What Makes A Good Trainer

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What makes a good trainer?

Amanda Chin (2971)

Environmental Health Safety

noun [U] UK /tre.n/ US
B1 theprocessoflearningtheskillsyouneedtodoaparticularjoboractivity:
a training course
a teacher-training college
New staff have/receive a week's training in how to use the system.
toexercisea lot andeatparticularfoodinordertoprepare yourself for a
to be ausefulexperiencethat will behelpfulwhen doing a particularthing in
His experience as a teacher was good training for parenthood.

..is a form of communication
Hence rules that you apply for good communication, applies to training too.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

#1 Who are you
Golden rule of trainings.
You are identified as an expert.
Lifeline of the training (Knowing the content).
Knowing the audience forms the backbone.
All the strategies that you devise to train depend on your understanding of the audience.

Ask them to introduce themselves
Describe the reason what motivates them to attend the training.
Bottom-line, if you dont know the profile of the audience simply do not proceed.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

#2 Humor adds LIFE to
Keeps your audience awake
your training
A good joke cracked at the right time rejuvenates the whole environment.
Though there are certain precautions to be taken on this humor driven communication (Will probably have a
separate post for that subject).

To increase the retention period of the topic.

For example talking about the best practices, rather than telling whats wrong and whats right; can you pull a
joke of what will happen if something is blindly followed?

Creating a parody in the right way too makes a person remember.

Bottom line Humor is important; it has to be timely, healthy and relevant.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

#3 Good Training is all
Training is an important activity but getting trained is not so exciting. Why? Because most of the
times it is passive. Engagement
People sit there listening to the trainer (Some even fall asleep
with eyes wide open, I dont know exactly how that is done).
So first changetherules.Change the way the training is done. Engage them in every section of
training, ask them questions, answer there queries in different ways.
Push them to think new things.
Maintain eye contact
Rehearse the whole presentation
Actively listen
Move slides
Use the whole area
Bottom line Engagement is not a good to have quality its a compulsion.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

#4 Show them the Real
Try to answer this tough question, what is more interesting watching Fast and Furious or
understanding a new business process that your team has to comply to?

Qualities of A Good Trainer

#4 Show them the Real
Well that was easy. Thats what happens. If the audience understands the importance of the
training and still is not active, the blame is on you. Try to create a Jurassic Park!

Derive maximum examples as possible. Try to articulate the concepts to which the audiences
connect. Tell stories, Create scenes, make relative analogies. That way you make the content
easier to absorb.
Bottom line if you draw pictures in their minds you ensure that they retain content.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

#5 Ask the Right Question
As trainers we are very much engrossed in answering the questions.
Resolving doubts. Is that really required?
Understand this which concept would be retained more in the minds of the audience, the one
which you answer or the one they understand? Thats a tricky question of course.
I believe making the audience derive an answer by themselves will make them have a connect
with it. Finally they have derived the answer.
How that is done? I tend to cross question the one who raises a doubt. While answering my
cross questions I lead the person to derive answer to his question. That way not only he
understands the concept far better, even I win an image of an expert for myself (whether I am or
not? that really doesnt matter).
Bottom line, its not about the right answer, its about the right question.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

#6 Finally
There are a heck lot of more tips that are buzzing around the internet, but lets put it to the part two
of this training. Next time when we discuss this topic we would probably have tips as one liners and
try to compile as much relevant tips as possible.
Up until then, what about your training experience, do you feel bored in some types of trainings.
Have you been a trainer?
How will you rejuvenate trainings in that case?

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
It is expected
that as a
Trainer, here
are some
top 10
trainer you know a lot about some things and be
a subject matter expert in your area of

specialization. But it is also important to know a

little about many things. Having a wider view of
life makes the difference between a good and a
great trainer.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
Be are
trait of
all good
trainers is that they are always curious and
wanting to learn. In addition, super trainers are

not afraid of learning from their learners!

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
are some
Be accepting:As
a trainer,top
you are10
likely to
have a wide variety of participants who don't
always learn in the same ways or at the same

speed. Accept and embrace the differences and

leverage the opportunities presented by

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
are some
Be patient:Practice
perfect 10
and for a
trainer patience makes super. It takes a lot of
patience to teach and train others.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
Be aare
role model:It
is one
thing 10
to teach
someone and another thing to follow what you
teach! A super trainer always walks the talk.

You have to practice what you preach and

become a role model for your trainees.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
some top
Be aare
training 10
is about
listening rather than talking. We have 2 ears
and 1 mouth, not vice versa :) A super trainer is

always ready to listen - sometimes even listen

things that are not being said.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
are some
Be challenging:
A super trainer
has to
ample opportunities for trainees to feel
challenged. Life is never boring with a super

trainer around. There is something new waiting


Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
are some
When you are
a super
the show must go on. A good training always
involves feelings and emotions. Humor and

entertainment go a long way in making a


Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here
are some
super trainers
are passionate
about their area of expertise and about teaching
others. There is a certain degree of positive

trainers. Remember, only passionate trainers

Qualities of A Good Trainer

If you are Good Trainer but
aspire to become a SUPER
Trainer, here Be
10you must
a super
aspire to inspire. Every conversation with your
learners is an opportunity to train and impact


others in a positive way. Seize that opportunity

and inspire your learners to do the impossible.

Qualities of A Good Trainer

"The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires."
- William Arthur Ward

Qualities of A Good Trainer

Thank you!

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