test
Recharge of Subsoil
Infiltration Test
 The percolation rate is observed at site by developing /
constructing a trial pit of size 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.5m.
 The pit is filled with locally available graded material. Here It is
necessary to stimulate the same physical condition which may
occur during rainy seasons.
 Hence percolation rate is observed during a small dry spell after
a long monsoon rains say two to three days or more.
 After 2 or 3 days of rains the sub soil will be sufficiently
saturated, and the percolation rate observed will be more
realistic, than one observed during pre monsoon period,
 This observed rate is a reasonable basis to calculate the number
of pits required to percolate , after knowing the area from which
water is collected.
Recharge of Subsoil
Infiltration Test
Double Ring Infiltro meter
 It is a another simple method for finding out permeability of soil.
( flow rate of water into ground ) Instrument consist of 2
concentric ring with outer ring having dia of 30 can and inner
ring having dia of 15 cm . (or outer 60 cm & Inner 30 cm )
Height of each Ring is 30 cm The two rings are driven partially
in to soil ( say 10 cm inside the soil ) so that rings stands
vertically on their own

 First outer ring is filled up with water and then Inner ring is filled
up with water The water level in both ring is maintained either
manually or with instruments till steady downward rate is
observed. This steady rate will indicate the Infiltration rate of
that soil.
Options to recharge subsoil
 Percolation pit

 Percolation pit with bore

 Percolation pit along SWD

 Percolation pit with bore along with SWD

Recharge of Bore well
( Pumping Test )
 Water is pumped out from bore well for 2 to 3 hours with known
pumping rate.

 While pumping water level is recorded from start every 15

minute till we stop pumping

 After we stop pumping water level is again recorded every 15

minute till it attains original level

 From above data we can calculate in take capacity of bore well.

( Artificial recharge )
 Roof top ( Terrace ) water to be used for direct
recharge after proper care such as system having first
flush & filter arrangement.

 Run off water contains organic matter, fecal matter,

pesticide residue and dissolved fertilizer are potential
source of contamination.

 Hence quality of water should be comparable to that

of Drinking water.
Natural Recharge
 In case of natural recharge of aquifer by Rainfall &
surface runoff it passes through certain depth of soil
cover, before it reaches the aquifer. Here ground
water recharge takes advantage of subsoil’s natural
ability for biodegradation and filtration, there by
providing in situ treatment of surface runoff. This soil
cover acts as a purifier.
 Hence following methods are used
 i) A farm pond ( 10m X 6mX 3m ) at a distance of 2m

from open well or bore well

 ii) Circular trench around bore well or well at distance

of 2m away & filled up with graded material.
Utilization of Surface Runoff
 For Rain Water Harvesting of surface Runoff in layout having
area more the 10000 sq.m., provide pond having 5% area and 3
m average depth. Then pond will have capacity to store 500x
3= 1500 cu.m.
 Helps in reducing flooding of adjoining road
 At S.H. Kelkar & Co. At their factory at panvel:
We have developed pond having 50 m dia and 3 m average
depth, to collect part surface runoff from 22 Area of land
( 88000 sq m ). The capacity of Tank. is 5891.25 cu.m.
Operation and Maintenance
 Special instructions to be given to the members of society /
occupants to keep the terrace of Bldg clean ( Terrace should not be
allowed by society to its member to any family function )
 Filter to be used as per instructions of manufacturer
 Necessary precautions to be taken to avoid mosquito breeding.
 Simple periodic chlorination or use of lime in the flushing tank for
disinfection is to carried out.
 Filter media and nylon net should be cleaned periodically to obtain
proper result.
 Water should not be allowed to stagnate in the collection or
percolation pit.
 Drain the R.W.H tank completely and clean from inside thoroughly
before every monsoon.
 I Think with this we can defiantly achieve
substantial RWH


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