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Story Board: Twisted Shot One Duration: Six Seconds Long shot ‘Actress walking down the corridor. Non-Diegetic sound. in the background. Duration: Three seconds Mid shot Persons perspective Actress runs to pick up book. Diegetic sound. Dialogue. Story Board: Twisted Shot Three Duration: Two seconds Close up Actress picking up the book. == Non Digetic sound of Score music in the back background. Page No.2 Shot Four Duration: Two seconds Close up Actress hands the book over to. the women. Shot Five Duration : Three seconds Mid shot and Two shot ‘Actress in wheel chair holding the other actresses hand Digetic sound. Dialogue Shot Six Duration: One second Mid Close up Actress look at watch to see the time Diegetic sound. Dialogue Story Board: Twisted Ill \ ne teh RA Shot Seven Shot Eight Duration: Two seconds Duration: One seconds Two shot Two Shot The actress continues to push the The actress pushing the women down the corridor. Non-Diegetic sound, women. Non-Diegetic sound. Score the background.

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