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Bissu is the pastor who does not have a

gender group in the traditional beliefs held by
the community Tolotang Amparita Sidrap in
Bugis society of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

There is also another term bissu, Bissu word

is derived from the word mabessi in Bugis,
which means clean or pure, because it has
no breasts and no menstruation. As the
implementation of the holy interpretation,
they should not be dating, married, and a
desire to get rid of her sexuality.

While some people say that the same Bissu

with transsexual / transvestite. In the Bugis
language called calabai or Kawe-Kawe which
means transgender (female-male,
hermaphrodite). To be Bissu the calabai must
pass through the selection and special
ceremonies. Not all transgender can be Bissu,
but all transvestites have a chance to be
Bissu, to have the talent and grace or call the
heart of the gods. Basically all Bissu is
transgender (calabai in Bugis).

No one knows for sure where the first appearance

bissu tradition. But the history of the origin can
be traced bissu using existing data in the book La
Galigo. In this book it is said that the existence of
Bissu in human history is considered
contemporaneous with the birth Bugis itself.
When Batara Guru as a human in sure'La Galigo
Bugis, down to earth from the world over
(botinglangik) and met with the queen We Nyili
Timo derived from the underworld (borikliung), in
conjunction with the first down is also a Bissu
named Lae- lae as complement the presence of
the ancestors of the Bugis people.

At this time, the group whose numbers bissu

increasingly degenerate even can be said almost
extinct, scattered in several areas in South
Sulawesi, like the one in Wajo, Bone, Soppeng,
Luwu, and Pangkep.
One area in Wajo who still have bissu group is the
District Pammana Wajo.

Bissu act as a liaison between humans

and gods as to communicate with the
gods must use the language or languages
torilangi sky. This language is also known
as the actual bissu language is the
language of the ancient Bugis. Tasks
involving bissu include marriage, birth,
inauguration of the king, and welcome
distinguished guests, mappalili, chanting
mantras commonly referred to Mattesu

Bissu leader called Angkuru Cua deputy

Angkuru Lolo

Bissu in a ceremony

Bissu being mappadendang The menumbuk

lesung dance

Bissu in the datu Pammana inauguration

40th in 2004

Similar Alameng long machete is heirlooms

Pammana kingdom. In the days of empire is
treated by bissu objects and to clean or purify
by bissu.

Bissu showed kekebalan tubuhnya

The Sere Lolusu dance as dance reception.

Bissu dancers holding loluso that looks like a
pipe and there is a chicken head at one end.
This could also dance as a pick-up while
inducting bissu.
This dance also called sere bissu.

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